Meet the Consultant

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Anna Konakh, RN, RCPC

South Carolina

My name is Anna.

My journey began after I started feeling severely lightheaded, dizzy, having palpitations, and intense anxiety. The only answer I received from modern medicine was that all my labs looked normal and there was no cause for concern. This made me feel extremely uneasy, as these symptoms were taking over my daily independence of life. Being a nurse created an additional anxiety because nothing was making sense.

After learning in the RCP Institute that during stress we burn through minerals, and once those are burned through we develop symptoms, it started to make sense to me. It brought me hope that I can be restored and healed. This indicated to me that I can replenish my body with the proper nutrients to allow it to function at optimum.

Once I began incorporating the RCP, I noticed my symptoms were clearing up which was evidence that the answers to my questions laid in finding the root cause.

I believe that the body, mind, soul and spirit are all intertwined. If one is unwell, the others will be affected. Conclusively, once we are able to pinpoint what is out of balance and bring our bodies back into order, we can feel our best again.

My passion is to give people hope, help them heal and reclaim their God-given health.


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