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The act of discovering the Root Cause of physical suffering is not complete when the physical cause, alone, is revealed. Morley and his RCP protocol have done an incredibly thorough job of addressing the physical and even emotional components to healing the Root Cause of dis-ease.
I have worked/practiced/lived in the world of integrative and natural medicine for over a decade as an integrative nurse and founder of INN.
What my experience has led me to discover is that the root of nearly all disease, when it’s not physically stored spiritual and/or emotional trauma; is mineral imbalance.
The most effective way to resolve such imbalance is absolutely the RCP. And the most effective way to address the whole person in developing a personalized approach to wellness would be first with a heart-centered, authentic connection.
I call this the Medicineheart Approach- learned from my mentor, Catherine MedicineHeart.
This approach to healing provides a moment in time where space is created to honor the sacred being that you are in an environment where you can feel safe to heal.
Company Name: Integrative Nurses Network
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