Morley’s book is here!

Get ready to dive deeper into the root cause of fatigue in this power-packed resource. In these pages, Morley Robbins shares how to cure your fatigue using a tried and tested protocol that addresses the root cause of fatigue, rather than merely masking the symptoms.
Backed by science, this book is designed to help you feel better by learning how to balance 3 key minerals and 1 protein. The goal of this book is to help you to reclaim your health, so that you too can be just like the success stories that fill these pages.

For any questions about the book or for additional resources, please click here.


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Disclosure: This link is an affiliate link, meaning, at no additional cost to you, we will earn a commission if you click-through and make a purchase. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.




Great book to go into detail in the cellular system. Great book to dig into more how our bodies use minerals and what our is dependent on certain minerals to work. 

Amazon User: Mike T.

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Must read. Your mind will be blowed, forever 

Amazon User: Manuela

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I was able to implement the recommendations almost immediately thanks to Amazon. The whole food supplements made sense and I realised this book gives me the missing parts of the puzzle. My fatigue wasn’t chronic, I just felt tired some of the time. Regular magnesium is key as I always feel depleted after stress. Magnesium is helping me recover a lot quicker.

Amazon User: EA

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A wonderful book. This is a fascinating read, and I am noticing an improvement to my energy levels even within days of implementing some of its recommendations.

Amazon User: Robert Cooney

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The best book on mineral dynamics you’ll ever read! I stumbled upon Morley Robbins work as Naturopathic student back in 2015 in pursuit of my own health related challenges and as part of my training. What I would learn from Morley over the next 6-7 years would not only change my own health and perspective about western disease, but completely reshape the way I practice. I have successfully implemented the RCP on numerous patients and seen nothing but amazing results. What I love most about it is how ancestrally focused it is, how grounded in common sense it is and how much it resonates with every person you teach it to. An amazing read and I look forward to his next piece of work

Amazon User: Dan Sipple

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Doctors treat symptoms, Morley looks for the problem. To DOCTORS you are just another number with symptoms to treat. With Morley you are a person who is suffering with physical and emotional pain and he wants to HELP you find the ROOT CAUSE and treat the PROBLEM. The doctors visits, the never ending medicine, the searching, wishing, waiting and hoping for a solution are FINALLY OVER. Give this book a chance, and open your mind and body to REAL solutions for the everyday pain and problems you are having. He is here to HELP you understand what’s going on inside your body, and most importantly he wants you to GET WELL! You are no longer just a NUMBER, there is no symptom to TREAT; You are a person who wants ANSWERS, and he is here to HELP you find them!!

Amazon User: Leon Guidry

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I wish my PCP would read it. This is a great book with loads of information on true energy production. I wish my PCP would read it.

Amazon User: Joel.

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Gratitude is due to Morley Robbins for his transformative work in this exceptional book. For those seeking answers to underlying health concerns, this is the definitive resource you need. Robbins presents a profound, evidence-based perspective, driven by his deep commitment to sharing knowledge. His decades of rigorous research are evident throughout the book, showcasing his expertise and dedication.

This book challenges conventional understandings of health, introducing innovative concepts and protocols that can lead to a more balanced and healthier life. If you are considering whether to purchase this book, I highly recommend it. You will find a wealth of invaluable knowledge within its pages.”

Amazon User: Jenny B.

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Filled with information, which means it can be a dense read at times however it’s incredibly interesting how so many ailments we struggle with can be looped back to the same cause.

Goodreads User: Francais O.

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I recently had my first blood test as was recommended by a naturopath I was seeing, and the results my doctor gave me “low iron, low vit c, low ferritin” really surprised me, and his response was you should get an iron infusion or take iron supplements. Unfortunately my naturopath agreed. Well luckily, the day I was reluctantly about to order some supplements I discovered Morley (the universe works in magical ways!) and his take on iron, and how the body works made so much more sense to me than what my health practitioners had been programmed to tell me. This book is full of scientific proof that we are all wrong about Iron and vitamin D deficiency, what we really need is bio-available copper and other things such as magnesium, whole food vitamin c etc. I am slowly adopting some of the starts recommended in the Root Cause Protocol and am excited to see what happens. Although I am a little sceptical about the amount of animal products he recommends consuming (I have been vegan for 15 years), I am willing to experiment with adding some of these high copper based nutrients and see what the results are.

Amazon User: Anonymous

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A great summary of RCP. I loved the detail Morley goes into for the reasoning behind the RCP

Amazon User: Eva J.

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This book gets 5 stars because it is full of geniune research and practical advice on how to take control of your health, especially anyone managing CFS/FMS/ME illness..This is a reference book for full recovery.

Amazon User: Chris S.

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Very easy to read and clear steps for improving your health…. I found this book extremely informative and very clear in outlining the steps to take to improve one’s health. I have been interested in and reading health books for a long time and this together with Carolyn Dean’s The Magnesium Miracle are among the best. The resources listed and links to updated online resources are very helpful in building one’s knowledge and understanding.

Amazon User: Martin P.

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Reading this book will give you an in depth understanding on the real reasons why your health and the health of your loved ones is not optimal. Morley summarises years of research on minerals and metabolism into a (mostly) easy to understand format. I have gifted this book to many friends and family, including those that are very conventional in their understanding of medicine and health, and they have all been more open to different ways of thinking after reading it. My own health has improved dramatically after implementing the Root Cause Protocol which is outlined in the book – I couldn’t recommended it more highly. 

Amazon User: Emma K.

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Fabulous Read! I am feeling so much better after following recommendations made in this book. Morley’s book is packed with great information and is backed by research and studies rather than just opinion. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to take control of their health and understand the real root cause of their issues. 

Amazon User: Anonymous

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Excellent read! This book is outstanding. The information provided in this book has helped me on the road to better health.

Amazon User: Terretta

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Important information that everyone should know. This book is so fascinating, it is jam packed with science that most of us have never heard of. It will change the way you look at your heath and the healthcare industry. It’s easy to read and understand, while still being completely backed with scientific studies. This book will open your mind and get you started on the right foot towards living a healthier lifestyle. In addition to all this the author is available to answer any questions you have personally! How many books can you say that about?

Amazon User: Sarah Rafalski

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, Finally a author who did not just copy what mainstream wants us to know but did his own research and found the scientific evidence that is deliberately withheld from view. This book and its author will go into the history books as being the first author willing to rock the boat of many that been educated with decades of falls data.

Google User: Michel “Dutch Uncle” Servais

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If you want to hike your energy level and gain vim, vigor and vitality, this book is for you. The information in this book will change your life for the better and improve your health greatly. As a physician with fifty years of experience I have learned that there’s a blind spot that’s not completely ignored in the current practice of medicine. This blind spot is totally explained and exposed in this book so it’s tremendously important.

Google User: JK Hazan

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If you want to truly deep dive into how we and living organisms really get energy, THIS IS THE BOOK. Absolutely great read, the amount of detail is amazing. After reading this book I got four more to give to my family. It may be a tougher read for some but the amount of knowledge backed by peer reviewed studies is simply breathtaking. It may and surly should change your world. 

Google User: Cptnsquid

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I gave the book CURE by Morley Robbins, a five-star rating because it is a very well written book. In fact, there were no dislikes, only likes. Before reading this book, I had a very limited understanding of what minerals were, and what function they performed, in the human body. So, for all intents and purposes, I was a mere “novice” who took minerals for granted as being just something that extemporaneously “aided” in digestion in some manner. CURE helped to resolve my misunderstanding and lack of knowledge regarding “minerals” because I learned all about “what” minerals are, “where” they come from in the first place, “how” they function in our body, “why” they are necessary, and the “vital” roles they play for all of our human bodily functions. Simply put, Morley has researched and uncovered the “special sauce” that makes our internal world go round, and not become turned completely “upside-down”. We are all born with an “innate healer” that knows precisely what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, when we provide the body with the essential minerals needed and required to bring forth that “spark of life”. The book CURE is worth the read on so many levels. 

Amazon User: Anonymous

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Opened up my eyes of a huge and complete new look into fixing- curing many health problems, which supplements to take and not to take, diets, etc.. I have been wondering, why after taking so many supplements and doing amazing diets, I’m still not doing well healthwise. A must read book

Amazon User: Daniel M.

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Wow! There’s me sat with chronic illnesses including CF and taking vit d , c, etc, thinking I’m doing my best! Angry is an understatement. Now, I can start getting well by incorporating the protocol along with a carnivore diet. All vitamins binned. Since going carnivore, I have got the deepest of tans in all my 53 years. No longer pale faced and burnt. Thank you for educating me. Just shows we are never too old to learn. I’m going to read this again whilst away whilst I drink my fresh orange juice and sit in the sun. Many thanks, Morley Robbins.

Goodreads User: Jane C.

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Interessante beschrijving van de samenwerking tussen koper, ijzer, magnesium, retinol en ceruloplasma voor onze energiehuishouding.
Maar zoveel herhalingen in de tekst en nogal gebaseerd op de Amerikaanse situatie. Daar zitten we gelukkig nog een eind vandaan.

Translation: “Interesting description of the cooperation between copper, iron, magnesium, retinol, and ceruloplasma for our energy balance. But there are so many repetitions in the text and it’s quite based on the American situation. Fortunately, we are still quite far from that.” 

Goodreads User: Stephan A.

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Life changing information that you most likely never will get from your doctor! Are you one of those with many health issues and that have been told that you are anemic and copper toxic? Are you taking big doses of iron supplements, ascorbic acid, zinc and vitamin D and fearing copper like the plague, but never seems to get better?

Then this book is for you. I randomly came across Morley Robbins and the “The Root Cause Protocol” on Facebook in 2017 and have never looked back since. At the time I had already been struggling with autoimmune diseases and chronic fatigue for years, using a big amount of money on supplements that only seemed to make me worse. After learning about the principles in the Root Cause Protocol, I realized that most of the supplements I had been taking in the past had been doing harm to my body by disrupting the iron and copper metabolism and increasing oxidative stress. As I result, I got sicker and more fatigued.

Morley’s advanced knowledge on copper and iron metabolism have been a game changer in my life. I’ve been given the tools to improve my health and I’m now on the road to recovery. I have also used the knowledge to help my family and friends with various health issues.

I have this book downloaded on my computer and in that way easily accessible in case I need to read up on something. I enjoy listening to the many podcasts Morley is attending, and I always seem to learn something new! In addition to buying this book and listen to podcasts, I recommend you download the free RCP Handbook from his website and to sign up for various webinars. Keep an open mind, be willing to unlearn old truths, and you will never look at health the same way again!”

Amazon User: Toril B.

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The missing link! This book is mind blowing! It has been the missing piece to mine and my families health for far too long! I highly recommend it to everybody! Truly every person will benefit from understanding the role of copper in our bodies! This book helps you understand exactly what copper does and also a user guide to changes we can make in our life! Buy it, you won’t regret it!

Amazon User: Amazon Customer

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Amazing book, IMO. I think this is one of the most significant medical books to be published in the last 100 years.

Goodreads User: Heidi

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I love to learn about how our bodies work and what we need to do to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I learned so much about magnesium, copper, iron and boron. I found out recently that I had osteoporosis. Overall the medical profession treats symptoms but doesn’t cure disease. We need to get to the root causes. I love the simple starts and stops. I wonder how this this protocol would compare or work with the carnivore diet. Many people are healing disease with the carnivore diet.

Amazon User: Lisa G.

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PHEW! Almost a year of reading! But I took it slow because it was SUCH a rich book of info. Such good info for those wanting to read about what’s actually going on with low iron levels in the body, whether you should take vitD or vitA, how to heal chronic fatigue, inflammation in the body, etc, etc, etc. SO GOOD! His personality def comes through and he is quite funny and dramatic (tho appropriately so with the lies we are fed about what “health” is!) anyone looking to dive into health would benefit greatly from this book.

Goodreads User: Kelsey S.

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What can I say that hasn’t already been said? Robbins is so knowledgeable. And everything he writes about just makes so much sense. I am so thankful for this simple, yet profound content he provided us. I’m certain that, if put into practice, the results will not fail to show.
Robbins invested hours of research into bringing this book to life. He saved us so much time and yet this feels like just scratching the surface. Personally, I love this subject so much and am looking forward to going into more details. It’s amazing to know and be able to understand how the body works and what can we do to support it in order to stay healthy and live life more fully.

Goodreads User: Slavica

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Reading this book reminded me of reading peer reviewed journals. It’s definitely not written for entertainment value, just information. Morley dives deep into research no one has cared to piece together to my knowledge. It’s foundational to health. I’ve always wondered why people could shop at “health food stores” and still have the same level of chronic disease and illness as those who shop at Walmart, and now I have my answer. Buying more expensive supplements or buying organic foods that are just as lacking in nutrition as the pesticide-laden produce, does not produce health. Most are not aware that many supplements are actually harming rather than helping their bodies.The Root Cause Protocol shared in this book is complex, but it’s sound, being grounded in both scientific research and practice. If you are chronically I’ll, you need this book. If you can’t do boring reading, find Morley’s website and join his community.

