Meet the Consultant

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Emma Kidman

Sydney, New South Wales

I began to learn about wholistic health when my first child was born in 2011. My eldest three children were all diagnosed with severe eczema and allergies as babies and the failure of the conventional system to deal with these conditions set me on the search for a more wholistic approach. I worked with an integrative doctor on gut health for many years and we saw huge improvements through implementing Weston A. Price diet and using herbs and probiotics to improve their microbiome.

Eventually progress with my kid’s health stalled, and my own energy levels began to suffer. I was having heavy periods and diagnosed with anemia and eventually adenomyosis. All the treatment I was doing wasn’t working, and I started to look for the root cause of my symptoms, which led me to the RCP.

Since implementing the protocol, I have experienced enormous improvement in my own health. My symptoms are gone, my energy is higher now than ever, and my kids are thriving. This led me to train as an RCP consultant in 2021, and again in 2022. I am now a tutor in the current RCP training.

I am passionate about spreading the word on how rebalancing minerals can have such a profound effect on health. I would love to help you regain the freedom to manage your own health in this way. Please get in touch for a free 15 min chat to discuss this further!

Company Name: Emma Kidman


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