Meet the Consultant

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Brianne Campbell Holistic Nutrition, GNM Practitioner


Hi there! I’m Brianne or you can call me Bree. I am a all things health enthusiast/chronic learner! After being woken up from the health spell we’ve all been under by RCP, I decided to take it a step further and deepen my understanding of minerals. I carry many tools under my belt such as, psychology/counseling, lymph/body work, hormone balancing/ cycle syncing, intuitive nutrition, mineral balancing via the bodies symptoms and New German Medicine.I have over 200 HTMA readings and Iron panels under my belt. I am able to determine what the body is trying to say via minerals/bloods. I offer my clients 1:1 services where we do extensive work looking into the symptoms at hand, what the body is trying to say and how we can correct the derailing through awareness. No two bodies are alike therefore I find it incredibly important to have a practitioner who has a wide range of tools and is willing to hold your hand through the journey into optimal health and peace. I work with children, teens, adults and all shapes of health even the chronically ill. I specialize in fertility, pregnancy and postpartum health. I have developed a new found love of working with chronically ill clients who are open to alternative medicines and want to trust their bodies ability to heal.

I offer complimentary consults to determine if we are a good fit. Please feel free to reach out via Email or Instagram.

Company Name: Red Bird Wellness

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