In this webinar, we are going to demystify the most common misconceptions when it comes to iron, and explore the incredibly important relationship between iron, copper and fatigue.


Anemia is a bit of a dirty word if you ask us. Mainstream medicine has fooled us into thinking that anemia is widespread, and sadly, we have been seriously misinformed.

If you reach for iron supplements when you feel tired, there’s a good chance you’ve fallen into the trap we’re trying to help people avoid. You’d be forgiven for assuming that iron supplements are the solution. Please know that they are NOT. We’re here to tell a different story, one that shows you how to crack the code and understand that you likely have TOO MUCH iron in your body, rather than a deficiency.

In this webinar, we are going to demystify the most common misconceptions when it comes to iron, and explore the incredibly important relationship between iron, copper and fatigue.

Yes, we’re taking a stand. Yes, it’s controversial. Yes, it might require some shifts in perspective. But we can back up our standpoint, and if you’ll allow us, we’d love to peel the curtain back. This is an event not to be missed. See you there?

This webinar is for you if…

  • If you’ve been taking iron for a while and you still feel tired
  • Your GP recommends iron infusions
  • You’ve been told you have low iron
  • You’re taking iron supplements
  • You try to get as much iron as you can from foods
  • You’re a health professional with anemic patients/clients
  • You’ve diagnosed yourself as low in iron
  • You work with pregnant women

If this interests you, or even if you’ve started the RCP but you’d like a refresher, please signup for the webinar replay below.

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