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Christie Hernandez

California & Montana

The act of discovering the Root Cause of physical suffering is not complete when the physical cause, alone, is revealed. Morley and his RCP protocol have done an incredibly thorough job of addressing the physical and even emotional components to healing the Root Cause of dis-ease.

On the most fundamental, quantum level, we are all a collection of frequencies. When the minerals in our bodies are out of balance, we are no longer able to conduct the same orchestra and the beautiful song our body once sang will be out of tune until we find and often replace the musicians responsible.

I have worked/practiced/lived in the world of integrative and functional medicine for over a decade as a caregiver, turned integrative nurse and founder of INN. I have had the fortune of working alongside some of the greatest minds in this area of integrative medicine, within the Bay Area and far beyond.
I have met a lot of ego in medicine and have been privileged to work with many different approaches and protocols from eastern to western medicine and just about everything in between. Believe me when I tell you that every provider (Natural or Allopathic) believes their way is the right way to achieve your health goals. And I will tell you that most of them ignore their oath to first Do No Harm (mostly unknowingly, as I believe they do have the best intentions).

I am simply so grateful to have been led to the Root Cause Protocol, by a patient who was saved by it. In the process of helping her, she opened my eyes to a protocol so simple, yet so brilliant that it actually does no harm; no heavy detoxes, no synthetic hormones or supplements, and of course no pharmaceuticals. It has helped many of our patients and, as a practitioner, it certainly helps me to sleep better at night knowing you all have access to this beacon of light in the midst of the filthiest storm our humankind has seen.

What my experience has thus far led me to discover is that the deepest root of nearly all disease- when it’s not physically stored spiritual and/or emotional trauma; is mineral imbalance.

The RCP addresses this imbalance in the most comprehensive approach to careful physiologic repair that I have seen.

Of course, addressing the whole person is critical in developing the ever-so-important, personalized approach to wellness. For this, a heart-centered, authentic connection is vital.

At INN, we call this the Medicineheart Approach- learned from my mentor, Catherine MedicineHeart. I am eager to invite you into our practice and introduce you to this new way of meeting you where you are.

Until then,
💗 Christie

Company Name: Integrative Nurses Network

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