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Jean Masters (RCPC)


In 2001, conventional doctors could not explain why my stopping calcium supplementation (1,500 mg/day) significantly improved my joint pain and extreme fatigue. Four years later, my first hair test showed excess calcium in my tissues. Finally, an explanation, sort of! I studied hair tissue mineral analysis, adding it to my holistic health practice. Then from his “Magnesium Man” picture, I became aware of and started following Morley Robbins. Intrigued by his Iron Toxicity Posts, I took Morley’s Root Cause Protocol training in 2019. My eyes were wide with wonder as I learned the underlying cause of today’s chronic diseases and how to correct it. As the guide at your side, I offer you through the Root Cause Protocol a way to regain your well-being, your Infinite Potential.

Company Name: Infinite Potential, LLC

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