May 9, 2018
​Laura G. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Lung Disease symptoms

I was exposed to black mold for 3 years. I went from fully functioning to bedridden in a matter of months. My body crashed and burned. I was put in a coma. I had double pneumonia.

It has taken me years to recover from that coma. 10 + years to be exact. I have lung disease and am very reactive to any type of mold now.

I am currently on oxygen getting better every day thanks to the Root Cause Protocol.

A year ago I couldn’t leave the house without someone with me as basically a personal nurse.

It took me almost 8 months to see a noticeable difference in my body and my health.

I see people on here that are so sick like I once was, and they give up too quickly on the RCP, my heart crumbles for them because I know the road they are headed down and it is not PRETTY.

Don’t give up. Stick to it.

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