July 1, 2013
Magnesium — 800 enzymes…

One of the newer and more scientifically inclined MAG-pies recently declared that our “benefactor” Magnesium is involved in 700-800 enzyme reactions — more than doubling the oft-quoted Internet babble that “Magnesium is involved in 300 enzyme reactions…”     

It’s a number that has become a caricature of this dynamic, metabolic mineral that runs our body. Highlighted above is just ONE of the many hundreds of enzymes that Maggie brings to life. This particular one is the process of creating energy in ALL of our cells… Know any one that’s running low on their energy levels?… No Maggie, no Mg-ATP… No Mg-ATP, no life…
So I immediately sat up and took notice that maybe s/he’s got some new information, and requested a citation… I’m glad I did. I would encourage ALL the MAG-pies to read this brief  overview on Maggie carefully… And please say a prayer of gratitude for Andrea Rosanoff, PhD for setting the record straight in such a readable article.
It turns out that the enzyme number that rules the Internet, was just a SWAG… nothing more than an estimate. More recent research and more accurate testing now puts that number at closer to 800 enzymes. The next closest mineral is Zinc, with less than 200. And for you Calcium lovers out there, that “mineral of cement” is instrumental in <20 enzymes (the most important of which is the one that brings the cell to death…) That was not a typo, btw.
Let me just highlight one section for your swift review that highlights its central role in optimal functioning of  our heart and entire cardiovascular system. So when Magnesium levels are LOW:
• In blood vessel smooth muscle cells – causes vasoconstriction, arterial stiffness, and/or hypertension;
• In heart cells – causes enlargement (hypertrophy);
• In blood platelet cells – causes increased aggregation, stickiness and clotting;
• Makes fat and skeletal muscle cells less able to respond to insulin (insulin resistance);
• Causes pancreatic beta cells to produce more insulin, causing hyperinsulinemia [which may lead to hypoglycemia and sodium retention/hypertension];
• Increases nerve cell activity as well as the response of endocrine tissues.
Sort of a who’s who of metabolic activity.  So now we’re up to 1 +6 = 7. Beginning to get the picture?…
One of my all time favorite quotations about the importance of Magnesium comes by way of Fr. Bene Josef Schorr, S.J., a Jesuit professor of physics and biochemistry in Brazil:
“Of the 18 essential minerals, by far, the most important is Magnesium. It is the ‘Teacher of the Classroom.’ When one pupil or another is missing, no problem. When the Teacher is missing, the disorder is perfect!…”

Here’s an enduring image of your body’s enzymes without Maggie…
Please head on over to www.gotmag.org to learn other aspects about Magnesium that you likely were never taught about, whether in grade school, or medical school…
A votre sante!

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