Amazon User: Lis Carpenter

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Have you ever read a book and emailed the author, and they not only responded but took the time to call and discuss your case history and blood work and give you insight into the root cause? THIS IS WHAT MORLEY DID FOR ME. 1.5 hours of his time to. This information is beneficial, and perspective is needed to be known and explored more. Morley profoundly cares for people and continues striving to educate and learn about finding the root cause of dis-ease. I highly recommend you purchase it

Amazon User: Luke

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Very good and interesting book that really explains the relationship between magnesium, copper, iron, and so much more. It fills a missing link. Thanks Morley. 🙏

Goodreads User: Anders

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Since 2018, I have been listening to Morley Robbins on every single Podcast he’s ever done, started the RCP (handbook he has for free on his website) and felt so much better! Finally, he put it all in a book! Excellent read. Not too heady, as he is one intelligent man! It has opened my eyes to how our body really works and our body is amazing at healing itself! We don’t need to spend tons of $$ on our healing. And, we don’t need to be sent down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. It should be very simple… no matter what “name” the doctor gave your “illness.” Now, I’m taking his 17 week course and helping others bodies heal! Much needed for this time in our world! Thank you Morley for taking the time to help others and do the research!

Amazon User: Carissa Boles

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So Thankful! I heard Morley Robbins on a podcast and I was amazed at how much information I received regarding my fatigue and what I could do about it. I immediately ordered his book Cure Your Fatigue. I am beyond thankful that for once I get an in-depth look at why I have always been so tired and what I can do about it. Do yourself a favor and read his book! This information is something you will not get from your doctor who spends less than 15 minutes with you. This book is easy to understand giving you information on what has been the cause of your fatigue and then how to cure it. Thank you Morley for giving us this insight. I am forever grateful and cannot wait to live a more healthy and fatigue-free life!

Amazon User: Andrea Carver

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” Must read now! Walk don’t run! Life changing wow! This book will change the way you look at the world at health at everything it is absolutely incredible thank you Morley so beyond grateful for your generosity wisdom and devotion to truth and putting health back into the hands of the individual! 

Amazon User: Schyler

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As an MD and homeopath I have known that there’s something more to the story of health as related to minerals! This book ties it all together! What a genius we have in someone as curious and genuinely interested in the elegance and simplicity that governs the body!! Morley Robbins you legend!! Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the world! It’s time we wake up to this!

Amazon User: Amazon Customer

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“This is a truly transformational book that delves into the role of copper in trace amounts for optimal health and how to balance it with other essential minerals like zinc and iron such that they work in synergy. What I learned is that although Iron is essential, with our modern fortified diets, many people have far too much of it, which is then pro-inflammatory. On the other hand, for Iron deficiency, optimizing copper intake through real food sources (or supplements in chelated form) will help with recycling and transport of iron in the body. These arguments are backed up by solid references. The book also provides real life advice for what harmful things to switch out and what are healthful (real food) replacements. This is a must read for anyone who is battling metabolic syndrome (i.e. with markers such as: hypertension; elevated cholesterol; visceral and liver fat; high blood sugar/insulin resistance).”

Amazon User: Kindle Customer Chris

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Morley’s book is amazing. It has taught me so much about what elements are essential in helping the body and mind. repair itself, especially copper. The amount of research that went into this book was amazing as well. I highly recommend anyone who cares about their health to read this fantastic book. Congratulations Morley on all of your research and the thousands of people that you have helped, and the thousands more that you will help!

Goodreads User: Andrew Panagiotakis

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how thorough the author was in research. the real truth. the best infomation and backed up by research. loved this book highly recommend.

Audible User: Michelle lawson

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LIFE CHANGING ! After more than a decade of searching for the cause of my chronic fatigue I stumbled across the work of Morley Robbins. Skeptical at first that this may just be another rabbit hole that leads no where, however something told me this was going to be different this time andI had nothing to lose given nothing in the past 14 years had been able to give me any relief. I have been on this journey for 7 months and yes it can take time which is mentally challenging but I can truly say that for the first time in my life I have hope. I am seeing the results in both how I feel and my blood work results after adopting the protocol. More work is still ahead but once you begin to make progress and you get momentum it has allowed me to stay committed to the process and I see 2024 as almost like a new beginning to my life with the progress I’ve made in the past 7 months. Feels great to be starting a new year with hope and optimism for a change. Morley’s willingness to himself make himself available to those who feel they need it is also something I will be forever grateful for.

Audible User: Anonymous User

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Do you know what’s making you tired and draining your energy? Did you know that the answers to most diseases are hiding inside your cells and and easy to discover and cure? The answers to these and many of your health concerns are in this well researched and easy to read book! Read it and use the easy to apply steps to change you and your life. As a physician with over fifty years of experience with many thousands of patients, I have learned what no medical school teaches! The root cause of disease will not only surprise you, it will also change the way you look at health and wellness, because it’s way simpler and far better than other health advice you’ve ever received. You may find it hard to believe but every other resource you read or listen has a blind spot, but Morley Robbins removes that blind spot and reveals what you’ve been looking for to rescue and restore your health, vitality and energy!

Amazon User: Dr. Joseph Hazan

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If you’re feeling like you got hit by a train everyday, GET THIS BOOK

Amazon User: j&bshubert

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This book is amazing. Anyone who cares about their health needs to read this book.

Amazon User: Violetmoon

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Whether you are in the medical field, all about living a healthy life, or if you breath, this book is a must!

Amazon User: Marie Arroyo

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It could change your life

Amazon User: J Davidson

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I so love this book. So grateful for Morley and his inspiration. I have been on a long, long personal health journey to get to this place where I finally understand most of what has been happening to my body, thanks to the amazing humble Morley Robbins! This is the missing piece! I was told my Copper levels were high this past summer, and also my ceruloplasmin levels were high. It made no sense! I am now on the road to health once again after learning and better understanding this amazing information only Morley Robbins has put together. He really understands this key information and teaches us “the how” of healthy blood, great energy, & a possible healed, happy, long life! Beautifully simple. Don’t waste another minute. Jump in and learn TRUE HEALTH! Thank YOU Morley for listening to your higher power so we can receive the answers to this huge health issue. Thank God for Morley Robbins.

Amazon User: G H

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This book has been hugely helpful as I continue my health journey. Highly recommend it!

Audible User: John

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“Completing my work with the RCP Institute.
I am thoroughly impressed.

I am a heavy skeptic about anything health and wellness, and I am very keen on sniffing out who is who, and who isn’t who they say they are…

Morley checks out across the whole way…

Ultimately there is WAY too much confusion spewed by Big Ag and Big Pharma, and Morley’s diligent research truly dispels the confusion.

This book and all of Morley’s work brings me HOPE, to know there is a community of people that SEEK TRUTH.

Morley is truly amazing! He goes the extra mile, and to tie it always into the emotional complexities and the mind/body connection, structure and form and then function of energy, I am impressed.”

Amazon User: Anthony Escobar

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“This book is an eye opener!
This is a must own book if you are in the medical field or in holistic or naturopathic medicine or a parent looking over your family’s health or someone who wants to take your own health matters in your own hands. THIS BOOK IS FOR EVERYONE!!
I took my time reading this book, not because it was hard to understand but because there is so much information. There’s a lot to take in and chew on. What I really appreciated was the information backing up Morley’s claims.
Seriously. JUST BUY THE BOOK!”

Goodreads User: Marie

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“I read this book from the vantage point of recently achieving my MS in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport which is focused on functional nutrition. We certainly learned about the importance of copper, and the reactions it was involved in, but this book and Morley’s many podcasts really brought it home on how important it is to understand that it is rarely an iron deficiency that individuals are experiencing, but rather a dysregulation of iron due to not having enough bio available copper. It makes total sense once explained and backed up by copious amounts of research that Morley has gathered over the years and shared with his audience. I do plan to implement the root cause protocol as a female in early menopause at the age of 42 (now 46) knowing that my body is accumulating iron due to no monthly blood loss. The book lays out a step wise approach to implement the protocol! The protocol is meant to bring balance back to the body, not treat a disease or specific condition. Well written Morley!”

Amazon User: Andrea Marrs

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“Reading Morley Robbins’ book , Cure Your Fatigue, has been an enlightening experience, answering many questions I’ve had since finishing four years of medical school, three years of residency and 23 years of anesthesia practice. In a quest for the truth to really make a difference in the lives of patients, I completed a fellowship in Integrative Medicine and opened a clinic in 2012. My clinic practice has been enriched with the knowledge shared in Morley’s book. He presents an amazing synthesis of thousands of studies of the complexities of how iron overload affects mitochondrial function creating oxidative stress, hormonal dysregulation, insulin resistance and cellular mineral dysmetabolism. The studies prove how critically important it is to optimize our levels of iron, ferritin, transferrin, red blood cell magnesium, serum copper, ceruloplasmin, retinol and plasma zinc in order to create a healthy immune system. Many thanks to Morley Robbins for this remarkable accomplishment.”

Amazon User: Mary K. Migliori

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“I am a physician and will have to listen to this again, but cannot discount the chemistry and physiology that is so eloquently explained in this book. Let the real healing of patients begin!”

Audible User: Palmela C. O’Connor

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“I stumbled upon this book by accident in search for some information on something else Health related, and my gut just said “get it.” After years of trying everything to help me understand myself and the symptoms I’ve struggled with, this books finally makes everything CRYSTAL clear and offers an easy and straightforward plan to follow. Been doing this for 2 weeks anc feel a world of difference. I’m recommending this book to everyone I know!! Seriously, buy it. you can’t go wrong!”

Amazon User

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“I am so impressed with the way Morley Robbins explains this research. He makes it make sense and writes it in an easy way to understand. Every time I finish a chapter, I think ‘wow!’ Thank you for pulling the voluminous amount of research together in one place Morley! Definitely worth reading. Taking my copper!”

Amazon User: Sheri

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“…it can be stated with certainty that copper is the single most important nutrient in the body. This is why copper is the target for deprivation and depletion.”

Audible User: zeitgeistchrist

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“I have read many health and wellness books, and [Cu]re Your Fatigue is hands down the best of all of them. It provides practical and manageable steps to regaining health as well as the detailed biochemistry explaining why those steps work. This is an incredible and eye opening book.”

Audible User: Phaedra Fouts

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“The book is so detailed in what causes the illness we experience and how to fix the issues. He lists references and resources as to what research he used to form the opinions he shares. HIs mind is just unique in that he can remember most every reference and article he has read. I would call him a walking computer!
If your are ready to have your belief system challenged you must buy and read this book. WE have been lied to and misfed.
Challenge yourself and read this book now.”

Amazon User: AmysAmazon

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“This book really opens your mind to health issues and their connection to mineral imbalance. I helped resolve my chronically light period as well as digestive issues by following the protocol. Highly recommend.”

Amazon User: Claire Curran Brummet

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“Plenty of important and useful health information to learn and practice in Morley’s book. I read it 3.5 times until I lent it out (never got it back). Lots of value! I may have to buy another copy.”

Amazon User: Kevin Yeaman

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“My nutritionist recommended this book to me last year. It has become one of the ways in which I’ve begun to OWN my health and realize I can’t and shouldn’t rely solely on care providers, even the best, most knowledgeable ones. I can and should take charge of my own health by learning, researching, implementing, and working with my care providers instead of taking their recommendations as law until I’m told otherwise. I’ve spent too many years waiting on care providers to show me the next step in my health journey when I had the power to make a change myself.

It took me quite a while to wade through this audiobook. But boy was it worth the discipline. There is SO much knowledge and understanding about the WHY behind various health conditions, how certain supplements affect the body, etc. I plan to purchase a hard copy of this book for further review and to use as a jumping off point for further research.

While this book can feel very “heady” or “dry” at times, I feel like that’s one of its biggest proofs that what it has to say is probably quite valid. It’s not trying to sell anything or use marketing to convince you of anything. Rather it uses science and experience to reveal what we should’ve been taught all along.

I definitely don’t fully understand how it all works and I may not even fully follow his recommended “stops” and “starts,” but I’m now on a journey to more deeply grasp the science shared in this book as well as learn more elsewhere for my health and that of my loved ones.

I have already recommended this book to family and friends. I can’t wait to see the benefits take hold in my life and those of others!”

Goodreads User: Karisa Totah

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“Morley is truly a remarkable human being. Through reading tens of thousands of research papers, he has linked it all together to get down to the true root cause of every symptom and “dis-ease” every person suffers…fatigue being at the start of it all. This isn’t just a book that will help 1 out of 10 people…this book will help EVERYONE!!!!

Audible User

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“This book was recommended to me by 2 different people, and it was THE best book recommendation I’ve ever gotten. It literally answered EVERY question I had been searching answers for in regards to my health journey. It was like open a time capsule of my life and looking inside to find out exactly why my body was betraying me. I have begun working through the process and I’m already starting to see big changes in energy levels, which is HUGE for me considering that I’m dealing with chronic Lyme, among other things. I have great expectations for what I’ll experience as time goes on, as I have a friend that reversed the decades long anemia she dealt with through working this process.”

Amazon User L.A.

