March 25, 2018
Hen K. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Hashimoto’s symptoms

Hello everyone 🙂

I’m so grateful to be a part of this group.

I follow the protocol and I’m very pleased. I have suffered from Hashimoto’s for many years, and with the help of Reut Shalev (amazing RCP consultant and emotional therapist) I got off my meds and I keep seeing more and more improvements with every step we take.

I went to a holistic dentist and she suggested that we replace all the fillings from the bad substances (mercury, etc.) to porcelain fillings.

She told me that treated teeth could not ever recover. She explained to me that the materials had already been absorbed in the teeth and that a non-virgin tooth could not be rescued.

Only virgin teeth will be able to recover.

I was very hopeful that we could remove all the fillings and let the existing holes close over time.

I’m following the recommended diet and the RCP protocol, and I’m hoping this can improve just like everything else.

I have a lot of passion and motivation to heal myself naturally. I have improved so much on this protocol and I thank Morley every day for his brilliant work, and Reut, My personal angel throughout this process for guiding me with so much love.

I have one root filling and three regular fillings.

I know Morley Robbins does not recommend replacing the fillings because it can put the body into chaos, but I feel strong and balanced enough.

I’d love to hear people’s experience with this. People who have managed to cure teeth that had been treated (non-virgin tooth).

I would love to some tips and advices.

Sorry about the English, it’s not my strong side.


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