WOOT! WOOT! My Full Monty is showing improvement! Hallelujah! Except my, Mag RBC continues to go down.
I am one year NED (no evidence of disease) from stage 4b endometrial cancer. I started monitoring my iron in April 2016 after major blood loss from the uterine bleeding. I did take a whole food plant-based iron supplement prior to that first draw because my ferritin got down to 5 and I was very weak, dizzy etc. I was *just* learning about iron from the Root Cause Protocol when I pulled that first iron panel. In about 6 months time my ferritin shot up to 83. I freaked and threw the supplement out.
At that time I was about to start chemo and most all supplements are poo-pooed but I kept taking my Maggie. Long story short, I was chemo resistant and ended up on immunotherapy (Keytruda) which I reacted to severely. These immunotherapies supercharge your immune system to go in and kill cancer but they can also cause your immune system to attack healthy tissue and organs. My immune system attacked all my muscles. (Rhabdomyolysis) I had a very hard time walking, talking, eating. Lost my fine motor skills in my hands and 70% use of my arms. I looked like I had had a stroke. It was very scary. I lost 20 lbs in 2 weeks. I was put on a very high dose of prednisone (100mg) to suppress mine out of control immune system. Took three months to taper off. Took a full 6 months to recover 90%.
This severe crash of my body totally sunk my Full Monty. My Full Monty from this past April was really distressing. I was able to start fully implementing the RCP in May. I drew just an iron panel in August to check my dismal numbers and they had dropped even lower. (Total 26, IBC 452, % saturation 6, ferritin 7) Hemoglobin 10.1 BUT I didn’t “feel” anemic, I actually felt pretty darn good!
In the past month or so my hair started thinning, adding to my stress. I began telling myself maybe I really am anemic. I did stop chelating iron (was taking IP6 and DE) and just kept focusing on the rest of the protocol.
Within the past 10 days or so I have had a surge of energy. My hair thinning has gotten less. I feel really, really good and I just got my Full Monty labs last night and my once scary numbers (everything below normal, except high IBC) are making a comeback. Everything but my mag RBC. It went from 4.3 to 4.2. I take 3 Jigsaw and 3 glycinates plus mag oil (not as frequently as I should) and occasional foot soaks. I need to increase those.
I’m scared to take boron. My cancer was estrogen fed. I did take it for 2 weeks then my hair starting falling out. I do a muscle test positive for it. I may start back with half the amount, 3 days a week.
Anyway, I’m just so excited that it looks like I’m climbing back out of this hole. My body went through hell one year ago. The Keytruda did its job though. Now I need to keep sticking with the RCP.
Stick with it guys (and girls). I was getting really distressed over my lack of progress and now I’m seeing AND feeling it!
Yessia | The Root Cause Protocol Handbook Companion Course
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