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“If you’re really interested in finding out the WHY of your fatigue, your SYMPTOMS, your ILLNESS… read this book, not once, but several times and when you’re doing this… remove yourself from the typical and incorrect narrative that is killing us!
There is way more to the story and you should be willing to learn the other side of the story!”

Amazon User eat my granola

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“My nutritionist recommended this book to me last year. It has become one of the ways in which I’ve begun to OWN my health and realize I can’t and shouldn’t rely solely on care providers, even the best, most knowledgeable ones. I can and should take charge of my own health by learning, researching, implementing, and working with my care providers instead of taking their recommendations as law until I’m told otherwise. I’ve spent too many years waiting on care providers to show me the next step in my health journey when I had the power to make a change myself.

It took me quite a while to wade through this audiobook. But boy was it worth the discipline. There is SO much knowledge and understanding about the WHY behind various health conditions, how certain supplements affect the body, etc. I plan to purchase a hard copy of this book for further review and to use as a jumping off point for further research.

While this book can feel very “heady” or “dry” at times, I feel like that’s one of its biggest proofs that what it has to say is probably quite valid. It’s not trying to sell anything or use marketing to convince you of anything. Rather it uses science and experience to reveal what we should’ve been taught all along.

I definitely don’t fully understand how it all works and I may not even fully follow his recommended “stops” and “starts,” but I’m now on a journey to more deeply grasp the science shared in this book as well as learn more elsewhere for my health and that of my loved ones.

I have already recommended this book to family and friends. I can’t wait to see the benefits take hold in my life and those of others!”

Goodreads User Davis

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“A fantastic book and protocol for those who are looking for non-conventional yet a natural aporoach and journey to healing.

Morley has done a fantastic job digging into many years of scientific research and distilling the information in a way that anyone can easily understand and implement.
As a holistic practitioner, after many years of training and learning different protocols, his protocol make sense and has been impactful. I started his protocol 3 months ago and my level of energy has greatly improved and looking for more health benefits on this health journey.
After 15 yrs of implementing different approaches, RCP truly stands out and far ahead of anything I have seen and done thus far.

Morley, thank you for your passion, care and commitment to well being and sharing your knowledge with all of us.

Amazon User

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“Morley has put the pieces together that truly get to the underlying causes of disease. Iron Overload, which I had and significantly impacted my sex hormones, is something very few docs know to look for. Understanding the concepts in this book will truly help you and your family.”

Amazon User SunGazer

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“I’ve been researching nutritional and natural health methods for years to help my mum with a neurodegenerative health condition. Everything I discovered felt like a crutch and never quite the actual cause, until I discovered Morley and this book. I feel like I am finally at the bottom of the rabbit hole and have the knowledge to give the body what it needs to heal itself. It’s infuriating that this information has been out there for decades and ignored. I’m so grateful for Morley’s unique skill set to be able to pull it all together.”

Amazon User EL

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“This book’s protocol is changing my life! I finally have energy and slowly came off my prescription. Somehow the world seems brighter! I am even taking the class to become a consultant and dig deeper for my health and to help others.”

Amazon User Christie Jaquess

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“For so many years I have been researching and looking for the right answers to reduce my “fatigue” and inflammatory “dis-ease”, I finally found what I’ve been searching for! This book gave me the answers I was looking for to heal my fatigue and inflammation I’ve had for so long and has helped me be pain free, not only for myself, I am sharing this with my family and friends. I could not put this book down! Kudos to Morley Robbins who generously shares his research and shares his insight into the Root Cause Protocol that has helped me and many others maintain healthy balanced minerals. This RCP is so easy, step by step and it is not rocket science, but technically it could be for medical professionals who wish to “unlearn” to learn all about minerals & how they affect our bodies and nutritional values: what they weren’t taught in medical school. This is the only lifestyle and supplemental protocol I will ever need, I find it fun and exciting to be my own advocate to be on the right track with the daily enhanced energy and vitality that this protocol is designed to be. I highly recommend this fabulous book chock full of very important information to live in a much healthier energetic body, environment, emotional well being and state of mind, “I get to be in charge of me!” How could you not want all of this for yourself? Just buy the book, read it cover to cover, download the free step by step protocol and live your best life!!! I am forever grateful to Morley Robbins for helping me to change my life.”

Amazon User Kim F.

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“Morley’s contributions, including not only this extraordinary book, but his generous and abundant teaching, as well as his team’s spectacular training program (in which I’m privileged to be enrolled, one of the absolute most informative and inspiring training programs I have attended, of hundreds), goes beyond just being interesting, important, and expansive in implication. I believe its applications and principles will be potentially life-saving for many of the readers, and will contribute spectacularly to improved health and wellbeing for anyone who would embrace and apply these sound principles. As a lifelong student and physician of over 20 years, Cu-ring Fatigue by providing the mineral support that can physiology into balance provides a framework for building a foundation of resistance against other diseases of exhaustion, to include cancer, neurodegenerative illness and truly a vast number of the sufferings that trouble mankind, (especially in the western world as a direct result of unrecognized iron poisoning). Morley’s work is more than a required reading for any health conscious person, it is an important revolution in awareness that is critical, especially in our time. Morley Robbins is more than just a brilliant and gifted academician and dedicated teacher, he’s a man of great principle and courage. Not every brilliant teacher has the courage to stand up in the face of controversy and prejudice. I admire not only the courageous stance, but the humble and gracious posture of a great leader.”

Amazon User Jonathan Cotter

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“I’ve followed Morely’s work for a few years. I’ve heard him on podcasts and read a lot of his information online. I was excited to read this book and get a little more in-depth. Such a good read and highly recommend! I love how he debunks the mainstream narratives.”

Goodreads User Alicia

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“This is easy to read and understand, I may also get the audible because I like to listen while I’m at work.
Morley connects the dots as to why our society has become so sick in such a short time. He gives you information on what to stop doing, and what to start doing, advising slow changes are better for your body.
This is seriously going to blow your mind!”

Amazon User Gail B

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“I’ve been holistic for 17 yrs. and finally found the greatest book I’ve ever read on true health. The author, Morely Robbins has been truly inspired and guided to the right research. I highly recommend this book for every single person! He says, ” You are not broken, you are just out of balance.” Our bodies are made to heal given the correct foods and reestablish mineral balance.”

Amazon User Tiffany Maxey

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“An easy read. Fabulous content. Our minerals have been leeched out of the soil, food, etc. This book provides an excellent guide on how to optimise health and prevent disease by stopping certain things and starting others. Highly recommended reading for all. Turn your health and life around with the RCP Protocol”

Audible User RedRev

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“I have been suffering from anemia for a while now. My Doctor put me on iron supplements and that was not the answer! I listened to a Morley Robbins podcast one day about anemia and iron toxicity and copper deficiency. What I was hearing made sense to me, I ordered his book Cure your fatigue and it has been one of the best books I ever read! I highly recommend this book to anyone with anemia of chronic fatigue.”

Amazon User Kim L

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“Having studied and learned much about non-mainstream healing approaches over the years, it was gratifying to read a book that ties many related topic areas together. “[Cu]re Your Fatigue” also opened my eyes to healing approaches that are actually counter-productive, in spite of seeming harmless. This book was fascinating and I read it twice, which is something that I rarely do.

[Cu]re explains what Morley calls the “Root Cause Protocol” (RCP). There is also a website and a free Handbook which can be downloaded (see “Resources” at the back of the book). This protocol is aptly named. It stands to reason that one would want to heal the root cause of a health issue, rather than to just treat the symptoms. Shouldn’t this be the aim of all approaches to healing?

There are a number of testimonials in regards to the benefits of the RCP on the website. In addition to those describing near term improvements, I was impressed by those that stuck with the RCP even if it took a year or more to return to a healthy baseline. Those testimonials demonstrate faith in such a common sense approach.”

Amazon User Potent

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“This author have put the missing pieces together. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia mid 90’s and have been searching for answers. My search first lead me to the importance of magnesium, JigSaw health. The book is amazing… the majority of physicians do not know this bc they are relying on big Pharma”

Amazon User Potent

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“I’ve been working in the medical field since age 18 doing autopsies at UCSF. I eventually became a pathologist, internist, homeopath, acupuncturist, allergist and a functional medicine and environmedicine doctor. This is one of the most important medical books I have read. The author is right. This knowledge is not taught in medical schools or residency. It is also not taught at holistic medical conferences. I was hoping he would mention if wearing pure copper bracelets and necklaces would increase bioavailable copper. I wear these and my skin underlying the copper is blue. He also did not mention copper sebacate, and which chelated coppers are the best bioavailable.”

Amazon User Sri Yantra

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Apple Books User Cor

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“Very enlightening book. After doing the root protocol for a couple months I’m seeing differences and feeling way less fatigued 😅 definitely recommend!”

Goodreads User Nicole Sawatzky

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“A lot of logic here. A lot of research here. Have been following the RCP for some time now and think this book is a terrific summary and worth reading for helpful insight into the foundational concepts and helpful tools for the starts and stops.”

Goodreads User Angela

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“After trying eastern medicine, western medicine, 2 endoscopies, a naturopathic doctor and more Morleys protocol finally cured my debilitating acid reflux and energy issues. Highly recommend this book and following his protocol to improve your health and well being. I’m still in disbelief that I can eat spicy foods and drink coffee after 15 years of having to be on a very strict low acid diet. Beyond that he has taught me to trust my body and believe in its ability to heal itself and let me know when it needs something. Cannot recommend enough. Read the book, follow the protocol, get the full Monty panel and get it analyzed. Sadly the food in 2023 is not providing the minerals most of us need to sustain good health and the protocol helps unlock the keys to homeostasis!”

Amazon User Christopher N.

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“Cu-re Your Fatigue is a paradigm shifting book that changes everything and actually provides information that can help you support the structure and function of your body so you can experience optimal health and well-being.

As a dietitian with over 30 years of experience in the nutrition field, having studied functional nutrition and nutrigenomics, this book is by far one of the best on the topic of nutrition.

I suspected for a number of years that minerals and fat soluble vitamins were the key to optimal health but I didn’t have the explanation and in all my training, I had only been taught that copper was toxic. Robins provides the explanation which is so simple and so enormous at the same time that explains why we experience symptoms and how we can restore our body to optimal health.

Everything you have been taught about nutrition is crap. This book sets the record straight and if you want optimal health, this book is your answer.”

Amazon User Annette Presley

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“Awesome. Such a well researched book that holds critical information for the essential health of every person.”

Anonymous Audiobooks User

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“Fantastic information !”

Goodreads User Krystal Pister

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“Morley roots his theory in evolutionary assumptions which I don’t share, which causes me to read with a degree of skepticism throughout. With that said, the heart of the theory revolves around how the body uses copper and iron, and it appears to be well-grounded in research-derived data. (Insofar as I can tell. What information he presents that I’m already familiar with seems accurate. As for the rest of it…it seems to be well-sourced and logical, from what I can tell based on his presentation of it.)

The Root Cause Protocol that results makes a lot of sense, and is highly practical.

I do, however, have some questions about his aversion to vitamin C and D supplementation. On these subtopics I’m less convinced his information is complete and his conclusions fully accurate. While I do believe they contain truth, many of his observations aren’t consistent with the way I’ve seen supplementation of these substances approached, and I suspect the truth is somewhere between what Morley presents and the “common” way of doing things. I’d like to see more detail about how these supplements supposedly differ from “natural” sources and how to reconcile his claims with conflicting claims I’ve seen in my own research — but that’s probably more than most readers are interested in and beyond the scope of the book.”

Goodreads User Rachel Ramey

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“So impressively researched. Well written and convincing. Can’t say enough. Read and study this book! I felt immediate results. Grateful!”

Anonymous Amazon User

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“Very informative. I was not aware that copper is so critical for health. Worth reading.”

Anonymous Amazon User

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“Until you read this book cover to cover, you don’t even know what you don’t know…yet! This book explains in detail why we find ourselves doing “all the right things” but end up feeling worse and/or spending thousands just to wind up right back where we started. It’s exhausting and insane! So I truly appreciate the dedication of Morley Robbins to exposing the sometimes inconvenient truths about the root cause of our dis-ease and the long-term solution for it. No matter who you are, I encourage you to read this book, keep an open mind, and remember it’s to ok to challenge the status quo by asking curious questions. After reading this book, if/when you’re hungry for more…the RCP Institute is the way to go!”

Anonymous Amazon User

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I’ve been listening and reading to health & nutrition related topics for the better part of a decade and felt I had a pretty good grasp of what is needed to sustain a decent level of health. I recently came across Morley Robbins and his Root Cause Protocol (RCP) in the last month or so and my head is still spinning from the amount of new information that I had never heard discussed. The information itself however is not new, but thanks to the authors disciplined pursuit of knowledge and ability to connect the dots he is presenting these established yet rarely discussed concepts in a digestible format. I would highly encourage that those debating purchasing this book at least listen to his podcasts & other freely available resources before making a decision.

Amazon User: Pierre Ponchon

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“This is THE book. Written for both laymen and medical professionals who want to know the truth beyond their studies. Real and important data from a master researcher of information, all of which has been peer-reviewed and published (and then often largely ignored for a profit induced preference).”

