Dear MAG-pies,
In honor of my 67th Natal Day, I’ve prepared a video of some KEY slides to explain the confusion of LOW iron in the blood and how it’s HIGH in the tissue!
It’s my latest attempt to educate the Masses to stop and re-think the “simple lie” that we’re anemic!… Nothing could be farther from the truth…
Please forgive the NO PICS of me… I inadvertently clicked OFF my video thinking that I was simply moving it off the screen!… Picture me being QUITE animated as I share this info, though…
Hope you enjoy the material, and that it sheds new light & new proof on this global crisis facing humanity…
We are NOT “copper toxic, & iron deficient!” The TRUTH IS JUST THE OPPOSITE:
- We are copper deserts & are drowning in dysfunctional iron that is STUCK in our tissues…
Have FUN, and let me know what you think!…
“A” votre sante!
– Morley
PS. This image is referenced within this presentation… we can’t wait to hear feedback from you on this post!