Meet the Consultant

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Annette Presley


I am a registered and licensed dietitian of over 30 years. About 14 years in, I discovered the advice I was supposed to give out on saturated fat and cholesterol was actually contributing to chronic disease and obesity, so I changed course and studied functional nutrition and nutrigenomics. Now I have the RCP under my belt which pretty much renders everything else I’ve learned obsolete. The RCP is a total game changer and by far the best training I’ve had that will truly help me change lives for my clients. I am also a certified Theta Healer which is an energy healing modality that helps people identify limiting beliefs from past traumas or emotional burdens and any unforgiveness towards themselves, others, and God and then we go directly to God to change it. Nutrition can only go so far, we have to also take care of the emotional aspects of well being. I had to defend my credentials in 2008 for telling people to eat butter instead of margarine and that was quite an eye opening experience into the workings of our healthcare system. My deep passion is to change the way we do healthcare, especially for women, so that it serves us and makes us well instead of making us sicker.

Company Name: Revived Woman

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