Amazon User: Lindel

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Although I have not completely finished this book, it is definitely a book I want to give a copy to nearly every single person I know. Morley’s work has completely opened my eyes to the importance of minerals in our body, and the correlation between iron, copper, and magnesium and the need of Retinol, (Vit A) found only in animal products to help everything thing work together. Morley said we have been misled and misfed, and I couldn’t agree more. Some of my biggest take aways are there is NO such thing as anemia. If you have low hemoglobin, then you have your iron locked into your tissues, and it is unable to be recycled. We actually only need 1 mg of iron a day, and the other 24 mg should be recycled in our body. If that is not happening, it is because you do not have enough copper. Vitamin D is rat poison. After listening to a podcast with Morley a year ago, I threw all of my vitamin d out. Zinc is also not good to supplement as it depletes copper, which is the battery of your cells! If you don’t have copper, you can not make energy!! As you can see, lots to process and think about, but Morley’s book is not to be missed!

And on ending the book–I still feel the same. I think this really is the missing piece of why so many people are struggling with health issues. Who knew!”

Good Reads User: Julie Zilkie

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“I’ve been eagerly awaiting Morley to write a book on this subject and was so pumped to get notified that it was available! I met Morley at a Trinity Health Expo a few years ago and my eyes were opened. I also listen to many of his podcasts on Extreme Health Radio which are fantastic. After developing spider veins, vitiligo, gray hair, and anxiety from depleting my copper from taking too much zinc and asorbic acid, I then discovered the necessity of copper. Hearing Morley’s talks were my comfirmation. The fake news media propaganda that keeps talking about “misinformation” on the vaccines, it’s the misinformation in regards to taking zinc, acorbic acid, and vit D that should be banned!”

Amazon User: hardcore

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“Treasure trove of information we don’t learn from doctors, nutritionists or medical education.
CUre is well written, digestible, and well researched. I’m working with the protocol, and I appreciate the focus on stress reduction for balancing minerals.”

Amazon User: Angela Sparks

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“I have been following others on SM regarding topics covered in this book. This book is properly researched and delivered. I really appreciate the honest view and it was easy to read/understand. So many free resources too which prove that the author is passionate about helping people.”

Anonymous Amazon User

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This is the most important book to read to understand the energy dynamics happening in our body, why minerals are essential and how we can make make more energy and less exhaust.
This book will help you cure your fatigue, gain energy and improve your health !

Amazon User: Agostini A.

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“Enjoyed this book a lot. Very outside the box of conventional thinking.”

Anonymous Amazon User

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Great read!

Amazon User: Mork

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“I am nutritionist and autoimmune coach! I ve read a lot and learnt a lot! This book changed everything! There’s a lot of sense and research there. Now I’ve found myself sitting on live call with M Robbins at first lesson at RCP Institute! I know this will change the trajectory of my life and practice! Must read”

Amazon User: Olga

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This book explains clearly what is going on in the body when fatigue is present and the underlying cause of many diseases. The role of minerals is explored and why it’s important to avoid supplementing with certain vitamins and minerals and which one’s are important to supplement with. This info is missing in virtually every other book on health and nutrition out there. Can’t recommend it enough!

Anonymous Amazon User

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“Learn about healing yourself- what no one else will tell you.
This book is amazing and has all the whys that people need to know in order to fix their health and get their energy back this has helped my entire family including my daughter who has seizures. I’ve never read anything mote comprehensive or knowledgeable. A must read.”

Amazon User: Katrina. H

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Dr Morley has some incredible research and knowledge in here! I love how he uses analogies to explain things.
I’ve been an RCPC for almost 2 years now and it’s been the best thing that’s come my way! I was able to heal my issues following the protocol and I will say this is you’re doing RCP, PLEASE work with a trained RCPC. There’s so much to uncover and if you’re not educated in minerals it’ll become super confusing.

Amazon User: Ruby Miller

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This book answers so many questions I’ve had about why we are so sick as a society. The diabolical plan forced on us is even worse then I thought it was. I was already a mineral person but to know which minerals and why is a game changer. Thanks Morley for writing this

Amazon User: John McDermott

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“Such a good and informative book. Re-reading it because of how dense it is with new to me information.”

Amazon User: Allison Dunn

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“What many don’t want you to know!
Read and apply the information it will start to change your life … Morley has been a God send. I love learning from him and this book has been a huge part of my daughters Lyme and my families healing journey. It looks at the entire picture. Holistic non medical approach is in my humble experience what does work over and over again! Get this book if you want to start to feel balanced and resilient!”

Amazon User: Cecilia Luciano

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“After a major health crash due to conventional medical treatments and the short term use of sedatives, I was in a world of hurt. I couldn’t understand how I had gone from a functioning, joyful person to an anxious, fatigued, disregulated shell.
Then one day, I discovered Morley Robbins on Facebook. Called the Magnesium Advocacy Group, Morley’s ten year deep dive into the medical research on three minerals led him to start this group, which teaches a philosophy of metabolic balance that heals the root cause of all illness! Something inside prompted me to join, and I began to listen and learn.
I and many thousands of others have experienced vast gains in health and a thirst for learning which Morley’s clear and intriguing instruction avails.
In Morley’s characteristic flare, the story of [Cu]re:Your Fatigue details the answers humanity is seeking when we visit our doctor, only to discover that he/she has no idea how to cure, but merely treat with pharmaceutical drugs. Real food is the answer, as well as a clever list of STOPS and STARTS involving thoughtfully chosen and inexpensive nutraceuticals.
Truly a tour de force, this book, and the information it imparts, has the potential to change how we understand disease, and reteach the healthcare system which has failed so many.”

Amazon User: Tigereye

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“Are you increasingly fatigued? Are you chronically ill? Are you constantly chasing after better health and never able to find answers that can actual lead you to a better health rather than just managing ever increasing symptoms?

Then this book is for you!…

“Cure Your Fatigue (How balancing 3 minerals and 1 protein is the solution that you’re looking for) is compendium of research by,

Morley Robbins, MBA, CHC is the creator of “The Root Cause Protocol” and is known by many as “Magnesium Man”.

Morley Robbins is one of the foremost experts on magnesium’s role in the body, and the delicate dance magnesium plays with copper, iron, and calcium.

“Cure Your Fatigue” is a well written, well cited compilation of years of research, teaching and application that comes together into a guidebook that can walk you through the process of regaining control of your health.”
Note: To continue reading the following review… click anywhere on this green box.

Amazon User: John

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“The question that stands out most when first learning about Morley Robbins work came from a video he made, where he asks the question: why is everyone so sick? I had been searching for the very same answer as I searched for the root cause of my declining health.

Like many, in searching for answers, I found magnesium and when I found magnesium, I found Morley. That was the day my life changed, my health began to improve and thankfully my eyes were opened wide to understanding the toxic effects of iron overload in all disease. I learned about it’s role in my decline, the importance of copper and other essential minerals, and how to take back the steering wheel of my health by slowly implementing this protocol that changed my life.”

Note: To continue reading the following review… click anywhere on this green box.

Amazon User: Healed in the USA

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“We live in a world that is lacking the ability to find the root cause of fatigue. So many people suffer from fatigue along with a library list of other health conditions and doctors and alternative health practitioners alike fail to find the root cause.

Morley Robbins has spent many years in search of the root cause solution to fatigue and I think he has found it! Replenishing minerals are the answer along with giving the body the tools that it needs to supply energy for balance.

This book helped me to connect the dots with my sons diagnosis as well as give me hope to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Your body has the ability to restore itself if it has the tools that it needs to do so.”

Note: To continue reading the following review… click anywhere on this green box.

Amazon User: BeckyJWebb

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“I LOVE that this book dives deep into the biochemistry and nutrition (one without the other makes no sense) of how our bodies make energy (which runs every process in our bodies).

Not only is everything explained in detail, but it’s well organized and includes the references to actual scientific research over decades (not just cherry picked) to show why something works or doesn’t.

For those of you who aren’t doctors, researchers, or biochemists, I’d say start around Chapter 7 OR be prepared to take a very long time to get to that part. He still explains the science, but does a good job keeping it short and using analogies for better “normal people” understanding. That’s also where the stops and starts begin for the Root Cause Protocol.”

Note: To continue reading the following review… click anywhere on this green box.

Amazon User: Melanie Carr

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The Root Cause Protocol changed the course of my training and health practice. I am getting much better results with clients now. I have trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Functional Medicine with the Institute of Functional Medicine, Kalish Functional Medicine Mentorship and respect all of these courses and doctors, but I find that many (not all, but many) doctors and holistic practitioners are focusing on high dosing individual synthetic nutrients from single lab test values and don’t realize that they are missing out on the rest of the cofactors, minerals and nutrients that should be supplemented and balanced along with them as mother nature provided in whole foods.

The RCP is focused on listening to your body, going slowly and carefully, and going back to what our ancestors ate. I highly recommend starting with this as it is a very safe and effective dietary and natural whole food supplementation program. Most holistic doctors and practitioners are still pushing high doses of isolated synthetically produced supplements (that are more like drugs than foods- very unsafe) that will give you fast improvement and make you feel good quickly but almost always with unintended consequences.”
Note: To continue reading the following review… click anywhere on this green box.

Amazon User: M. Wecker

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“Wow! The answers are so simple!
This is the best book you’ll ever read if you are looking for answers to your health problems.”

Anonymous Amazon User

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Reading through some of these other comments with 1 star saying that the RCP program is dangerous is quite absurd in my opinion, Morley’s approach to his program is a natural whole food ancestral diet with supplements to help strengthen the host, this way parasites cannot thrive in the body. From my research most disease or illness is caused by parasites at a microscopic level. He stresses to be in tune with your body, understand the stresses in your life that caused the disease and if your body cannot tolerate something suggested on his protocol to back it off as this is possibly due to a detox reaction. I have been following Morley for a few years and I am forever grateful for his hard work and dedication to help me connect the dots on why I haven’t been able to fully recover from EBV, brain fog, Lyme, fatigue, parasites this book has changed my life in understanding the necessity of strengthening the host and the importance of bioavailable copper and iron toxicity. In my opinion from working with Morley he is a humble man he even offered to help my brother who has bipolar for free due to our current situation… Now this shows that he is not all for the money like some other commenters posted, he’s a true humble warrior on a mission to expose the truth of what has been hidden! The book is outstanding and I have purchased a few copies for freinds. Keep up the great work Morley you cant save everyone, but the ones you do save which are in the thousands are forever grateful 🙂

Anonymous Amazon User

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It is so nice to have Morley’s information in one place instead of diluted over the hundreds of youtube videos and podcasts that are out there. The information is backed by science from over the last 100 years that has been buried in the literature. Surely to be an eye-opener for anyone not aware of his work for the last 12 years.”

Anonymous Amazon User

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“Cure Your Fatigue is an amazing eye opening deep dive into how our bodies produce energy and what processes and deficiencies are involved in disrupting our basic metabolic function. If you are curious about the ROOT CAUSE of chronic degenerative disease and its prevalence in our present day, this book is a must read! The author has spent over a decade reviewing copious amounts of scientific literature and synthesizing the information about what it takes for the human body to run efficiently and create an inner terrain where optimal health will flourish. Dont be fooled by superficial and partial explanations offered widely on the internet. Get this book for a much deeper and broader view of the true root cause of all disease. The book also offers a simple yet detailed plan to follow for overcoming the unwanted effects of oxidative stress, energy insufficiency, and mineral imbalances which set the disease process in motion. Whether you are a doctor or other healthcare professional, or simply are curious to know the truth about what causes disease, you will greatly benefit from a close read of this groundbreaking book. You will emerge with invaluable insight into the amazing way in which we were designed.”

Amazon User: Anna

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“Wow, this is a book for underlining and taking notes! As a natural health practitioner, I wish all my colleagues in both holistic and conventional medicine would read this book. Morley shares his wisdom from a plethora of scientific research to help people understand why we have health challenges and how to correct them. The book is detailed, supported and well written. Morley has a penchant for puns, which lightens the sometimes technical material. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will reread it as the rich resource that it is.”

Amazon User: Amanda

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“Following Morley for years , he has finished the book everyone needs to feel better”

Amazon User: Bob

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“I’ve had health issues for 30 years with toxic liver and Chronic fatigue. No doctors have found a cure. Their recommendations and supplement plan made me worse. A recent blood test of HIGH Ferritin led me to Morley’s YouTubes and book. Finally an answer as to why I have been sick for so long. He is brilliant and truly cares about helping people get well.. This incredible book will help you find your way to wellness.”

