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Jon Sasmor (Program Director, MinBalance LLC)

San Luis, AZ - in the Sonoran Desert

(1) RCP tests give answers when other inquiries don’t!
(2) Under stress, we all have a common point of failure: we all experience the overwhelming consequences of imbalance of Cu, Fe, and Mg. You won’t feel better without rebalancing the minerals, even if the stressor has ended.
(3) RCP and Mother Nature’s methods work when synthetics don’t.

*** De-stress and re-energize with RCP! ***

To schedule a free 20-minute pre-consult please email or or text +1(928)257-1111. I’d like to help you sharpen your mind, increase your energy, and connect with spiritual things. Mineral balancing has done all these for me. 🙂

Company Name: MinBalance LLC

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