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I found myself drawn to the world of holistic healing and the RCP after some extreme health issues in my own family set me on the search to go beyond the ‘band-aid’ approach to treating our symptoms, which often came with nasty side effects and unintended long term consequences. I wanted to get to the ROOT CAUSE of our illnesses. I wanted a REAL fix. Not a quick fix.
With the stress of having a child with significant chronic health issues, I also found my own health declining at a rapid rate. Terrible fatigue, endometriosis, a heavy, painful menstrual cycle, ovarian cysts, carpal tunnel, Raynaud’s syndrome, asthma, adrenal fatigue, thyroid issues, bursitis, tendonitis, anaemia of chronic inflammation, general stiffness and soreness in my joints, depression, daily anxiety, panic attacks…and these were just the symptoms that were diagnosed and given labels!
In studying Mineral Metabolism under Morley Robbins, I have spent countless hours delving into the latest and most enduring research on minerals and how they help make our bodies function. Together with many years of experience in Education, Functional Nutrition and a Tiny Habits Coaching Certification, I bring an approach to holistic healing that begins at the very foundations of health, our minerals, and provides you with a clear path to begin healing from the ground up.
I am here to support you on the journey, and educate and empower you. I have seen with my own eyes the incredible improvements in health that can be made when our bodies are in balance. The human body was designed to maintain homeostasis- give it what it needs and watch the symptoms disappear…
Reach out and together we can find your balance.
Company Name: Amy Armstrong
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