Amazon User: L. Morgan

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“I was introduced to Morlyes work in 2013 when “all of a sudden” my health took a turn for the worse. To keep it simple, I had extreme body pain, no libido, no energy, no appetite, was tired all the time, and I felt like I was dying at the age of 38. I saw MD after MD, they did test upon test, lab upon lab, and for 6-8 months came to no conclusions. That is when I found Morley and took my health into my own hands. At the time my ferritin, hemoglobin, etc were off the charts, I was saturated in iron and my body was a raging fire = INFLAMMATION CITY! Well, using nutrition, the RCP protocol and regular blood donation, I started to feel better within 6-12 months and turned my life/health around. I am currently healed and honestly, getting sick was a blessing. I would have never found Morleys work, became an RCP consultant and never would have had the pleasure of having great conversations with him. Thank you Morley. You save my life. JR”

Amazon User: EastWest Healing

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I started learning from Morley Robinson 4 years ago & will NEVER look back. I know that I speak for thousands when I say that not only my health, my family’s health and many of my friends have ALL GREATLY benefited from Mr. Robinsons knowledge & never ending research. The price of this book is minuscule to the benefits received in health because of the knowledge. I CAN NOT recommend Morley Robinsons book enough, it is worth GOLD.
I will be forever grateful for Morley Robinson.

Amazon User: Winterbrook

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“Was waiting for this masterpiece to come out. If you really want to find out the importance of minerals and proteins , then this is the info you are looking for. I will update the review when I get the book, but I’ve heard excellent reviews of it already.”

Amazon User: DesertWaterGirl

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A must read to get healthy!

Amazon User: Dave Horst

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This book is amazing. Will help you connect the dots and help you take control of your help. Highly recommend.

Amazon User: Corinne

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Excellent book with well researched information and amazing health benefits!

Amazon User: Marilyn

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“Definitely a very well researched book. I’m will be making some major changes to my diet and supplement strategy. Highly recommend!”

Amazon User: T Higgins

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I love Morleys work.

Amazon User: Aurora Casteen

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“I have been following Morley for quite a while and I am glad he finally wrote this book.”

Amazon User: Douglas

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I loved reading this and having all the RCP information, STARTS and STOPS througly explained. The book goes into great detail into why simply supplementing D and Iron may not be helpful and may be detrimental to your health and what you need to do.

Amazon User: Patty Wilson

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“This is an excellent book with great information!”

Amazon User: Mary O’Grady

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This book is a treasure trove of information needed for health and one my wife and I highly recommend. We truly have been “misled and misfed” in this world and the truth contained here is information all need. Buy a copy for yourself and a loved one.

Amazon User: Bill Gadol

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“Bought this book for my husband and he is living the information he is getting from the book”

Amazon User: Kentucky Girl

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“Morley Robbins is a font of knowledge.
His book CuRe is so well researched and referenced all the way through.
Basically, mineral dysregulation underlies most of what ails us. Morley links the fundamental building block of all life into his Root Cause Protocol where a battle between excess iron, a copper deficiency and magnesium can be brought into balance and restoring good health.”

Amazon User: Frank Lister

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Wow! Everyone should read this book, especially those struggling with any kind of health challenge. Morley has a way with words and a deep understanding of the connections in the body that make it work as it should. He lays out exactly what to do to begin experience greater wellness! I will be reading it again.

Amazon User: Andrea

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This was an absolutely amazing read. Chocked full of information. I love how he questions the common narrative in the health world and opens your eyes to other possibilities to consider. I have been implementing some of his suggestions and having phenomenal results

Amazon User: Isabel Wilson

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If you are wanting to get to the root cause of disease this is the book to buy. This book explains how the body works and what doesn’t work for the body. Morley Robbins has been sharing his research for a decade now and this book is worth every copper penny you have. Best of health to you!

Amazon User: Gardiner Family

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“Si estás buscando cómo recuperar tu energía y tu salud, este es un excelente libro. Morley explica de una forma muy clara y sencilla cómo se produce la energía y como influye en tu salud si no se realiza adecuadamente.”

Amazon User: Fernando C.

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“What an informative book. I was looking for information on why we get dis-ease and this book summed it up more than any book I’ve read thus far! Highly recommend for the person really trying to take control of their own health.”

Amazon User: Bobbi Vincent

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“A great read to get a deeper understanding of the research behind the principles in the root cause protocol. As well as to better know how to implement the root cause protocol.”

Amazon User: Welledge AB

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Excellent book! Author presents the logic behind increasing mitochondrial energy concisely. This wisdom led to me feeling unbounded energy the last three months. It’s very simple.

Amazon User: Braden

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“I was desperate and tried everything. My hair was falling out by the handfulls. I feel like I had lost 3/4 of my hair. It was good that I had a lot of hair. Applying Morleys protocol was the only thing that stopped my hair from falling out. His book is easy to read and apply. Thank you so much for bringing this information to all of us. This will help you with all health issues. We have been so misled even with natural healing. Thank you for all the years of research and putting this together for all of mankind. You are definitely a pioneer leading the way. Thank you again.”

Amazon User: G Garner

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This is a great book with MANY references throughout. Of course you will have to go do a search for these references or the book would have been 2000 pages long. Not sure why the person above wanted to make this book seem less than great info.”

Amazon User: Jackie

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This book is a hidden gem. Get your hands on it now and learn to re-learn everything you know about allopathic medicine and dis-ease! You won’t be disappointed! Thank you Morley, for your years and years of digging through the research and literature and piecing all of this together in a way that makes sense. This book does not disappoint!”

Amazon User: Justin S.

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Absolutely incredible information for anyone suffering from chronic fatigue. Easy to understand and implement. You will not be disappointed with any part of this book.”

Amazon User: Christopher J. Kidawski

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Morley is one of the most important people in the health world BY FAR. He doesn’t just explain that you should avoid certain foods but he explains WHY. If you need more energy in every aspect of your life, this is definitely the book you’ll want to read and put into practice. His work is definitely controversial but it’s life changing. Read it and live it!!”

Amazon User: Justin Stellman

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It’s about time the root cause of so many diseases was identified and this book serves as the gateway to understanding. Iron and oxygen need copper to regulate them to optimize health. I’ve been following this protocol 5 years and so pleased to see the book come out and serve as an excellent reference guide in this journey.”

Amazon User: MadMax

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As someone that has been fearfully going against the grain- instinctively passing on iron and vitamin d supps- this book became so helpful in knowing the connection of those in the body and why I just didn’t feel “right” about taking them. I have been told I was anemic for 15 years, but couldn’t ever tolerate iron pills nor wanted to. This book connected the dots quite a bit and now I’m fearlessly starting the RCP and pushing through without the fear mongering of my so called drs. Morley, I thank you. It’s so evident you truly care and are willing to be wrong. That’s why you do so much research and why I respect you totally. You are making a difference for so many. I personally recommend this book to everyone. Not only to those that feel tired. I’ve bought multiple copies and have begged friends to read. Give Morley a chance to challenge your thinking. And of course do your own research.”

Amazon User: Monica Mcminimy

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Once in a generation you happen upon someone who is not afraid of doing the hard work and making sense of the literature. Morley Robbins is one of those people and his new book “Cu re” addresses what is the real “Pandemic” that is sweeping across America and the World and that is FATIGUE.
Learn how energy is made and exhaust is cleared and how to Cu re your metabolic dysfunction by correcting your mineral dysregulation. A must read for anyone who is serious about their health and the health of their loved ones.”

Amazon User: Michael Leone

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Absolutely mind blown! This book turns everything I’ve ever learned about health completely upside down, but it makes the most sense! If you’re tired of putting bandaids on your symptoms (e.g pharmaceuticals), this book helps get to the root cause of your problems. Definitely a must read!”

Amazon User: Kathie

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I am eager to see this groundbreaking information make it to main stream clinical treatment. The era of chasing after and medicating symptoms has got to come to an end. The root cause outlined in great detail in this book is well researched and I have personally seen it change lives.
Excellent and looking forward to more!”

Amazon User: Healthy Gut Girl

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An explanation of minerals, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress, and an actionable plan to change this. This book is thorough and contradictory to mainstream narrative. It looks for root cause and how to fix it. Heavily sourced and well written. I’m very saddened that the book itself was poorly made and falling apart before even opening the pages (more then just the two pages shown in photos). Hopefully it’s just my own copy.”

Amazon User: Michael Holverson

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“The Root Cause Protocol is something I already follow. Reading this book gave me more insight into the research and reasoning that backs this protocol. While I enjoyed the book, I think it could have been organized and written more effectively. Be that as it may, I am a firm believer in Morley’s methodology. He backs everything he says with actual bodily mechanisms and research. Basically, take more magnesium, eat beef liver, and stop taking calcium, iron, zinc, Vitamin D, and all synthetic vitamins. Get your vitamins from food sources rather than the lab, as lab-created vitamins are not bio-identical and will bring about bodily disfunction. Eat foods found in an Ancestral diet heavy on animal protein, and devoid of sugar, grains, and seed oils. Copper is the underlying component that needs to be optimized and increased because it is central to an overwhelming number of fundamental bodily processes, and key to a long healthy life. The first step in protecting copper is by increasing magnesium. My health has definitely taken a turn for the better after following all of the stops and starts listed in the protocol.”

Goodreads User: Sharon

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I have been part of the magnesium group for years. I have also had a phone consultation with the author. I was hoping that the book would be well thought out and well written and it exceeded my expectations.”

Amazon User: Mary Ann

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I can’t recommend this book strongly enough. If you, like me, have spent many years being tired and sick, read this book and apply the principles.
I spent many years going to every functional medicine doctor, herbalist, homeopath, and Naturopath, searching for relief from debilitating fatigue. Morley’s Root Cause Protocol was what finally worked for me.
It’s not an easy fix. It’s the real deal. After two decades of being sick every day, I no longer have any symptoms of Hashimoto’s Disease. I’m a different person, and life is SO much better when feeling good!
I’m so grateful to Morley and Dr. Liz for passionately sharing this invaluable information with the world.”

Amazon User: sk23dance

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This book was extremely helpful; it’s filled with all sorts of important information and details that are easy to understand and to follow! It’s well-written, not too short and not too long, and I honestly can’t recommend it enough. The author is also wonderful and the real thing – he’s down to earth and means what he says. I had questions and reached out, and he called me back promptly and was very kind and willing to help. I’ve never had an experience with an author that went as well and as enjoyable as this one. Definitely invest in this book and check out his website; you won’t regret it.”

Amazon User: Kathleen

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This book exceeded all of my expectations! I have been following Morley’s work for years, and it has made profound impacts on my health, and the health of those around me (who have been open to hearing it). If you are the kind of person who wants to know all about the “how’s and why’s” and needs to see scientific references, this book has that. And if you are the kind of person who just wants to know what steps to implement and how to implement them, this book lays everything out in an easy to read and follow fashion.”

Amazon User: raes104

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Why did I feel significantly better when I stopped taking a calcium supplement way back in 2001? My conventional physician could not tell me why. I have finally found an answer on page 223: “Less calcium, especially in a magnesium deficient state, is protective against inflammation.” Cu-RE Your Fatigue is an eye-opener and packed full of what to do. I highly recommend it to those who want to take charge of their well-being.”

Amazon User: Jean

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Very detailed, well-researched and thorough explanation of the critical role of copper in human health, and why so many are low in copper, and how to deal with it if you are.
In short, anyone with fatigue of any sort needs to read this book. Wish I had this information 40 years ago.
Doctors have failed humanity. Morley Robbins should get the Nobel Prize for this.”

Amazon User: Kera lee

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I’ve had health issues for ten years. I’ve seen hundreds of doctors (conventional and alternative) and have spent tens of thousands of dollars trying to get better. I’ve had two kinds of doctors- ones that dismissed me and ones that truly cared and had good intentions- that would have loved to help but we’re not equipped with the right Information. Their recommendations like Iron and Vitamin D only made me worse. I’ve been determined to find answers and while it’s been challenging, I haven’t given up. All of my research led me to Morley’s work. I originally heard him on a podcast and couldn’t believe that at the end of it, he left his phone number in case anyone had a question. Who does that? I emailed him to ask a question and he responded with a phone call. He is the real deal- wise and compassionate and understanding of how the body works. This book is chock full of information and easy to understand. If you’re at the beginning or the end of your healing journey- congratulations because in finding this- you found something that will actually work.”

Amazon User: Marie

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Cure Your Fatigue is an amazing eye opening deep dive into how our bodies produce energy and what processes and deficiencies are involved in disrupting our basic metabolic function. If you are curious about the ROOT CAUSE of chronic degenerative disease and its prevalence in our present day, this book is a must read! The author has spent over a decade reviewing copious amounts of scientific literature and synthesizing the information about what it takes for the human body to run efficiently and create an inner terrain where optimal health will flourish. Dont be fooled by superficial and partial explanations offered widely on the internet. Get this book for a much deeper and broader view of the true root cause of all disease. The book also offers a simple yet detailed plan to follow for overcoming the unwanted effects of oxidative stress, energy insufficiency, and mineral imbalances which set the disease process in motion. Whether you are a doctor or other healthcare professional, or simply are curious to know the truth about what causes disease, you will greatly benefit from a close read of this groundbreaking book. You will emerge with invaluable insight into the amazing way in which we were designed.”

Amazon User: Theresa Corgan

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Morley’s insight into what the body needs is incredible. It’s all backed by a tremendous amount of research. It has helped my son’s sensory processing issues, and my other son with eczema and sleep. And it has helped me ween off my thyroid medicine and regulate my cycle. I am forever grateful for him and his research. What most of practitioners are recommending in this world isn’t working. This information is mind bowing and the answer to our health crisis. Morley is an incredible human being and I highly recommend finding a podcast or video online and soak up his wealth of knowledge.”

