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I’m a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (FNTP) utilizing the Root Cause Protocol to help women create more cellular energy and get their iron cycling. My practice has focused on women’s issues, particularly hormonal balance, thyroid health, and building healthy blood counts. My approach is food and lifestyle first, with food-based supplements stepping in to assist the process as needed. My practice is part time so I can continue to pursue my many interests, including creating a healthy home for my husband and six children, building community through local educational events, Bible study and singing in my church choir, serving on local public committees, homeschooling and teaching in our local school co-op, breeding golden retrievers in a holistic environment, hiking the beautiful PNW, and international travel. I have worked with women for over a decade and employ nutrition, herbals, essential oils, homeopathics, and healthy-home habits to help women connect to their most vibrant health!
Company Name: Clean Green Start