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Diane Beach (RCPC/EFT)


Are you ready to take back your health?

Health is more than what we put into our bodies. Stressors impact our minds; toxins from the stress response even get stored in our tissues! While approaches such as mindfulness, meditation, and talk therapy can offer benefits…maybe it’s time to give Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) a try. Having completed my 2nd certification through EFT International (EFTi) and currently enrolled in Tapping Out of Trauma, I will help you safely unwind or unravel what has been meticulously stored in your body. Often this approach is a key that unlocks further success in achieving your health goals. I have also completed a class in “Mindful Homeopathy” which can help enhance the emotional goals of freedom you desire.

My training also includes an HTMA certification from Groups 2 and 11 as an RCPC (Root Cause Protocol Consultant) with the Magnesium Advocacy Group on FB, Gateway to Homeopathy I & II, along with the Good Gut/Bad Gut, The Antibiotic Alternative, Feminopathy, Rethinking Detox, and Pain – Make it Stop practical homeopathy courses through Joette Calabrese.

Whether you are an HTMA client of mine or another RCPC who thinks that EFT may be a benefit to you and your journey, I can help you understand how stress affects our bodies and minds together. If this sounds intriguing and you are ready to take back your health, click here to schedule a FREE introductory session that is both virtual and worldwide via Free Conference Call app, so we can flesh out your goals for recovery.

Company Name: DMBHealthConsultant

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