Amazon User: Daniel fuchs

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“This book is for anyone and everyone who wants to have vibrant health, regardless of their age, sex, diagnosis, etc. There are so many living life with a subpar battery. Over time, this subpar battery leads to disease. Morley so eloquently explains how this manifests – and exactly the steps you can take to support your body’s battery. Me and so many of my family and friends all have Morley to thank for incredible energy, reversal of disease, and age-defying vibrance. And his method is not complex, but simple enough that you can follow without turning your life upside-down. If you or anyone you know is suffering because of their health, this is an absolute must-read.”

Amazon User: Alex Penny

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OMG! Where do I start. The information in THIS BOOK has changed my life. The conditions that doctors give patients are just fancy labels. It doesn’t matter what the condition is the body is designed by God to fix itself when given the CORRECT raw materials that we all need. “MINERALS” are what our bodies NEED. Copper, Mag, Boron, & Iodine are just some of what our bodies NEED. Has your doctor EVER mentioned Copper to you? I already know the answer is no. They are clueless. The Root Cause Protocol ( is what everyone should be on for life. Correction….only if you’re interested in allowing your body to HEAL without Big Pharma. Morley Robbins has allowed the Lord to lead him down a path that is proving to be “Life Changing” for what I hope to be millions of people. I’m grateful for him and forever will be. God Bless You, TOTO! :-)”

Amazon User: Trish

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If copper makes energy and iron takes it; Why are we taking iron pills? I applaude Morley Robbins for bravely bringing relavent and compelling research to the forefront. Imagine, if our body had enough energy to heal without premature pharmaceutical intervention. It has been said that “Truth will prevail” and I feel this is a strong beginning. Jump in! What have you got to lose? I found the information in this book life changing. It is not just another protocol. It is the protocol that allows the body to heal by giving it the building blocks to do so. The dance between Copper, Magnesium and Iron is a beautiful story filled with hope. I know, I am living it. I loved the book! It is practical Knowledge, research supported, everyone can benefit from this material.”

Amazon User: A

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I first bought Morleys book after hearing about it on multiple podcasts. I’ve also listened to a handful of Morley’s guest episodes, ranging in length from 1-1.5 hours of discussion time. You’ll be very hard pressed to find someone as intelligent, well studied and passionate as Mr. Robbins. Additionally, I called a phone number he had listed on his facebook page, and he actually answered. Like, in person…and spoke with me not ONCE on the phone but TWICE. The first time for 20 minutes and the second time for ONE HOUR. Who does this? He doesn’t know me from Adam, but he took all of this time to speak with me personally and I could tell he genuinely cares for people. The information in CUre is groundbreaking for me (although Morley speaks directly to how long the information has been around, which is a long time) – he strings together the information with easy to follow illustrations and scientific data to back it up. I truly think everyone should have this in their collection, but most of all everyone needs to READ it and listen to Morley’s podcasts. Thanks Mr. Robbins, truly appreciated.”

Amazon User: HappyCamper

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Copper is incredibly toxic. I’m still trying to heal myself from this absolutely destructive heavy metal. We need more zinc and less copper. Not the other way around. If you follow this book and get sicker, I highly recommend checking out the work of Dr. Garrett Smith (Nutrition Detective) instead. Plenty of copper toxic survivors on his private network trying to heal the damage done by protocols just like this one. Duration paradox is crucial to understand. Something that makes you feel better short term doesn’t necessarily make you feel better long term. Especially if it suppresses your liver function which excess copper does in the research. This is why all the big pharma drugs are so destructive! Short term they make your surface level symptoms go away but long term they destroy your overall health.”

Amazon User: Tyler Ginter

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I have been following the RCP for approximately 4 years. In that time, I have cured my “Hashimoto’s”disease. I no longer need to take Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine, and other pharmaceuticals for Rheumatoid Arthritis. I took those medications for years, I was diagnosed at age 12. Finding Morley and this information was life changing to me. I highly recommend reading this book and following the protocol to everyone I know. I was so happy to have this book, with all of information in one place. I now have my husband on the protocol, and he is seeing much improvement in his high blood pressure, and is weaning off of his medications for that. He was pre-diabetic, and his sugars have stabilized as well. I know this works, and everyone should read this book and implement this to feel your best!”

Amazon User: Lori W

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I’ve been following Morley Robbins for nearly a decade. He is a voracious researcher, and a “connector of the dots”… and the dots that he has connected between magnesium, copper, iron, and ceruloplasmin just might be a new connection, but also an enduring one. In his book, Morley gives the reader a straight forward protocol of “STOPS” and “STARTS” based on the scientific literature that helps the cells in our body make energy and clear “exhaust.” Based on the hundreds (thousands?) of testimonials from around the world, these steps will probably work for you, too.”

Amazon User: Patrick Sullivan

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There are several things I appreciate out this book:
1. Morley breaks down difficult concepts into easy to digest pieces. I think it takes a lot of intelligence to be able to do that.
2. Morley give us a historical context for why minerals are so misunderstood. I think understanding history is pivotal to not repeating it.
3. Clear call to action that is achievable, inexpensive, and will have a profound impact on your health. He literally gives you the answer on how to achieve optimal health.
4. Sense of humor. This book is witty and creative. I appreciate the conversational tone. I can literally hear his voice when I read the words on the page.
Thanks Morley and the RCP team for all that you do!”

Amazon User: SMC

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I’ve been following the work of Morley Robbins for many years, and became convinced early on that he was onto something that no one else was looking at. After delving into massive amounts of peer-reviewed literature on how the human body functions at the metabolic/cellular level, looking at the root of what makes the body tick, he has, over time, developed a protocol that provides support for the mineral foundations of health. The Root Cause Protocol focuses on the relationships between three key minerals: magnesium, copper and iron, and presents a step-by-step outline designed to restore balance between these minerals in a way that honors our roots in the earth and the mineral foundations that we share. This book does an excellent job of connecting the dots in terms that are fairly easy to follow, both for the foundations of the protocol and the steps involved in its implementation. I would highly recommend this book for all who are chronically ill, lacking in energy, or dealing with virtually any health crisis, and are looking for a holistic, non-medical approach to health and healing.”

Amazon User: Susan G. Coe

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I stumbled upon Morely’s work while looking for answers to my own health questions and issues that weren’t being solved. I had been diagnosed with autoimmune and MTHFR, the beginning steps of natural health suggestions were helping me to feel better, but I was stuck in not understanding why I couldn’t reach 100% again. This book helped me understand the underlying problems that unfortunately are not widespread knowledge, yet. Very thankful this information is in written form and needs to be read by every person who is interested in health and well being, especially integrative practitioners. It will save a lot of time looking for answers.”

Amazon User: Jessie

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Morley Robbins is one of the most eloquent educators that I know about mineral balance and overall human health. The truth that he shares about copper, especially in these times, is invaluable. The book is riddled with clinical study after study supporting his perspective on the real cause of chronic disease and fatigue. In the natural health world the popular mantra is that everyone is copper toxic and iron deficient; this book proves the exact opposite.”

Amazon User: Matthew Blackburn

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Word cannot describe how profoundly this book has impacted my life. Unplugging from the matrix and taking my own life into my own hands. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Amazon User: Sarah Rielly

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I have been following Morley and the Root Cause Protocol for over 3 years now and have experienced improved health as a result of his protocol!
“Cu-RE Your Fatigue” demonstrates in laymen’s terms the author’s understanding of how nuances of mineral imbalance can impact our health.
This book succinctly sums up the mysterious world of mineral balancing within the RCP , splashed with Morleys refreshing sense of humor!
I’ve had the privilege of a consult with him and can say he’s not only one of the smartest people I know, but one of the most humble as well-a rare combination!
He offers practical “STOPS” And “STARTS” that allow personal responsibility for one’s health, along with the “Why” behind it all.
If you or a loved one are having health issues and “have tried everything”, this book could be the best $20 investment you’ve made!
Thank you Morley for your deep research!”

Amazon User: Donna Mobley

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I am impressed with the depth and breadth of basic physiological research the author has pulled together, and then presented in a very accessible way. You don’t have to have extensive training in research to understand this book (but if you do you will appreciate his sources and synthesis.) It presents important, applicable info that will likely appeal to those who haven’t gotten complete or satisfactory answers from standard medical solutions. I think his tongue-in-cheek attitude could be misunderstood by some. He likes to play with words and phrases to get a person out of thought habits (as seen in the title of this book.) If you see him present in a lecture, you’ll realize he is passionate about healing, and playful. It can come across in print as dismissive of the standard medical community, but please don’t let that cause you to miss out on what may be life-changing, health-restoring information for you and yours.”

Amazon User: Jeliza

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I’ve had some mysterious health issues that no one in the medical or natural health community has been able to solve (some improvements along the way). Working the natural health world myself, I dismissed the importance of minerals and the dance involved with them up until reading this book. I have a dear friend who has had similar issues to me. She implemented the RCP in Nov. 2019 and had significant improvements over the past 2 1/2 years. While I was doing a different protocol and not getting much traction, it was seeing her again at a conference with beautiful skin (we both struggled greatly in that area), I decided I better start reconsidering. When I heard Morley on the Wise Traditions Podcast through the Weston Price Foundation, I finally took action, got the book, and implemented the protocol. I actually started noting improvements somewhere around the 2 1/2 week mark. I’m now about 2 months in and while I have plenty of healing to go, I’m SO ENCOURAGED by the progress I’m making and how much inflammation has been reduced. Because of Morley’s book, I’ve been diving into so many related areas (including 2 of the magnesium books he recommends that got him started on the journey) as well as his interviews with like-minded researchers (like Matt Blackburn). For me in particular, my body seems to be responding to the retinol in raw form (it seems like retinol doesn’t absorb or exist any longer when heated/altered?!)…”
NOTE: To continue reading click anywhere on the green.
Amazon User: R. Griffith
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I have been a Physical Therapist for over 20 years, studying natural healing for 10, & a personal follower of the RCP for the past 5. This book contains the most valuable health information you will find & the RCP is the solution you are looking for! Morley has given us the “root cause” and solution to all symptoms (aka dis-ease) you & many others suffer from today. These pages contain the information “they” have kept from you. It is not in God’s plan for you to be ill. Get this book, read it slowly, & begin to apply it to your life. Ditch your dis-ease label, take back your power, & restore the life force that has gradually been stolen from you. Share your success with family & friends & get on with loving and serving God by loving and serving others…full of energy & vibrant health. Thank you, Morley!”

Amazon User: Bryan Logan

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Thank you to Morley Robbins for putting all of this valuable research together in a book! He has spent a decade pouring over research that some would consider out-of-date, but the reality is that the research is unbiased, unlike much of the current-day research. This food-based protocol is valuable for anyone, especially those suffering from fatigue or lack-of-energy. He explains the “why” behind illness and provides step-by-step instructions on how to improve your health.”

Amazon User: April B.

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I love this book! If you want to understand how energy works in our body and what we need to make energy and optimize health, read this book. It is a great overview of MANY years of research that led to the Root Cause Protocol. Finally, this book and the whole program makes sense of why there are so many health challenges today. I am very fortunate to have met Morley Robbins and trained with him as well. He is a loving and compassionate Soul who genuinely wants to help others get beyond the health hurdles they face. It can’t be emphasized enough to “start low and slow” as you begin implementing the protocol, especially if you have been out of balance for a while. This book tells you how to stop doing things that derail your health and to start doing things to balance your body’s minerals, including releasing emotions that block healing. Key to the protocol is getting to know your body and how it responds to what you do. I highly recommend this book!”

Amazon User: Profoundly Grateful

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2 yrs following Morley’s RCP and I have healed from 15 yrs of chronic migraines w/vertigo.

By body has also chosen to release 50+ pounds as a natural result of the better food/less stress/supplementation trifecta.

I am going to add emotional healing work next to help get unstuck and keep improving.

One of my favorite Morley phrases is, “mo maggie mo maggie mo maggie” LOL”

Amazon User: Michelle Bowles

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As a busy health provider and online coach, I have dedicated my life to helping burnt-out men and women get answers. “Cure Your Fatigue” is a game-changer for patients and doctors alike. Morley has combed the research for the past 12 years, uncovering one validated study after another, as it relates to how energy production 101 occurs in the human body. The deeper he went the clearer it became as to what the real problem was/is/and continues to be. Bioavailable copper and the fundamental role it plays in combining the food you eat with the air you breathe, to produce ATP and water. These concepts and truths are not taught to traditional and alternative doctors. Public health policies are not teaching them. Pharmaceutical companies and the food industries are not teaching them either. When you read this book, you will have the starting points to address the root cause of your fatigue. If you are considering whether or not to read this book, I would not only urge you to read it ASAP, I would also encourage you to purchase an extra and give it to your health provider. Not only will you be opening their eyes to the truths of energy production 101, but you will also know if they are willing to be open-minded and humble. Here’s to your first step on the correct path to your energy recovery.”

Amazon User: Richard J Rosen

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I have a background in clinical research so it’s very important for me to have multiple sources (clinical trials, published peer-reviewed articles, etc…) to backup information. Morley Robbins has gone above and beyond in providing us with said “proof” of everything discussed in the book. His extensive research effort to get to the root cause of our fatigue and source(s) of oxidative stress is revealed in not just current studies and information but studies and articles from the early 1900s (before the influence of big pharma, paid financial interests, etc..). A big thanks to Mr. Robbins for thinking outside of the “conventional medicine box” and dedicating this much time to digging for the facts, AKA, the truth. The Root Cause Protocol, developed by Morley Robbins, is available online FOR FREE.”

Amazon User: Preston Emerton

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Morley’s research is groundbreaking, and challenges the common paradigm behind why so many are fatigued and sick. The stops and starts are easy to follow. Get this book to understand how the mitochondria works, and the important of balancing your iron/copper ratio.”

Amazon User: Ben Azadi

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so grateful that morley challenges what’s “normal” in todays society and seeks to find the root cause of issues.
his work has benefitted me greatly and i absolutely recommend this book and his protocols.
he is a guy who really truly cares and is passionate about his findings. hard to come by these days!”

Amazon User: Kendra

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Part One: vital to understanding how cells produce energy. When cells lose the ability to produce energy we end up with disease. This portion of the book is very detailed but has enhanced my ability to understand why nutrition and supplements are vital to healing. Health care providers should really take time to digest this portion of the book. Understanding the iron:copper balance was vital to my personal healing and that of my patients
Part two: if you become overwhelmed by the complexity of part one, know that part 2 can give you the tools you need to transform your health! Part 2 lays out exactly what you need to do in order to increase cellular efficiency to decrease or cure fibromyalgia, fatigue, brain fog, htn, thyroidism (just to name a few)
This program gave me the knowledge to cure the chronic disease that was taking over my life in my late 20s. I am forever grateful to Morley Robbins for his dedication to health!”

Amazon User: mmg13

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Morley Robbins incredible explanation of the mitochondria, energy, the function of copper, magnesium, iron and seruplasm points to the complexity and miracle of the human body. However, chapter one almost undermines the message. It is surprising that Dr. Robbins offers The Great Oxygen Experiement (GOE) fantasy on the development of the human body. Without any science, he describes the process as happening by chance through billions of years of evolution that miraculously led to the complexity our bodies. Quite surprising. He states this without any scientific reasoning that is markedly noted in his CURE topic. (I recommend Dr. Henry Morris for a study on the geological arguments on the universe. The GOE is more like Star Wars.) There are hundreds of geologists and PhDs that he cites so well in CURE, who are ignored in the creation and development of humans. His chapters amazed me on the intricate workings that create energy for us to live. Even though I almost stopped reading, I recommend this book and it’s much needed information. The real meat of the book is after chapter one. The only reason I kept reading is due to Dr. Robbin’s interview with Dr. Mercola and I am glad I did.”

Amazon User: Charles Nunez

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Morley’s protocol is unique and based on hundreds of studies and research that is ignored by doctors. It did save my life. A year ago my ferritin levels were at 970, I had liver damage and many symptoms that my doctors struggled to help me with. After a year on Morley’s RCP protocol, my ferritin is down to 50, my liver is back to healthy and all associated symptoms have cleared. If I had not found Morley, I would have been close to dead. Today is the opposite – I am very healthy and full of energy. THANK YOU Morley!”

Amazon User: Ticos

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“This will change your life and improve your health, be sure to incorporate the root cause protocol for life .”

Goodreads User: Linda

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“This is a great add on if you’re a fan of Weston A Price like I am. I joined the rcp community and have been binge watching the q & a videos. It all makes so much sense to me since I’ve lost ALL faith in our corrupt medical system and the pharmaceutical companies that train the doctors. I’m grateful for the diligent research and understanding that Morley provides.”

Amazon User: Alisa G

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“It was not until I discovered Morley Robbins work that my focus changed. He, unlike others, actually got to the core issue. My mitochondria. Why was my mitochondria causing histamine issues in the first place? Before his work, I was just told to stay away from dairy, never looking into the deeper problem. The net result is I can now eat plenty of heavy whipping cream, butter, kefir, cheese etc. No more problems with dairy. And for that alone, I am forever grateful to Morley Robbins.”

Amazon User: Judy

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“No more pills with every single meal & snack. No more sick stomach! Ty Morley!”

Amazon User: Ann J

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“I dont leave reviews normally but this is such a good book. Truth can be offensive, but it can be life changing. I’m so thankful for Morley’s work, research, and perspective.”

Amazon User: Jeremy Bevans

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“If you don’t have/use a doctor, you need this book. But if you have/use a doctor or homeopathic practitioner, then you REALLY need this book! Morley Robbins has done the human race a huge favor by investigating and compiling profound truths which explain how the human body stays healthy, or otherwise becomes dis-eased. While we are each wonderfully made, we are also majestically composed the same at the cellular level; we are a complex power grid (the mitochondria), which breaks/fails/stops when copper, magnesium and ceruloplasmin don’t work properly to produce energy to operate the body, and when-but especially if iron is unbound and running around the body wreaking havoc. A broken power grid prevents apoptosis, and so aging cells multiply vs being destroyed or worse, become dis-eased. This is why every dis-ease or malady is the same, and also why every dis-ease or malady is CUre-able! This book is empowering, refreshing and equips you with mastering your health and longevity.”

Amazon User: Svetlana

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“We really have lost essential parts of how to understand how our bodies work. Things are missing and knowing that can help us to understand how to heal ourselves.”

Amazon User: N Edwards

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“This book sums up everything you need to know about energy production and your health…a must read for those who don’t believe in the plant based hype. Beef liver has the greatest concentration of bioavailable copper. Get with it. Read it.”

Amazon User: Hugh Tarbell

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“Morley provides a lot of great information online, however, if you like to have a book as a reference guide, this book is extremely helpful. As you can see from the picture, I earmarked several pages I find useful and will revisit. Thank you, Morley, for opening my eyes to the key mineral balances needed to reduce fatigue. I look forward to seeing what my Full Monty panel reveals.”

Amazon User: Robin K.

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“I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! It clearly explained the root cause of fatigue and the solution to it! Some of the scientific research is in the book, if you like reading those kind of things. However, they are just a drop in the bucket of research that backs everything in this book. Also, the Root Cause Protocol has solved many of my medical problems as well as my fatigue and sleep issues. Thank you, Morely for the research and RCP.”

Amazon User: iamctwo.

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“I have followed WAPF for years. I still struggled after a bad mold exposure. After reading Morley’s book and learning about the copper-iron relationship, I now have the missing key. I am beyond grateful for Morley’s tireless research and insight. Personally, I think it should be required reading for every Doctor in the world!.”

Amazon User: Sherry.

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“If you are suffering from persistent fatigue (and fatigue-related symptoms), then you’ve been “misled and misfed. ” The path to regaining your energy and vastly improving your overall health is likely not what you’ve been led to believe. [Cu]re Your Fatigue will help you unravel the story of Copper, Magnesium, Iron and Ceruloplasmin and how their interactions have been intended by nature to maintain our health. Learn what happens when these interactions are interfered with, primarily as a result of following the accepted, yet highly flawed health recommendations we are all too familiar with.”

Storytel User: enska.

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“…. the title of the book sounds quite simple but inside you’ll find an array of amazing information that will make you think differently to what you might have thought. Lots of references. I recommend anyone interested in Nutrition, Functional Medicine or just looking to find a way to feel better should read this book. I’m so very grateful 🙏”

Audible User: Christine McLachlan.

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“Great. No issues”

Betterworldbooks User:  Kimberly P.

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“I’ve learnrd so much about iron and how it works and how it doesn’t!”

Amazon User: Ann Whitney.

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“Thank goodness for Morley sharing his research and for those folks who are willing to share their experiences. I’m grateful for a whole food, simple protocol that is doable long term.
“Ignore the enemy and ignite the energy” “

Amazon User: Shawnalin Mawhinney.

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“Super easy to find what I needed for school!”

Betterworldbooks User:  Denise A.

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“I’m 68 years old and have followed A LOT of different well known practitioners and their individual healing paradigms. I liked and trusted ALL of them. AND I kept looking….as the chronic symptoms remained and the diagnosis kept piling up. Then I read this book. It made so much sense and addressed so many of my issues….AND confirmed my experience over and over. IF you are trying to decide whether or not to buy this book ….I say DO IT…and then trust your intuition. I am totally sold on the Root Cause Protocol and grateful to Morley Robbins for his years of tireless research and then offering his findings to the rest of us.”

Amazon User: Margaret.

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“I found this book to have information that I am excited to tell others about.
I am experiencing some health problems that the medical industry follows their protocol’s but am so thankful that Morley Robbins is sharing his knowledge. Doctors heads spin when I ask them about research and publication that I have learned from reading this book but they are clueless. Doctors respond like a deer caught in headlights at night.
I am getting better and will beat this health condition because of this book. Results are getting better for me. Yes the book title reads Cu (copper) but there is so much more information about Cu and other protocols. Break the mold. That’s what this book does.

Amazon User: Mike M.

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“Quick and easy”

Betterworldbooks User: Gavin H.

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“Morley Robbins takes you upstream against the conventional current of what mainstream medicine has become. He takes on the diluted version that doctors have been taught and reveals the root cause of energy loss which eventually leads to most all diseases. He then demonstrates how to restore lost energy and reverse the course of disease. Morley’s book should be read by any and all suffering from the inaccuracies in conventional medical practices.”

Audible User: lois kame.

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“Well done Morley! I’ve been waiting for your book to come out ever since I heard you were working on it years ago. Very nicely written. Thank you so much for all your effort and hard work and research. I started the RCP in 2018 and it has changed my life. I am so very grateful to you and everyone involved in this great work. I am very interested in translating it into Arabic so more people can learn all the invaluable information in it. That would be truly amazing!”

Audible User: Amna Dashti

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“Great insight into what our bodies really need to function well. Reference to website was helpful to get further info. Read by the author at a good pace, easy to listen to. Nice bonus at the end hearing him briefly discuss the book with “Dr Liz” (not part of the print version).”

Audible User: Susan in Delaware.

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“This book is amazing. Thank you for all the research that you have done and for sharing it with the world. I was dumbfounded that the medical professionals in our world are not knowledgeable about these 4 items they can change your life and out you back on the health track. I’m armed and ready to get my testing, implement the RCP and share this all with my family and friends.”

Audible User: Elaine H.

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“This book and the ‘Root Cause Protocol’ get to the root of your fatigue and other heath concerns. It is easy to implement and understand. And it’s a lifestyle change that will keep you healthy and avoid issues down the road. My story… I lost my hair (and other issues) during the 2020-2022 shutdown. I went to a doctor who erroneously gave me 3 iron infusions which made things much worse. My copper/iron/mag were now completely out of balance and since Copper rules the roost, infusions weren’t the right answer for my body. Morleys information is what everyone needs to hear. It’s so important to know, yet doctors aren’t taught it. He is generous with his time and also has a supporting web site with all the stops and starts and a Magnesium Advocacy Facebook group. Dive in! You will forever be grateful :-)”

Audible User: Jennifer Burl.

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“I’ve been listening to Morley on YouTube and have followed him a tiny bit on Facebook. I appreciate having this book on audible and plan on listening to it over and over again so I can implement his recommendations.”

Audible User: Laurie Langfitt.

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“I’m still unsure what the takeaway is from this book. I especially dislike the part about eating low carb high fat. I have heard a lot of books pro and con and I do not believe the high fat is good. I did not find the evidence compelling and the narrator is annoying and difficult to hear. The beginning of the book is overly technical and the information is scattered about and seems randomly presented. I regret buying this book with my last credit but I will not be returning it because I have been returning a few books lately. I guess I will have to stick with the free books for a while.”

Audible User: Lori.

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“Honestly this is life changing information that I wish I’d gotten years ago. It’s so sad to be spending so much money on supplements and thinking you’re improving your health while at the same time worsening it!”

Audible User: Anne Clarkin.

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“Thank you for mastering this subject with your 10,000 hours of research and for the further two years collating it for our benefit. I’m supremely grateful. I’ve thrown away bottles of supplements and feel better already but it’s just the start.

I very much enjoyed the final chat with your wife. It’s clear that your union was the catalyst for change for you and ultimately for those of us who are awake to this knowledge. So, to your wife I’m also vety grateful! If you hadn’t had a frozen shoulder you would not have met her and we’d be no better off. Some painful situations definitely have a far-reaching purpose.

I hope you will continue to research, write and myth-bust. In these times of mass misinformation trusted guidance to discern the truth is so desperately needed.

Looking forward to your next book. Cure Your Farm is a great idea 💡”

Audible User: H. Swann.

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“I’m a Naturopath, and whilst getting and staying well has many variables, Morley has definitely made a major contribution/(re)discovery here.
I have wondered for a long time that if copper is part of the electron transport chain, which produces 32 ATP molecules, why it’s not talked about more.
Well here it is! He says at some point towards the end that if there is only one thing to take away from this book, it is to get more copper into your body.

Audible User: Rob.

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“Easily to maneuver without ever having used yalls site before.

– Betterworldbooks User: Faith L.

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“I really like this book, but as soon as it arrived the pages started falling out.

– Amazon User: Rebecca.

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“I’ve read and re-read the reviews on Morley’s book, and I understand that not everyone has a positive experience. I did have a huge improvement just by doing his “stops” from the information that was freely given on the internet. Especially stopping the vitamin d and switching to magnesium malate. Love that he gives vetted brands and takes so much of the work out of it on my end. He is very clear about going slow and see what works for you. I’ve been doing this for twenty something years and although I don’t do every single product everyday, I have figured out what works for me and think others can too.
Lots of podcasts out there and there are some who send you in other directions. That’s all part of the process. Healing takes years so buckle in because we are getting slammed with toxins, electrical insanity, poison and meds in our water… blah, blah. Surely, there is good information in this book as is his free info on the internet. Do your thing.

– Amazon User: on the path.

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“Morley Robbins is absolutely brilliant. His research and compilation of studies (some going back hundreds of years) is like nothing I’ve ever read before, and I’ve read countless books and participated in numerous lectures as a Holistic Health Coach. Conventional Medicine knows NONE of this because they are not taught any of this critical work in Medical School, and unfortunately, Naturopaths and most Functional Medicine doctors & practitioners are also not taught these fundamentals. Most medical professionals simply do not understand the most critical piece of the puzzle is that Copper is the Commander-in-Chief (but only when it is bio-available in the body), and is the ONLY force on this earth that can regulate iron, which drives inflammation and dis-ease in our bodies when it is not regulated. Morley sets the record straight & exposes the myths that we were all told to believe. Read this book with an open mind and without prejudice and you will never look at health through the same lens again. A MUST READ!.

– Amazon User: Vincine Franchilli.

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“As a functional medicine practitioner I realise that we all fall back on ‘accepted’ treatment and there may be harms we are unaware of. This book changed aspects of how I treat.

– Amazon User: Julie.

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“I have stress related issues associated with dysautonomia. I didn’t know there was a magensium burn rate. Definitely ordered an HTMA after reading this. Dialed in my magnesium. Who knew you could actually poop multiple times a day. Thanks!

– Amazon User: Stephanie White.

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“Enjoyable read on the Iron / copper / retinol roadmap and quite the breakthrough toward optimal health. The book is very thorough and comprehensive in explaining what is required to regain health and provides the studies to back up what he is saying in the book. Copper increases intelligence! Find out how by reading this book! Morley goes into great detail in explaining the toxic effects of iron overload in all disease and the importance copper and other essential minerals. This book enabled me to once again become my best self!

– Amazon User: Syd.

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“I have struggled most of my life with health issues. In the last 3 years they intensified to the point that I was unable to carry out what I loved doing in my life. This book has given me my life back, so much that I have become a consultant with the RCP, (Root Cause Protocol) so that I can help others. Thank you Morley for all that you are doing for humanity!!!

– Amazon User: russ cook.

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“Wonder why every time you have dis-ease you get a prescription instead of directions on truly healing your body? Wonder why we live in a diabetic, obese world and the numbers keep rising. Wonder why it costs $72m to bring a new drug to market but your doctor doesn’t tell you about eating whole foods, minerals and direct sunlight to improve your symptoms? This is an eye-opening book on why the worlds health is where it is today. How “science” backed by big pharma dollars has buried evidence that disagrees with their claims. If you really want answers to ailments, read this book with an open mind. It may make you furious, but it can make you live healthier longer. Great read!

– Amazon User: Dianne Loflin.

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“This book is like no other. An insightful and eye-opening read packed with strategies to help us achieve homeostasis. I’ve been out of balance for 9 years, have seen doctor after doctor with no resolve, and I’m currently utilizing this book as a recipe for my own wellness! Not only does Morley provide a wealth of valuable information based on years of research, but he also provides specific actionable steps to empower us to achieve better health and to live our best lives. A needle in a haystack ~ and an outstanding contribution to humanity.

– Amazon User: Jana Greco.

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“Good info. Read a few pages. Good companion to FB and YT info.

– Amazon User: Russ T.

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“Well laid out in a logical format. Goes into enough detail for a solid basic understanding of the complex dynamics of human metabolism. Provides a detailed self help action plan with the Root Cause Protocol. This book could be the start to a elongated, healthier life based on good science.”

– Amazon User: Anonymous. 

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“Good product”

– Amazon User: Sound.

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“This will simplify your understanding of why we get sick and what to do about it. A comment on here that the author is arrogant is rubbish. Praising a Pharma driven business that is now our medical system that doesn’t even try to cure is absurd. The medical system has been a dismal failure, abandoning any desire to get to the root of our illness and instead referring and depending to pharmaceuticals to manage symptoms, not curing us and making us clients for life. Seems a waste of a medical education and the time it takes, to become drug prescribers and run endless tests too often leaving patients in worse shape than they started. The same drugs create other problems that need more drugs and pile on. Drugs should be a temporary solution while we are put on a path to healing, but this is not the case with modern medicine. What they do very well and excel at is emergency medicine, often times outstanding.They should put their money and resources into that to expand those services because this is where they succeed. This book gives you an understanding of what you can do to take charge of your health. Highly recommend.”

– Amazon User: jb4u.

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“After years of feeling left astray from the modern medicine system this protocol gave me life again and is the only protocol that has truly left me feeling more energy to tackle the day. This just makes sense. Fixing and healing the cause of imbalance rather than the tradition temporary bandaids for symptoms that only cause more symptoms.”

– Amazon User: jodie.

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“unifying theory of energy and wellness
love this book its like a unifying theory of energy. after reading this its clearer why so many good diets in like dr mercolas no grain diet. and diet by blood type by dr dadamo work so well. this book will take your thoughts and understanding of health to the next level. morley digs deep into reasearch from the past 100 years and examines correlations between vitamins minerals and health and turns upsidown many currently assumed causations. was a great read. im going to now begin implementing the Root Cause Protocol for myself.”

– Apple Books User: diggermcg.

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“Great book that IF the medical AND Alternative healing world embraces AND puts into action…can truly change the world and help many lives!
Thanks Morley!”

– Audible User: Brian.

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“Some of the chapters seemed more like a sales job than trying to provide helpful information about the copper / iron relationship in your body. I think it was more the writing style that irked me. There were a whole lot of “it’s a fact” and statements like that. Persuasion is an art, especially with controversial topics. The book has very important information that everyone should know there were just points where some decent editing could have made a good book even better.”

– Audible User: Cory Brickner.

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“What a fascinating read! There is a fair bit of bio chemistry to try and get your head around but it’s not necessary to understand it all; Morley’s message is short and clear. A lot of it flies in the face of convention, but be open minded and prepare to be blown away.”

– Audible User: Emmy.

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“I loved this book! it is packed full of useful information to empower people to take their health into their own hands and apply what they learn to heal themselves.”

– Audible User: Anonymous.

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“About 25 years ago, I almost died of cancer. The treatment of a bone marrow transplant, coupled with high dose chemotherapy, unbeknownst to me, resulted in a seriously unbalanced situation with my vitamins/minerals. I attempted to eat cleanly, drink clean water, take lots of vitamins and give up eating meat. It didn’t work. I was exhausted all of the time, was often breathless and had gut issues. I saw this book in my Thermographer’s office and intuitively felt that I must read it. It covered information that made so much sense and that I had known nothing about. This book was life changing for me. It gave me back my energy and resolved all of my other problems, as well. I cannot recommend this book highly enough!!”

– Amazon User: Cindy.

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“To Morley- I cannot thank you enough for the work that you have put out into the world. I’ve only been doing a few of the starts for a few weeks and I feel my body responding, I’m becoming more vital.
What’s interesting, is that I’ve done the stops for the past 15 years. It’s the starts that have made the most change for me because it’s a paradigm shift and I feel like it’s finally the true answer.
From Tammy-“

– Amazon User: tammy kohlschmidt.

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So much insight into what’s going on on a deeper level within. Loved it, great read

– Audible User: Anonymous.

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“While this can easy be seen as nothing more than a sales pitch for the “Root Cause Protocol”, the science behind it is very sound and of worthy quality to work through”

– Audible User: James Cameron.

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“This book and the authors 35 years of research might change everything for you!”

– Amazon User: Donna.

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“I believe Morley’s passion and commitment to creating health and wellness is genuine and resolute. You get a sense of this tuning into podcasts where you can hear it in his voice which easily engenders curiosity and trust. He understands that health is not one size fits all, and encourages each of us to self monitor and adjust the protocol accordingly. I also have the pleasure of working with Morley directly where his generosity and depth of caring is affecting. I just finished this book today which certainly helps to weave together a deeper understanding of his concepts and their potential benefits. Keep in mind that it’s not necessary to grasp every piece of data in order to internalize the important foundation of knowledge the book offers. I’ve just started the protocol and I’m hopeful it will bring definite positive results.”

Anonymous Amazon User

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“You think you know what you’re doing, taking “healthy supplements “ only to learn that everything you take is slowly damaging you. Spot on with all he describes. I feel like a used car that is repeatedly in the shop for repairs, only to find the mechanic is sabotaging for another repair…..”

Anonymous Amazon User

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“This book has such cutting edge concepts… all backed up by scientific studies that the public should know about! Most doctor’s haven’t even put together the links that are in this book.. Now Morley Robbins has put it in a book that explains what, and how, we can take control of our health and bring energy and wellbeing back to our lives. Very important stuff— Thank you, Morely Robbins!”

– Amazon User: iconic

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“I’ve had the chance to meet Morley on multiple occasions and am in awe at his curiosity and brilliance. The book is a deep dive into the role of iron, oxygen and copper on planet earth and in the human body. Biologists, biochemists, and doctors will be intrigued by the implications of his research and everyone can benefit from his root cause protocol.

This book satisfies the needs of the truth seeker and the average individual who wants to improve their health and gain more energy.”

– Amazon User: janetmanswen

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“I’m a practitioner or Functional Medicine and for Years I tested people extensively for nutrient deficiencies and gave them iron (even infusions), b-vitamins, and vitamin d (among many other things), but it never sat well with me that my clients—like myself—lived in a sunny place, ate meat, & tried their best to live healthy lives, and were Still coming up deficient in their lab work… then I struggled with mold, became a certified mold practitioner, and still couldn’t seem to get my numbers looking right despite all the detox (sauna, glutathione IVs, and thousands of dollars in vitamins). My midwife actually pointed me to Morely’s work and at first I outright rejected it since it flew in the face of everything I had been taught by really smart functional medicine practitioners who were backed by research, but after some time, I came around and am a believer. It has answered my questions and illuminated so many other truths. And is equally backed by research.

This book is Dense. I liked listening to it vs reading it, often while spending the hours in the kitchen as health-conscious people tend to do. If you are struggling with anemia, autoimmune issues, are pregnant, or are just looking for more sanity in healthcare, do yourself a favor and check out this body of work (either the book of the Root Cause Protocol website). As I said in my title, it provided much needed clarity and sanity for me about how intelligent our bodies and nature are and how much they are actually Thwarted by well-meaning practitioners (even natural ones).“

– Audible User: Midwife mama RO

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“This was the book that changed everything for me. Initially I heard Morley on a podcast and the podcast host misunderstood what Morley was saying and took away that we should supplement with a copper supplement. I knew that I needed more info, which prompted me to buy the book. NOTE: please dont interpret what podcast hosts say as fact. The Root Cause Protocol & what Morley speaks of is based on a compendium of research from doctors, PHD’s & the like from the top schools of our time. This is not some crazy guy spitting nonsense, people have to realize this. Reading this book and the truth of our society and our physiological processes resonated with me 100 percent. Implementing the Root Cause Protocol has moved the needle in my health more than anything else. It teaches you how to balance your minerals and take full responsibility for your health & life. As Morley says we have been ‘Misled and Misfed’. This book changes the trajectory of your life in the most positive way. I Cannot recommend it enough. Hopefully this post will give you a tiny glimpse of the magic it holds.

– Amazon User: keelee sullivan

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“Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on May 13, 2023
If only this book existed while I was spending thousands on a science/nursing degree that taught me a lot of misinformation. And I can’t help but think how I might not have suffered with my own health issues if I would have known this decades ago. But I’m thankful I did find it, and it’s changed my life for the better.

Warning: it’s a heavy read. There will be pages you’ll need to read more than once. You may need time to digest it all. And you will likely experience a lot of “a-ha” moments. But don’t let that deter you.

Buy more than one copy. Buy one for every person in your life.

The greatest wealth is your health……“

– Amazon User: StompAK

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“I listened to a few of his podcasts and was fascinated by what he was teaching, the underappreciated and overlooked functions of copper. I’ve been dealing with iron related issues for years and have hemochromatosis. Implementing the teachings of Morley has begun to change my health. He also dropped his phone number into a podcast and I gave him a call and he personally took time out of his day free of charge to consult with me about my health, my questions, and hear me out. What a solid guy.

Anonymous Amazon User

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“Great book….

Loved book references…..

Take trace minerals….

Sites Dr Weston Price.

Ancient Ancestral diet”

– Audible User: Andrea Cartwright

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