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I help women like you use real food, mineral balance, lifestyle changes, and strategic supplementation, through a functional 5-month health program designed to help overcome chronic bloating & digestive issues, so you can fit into your clothes better, enjoy your food without uncomfortable bloating and smelly gas, have thriving libido and boundless energy!

I am a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Root Cause Protocol, and Restorative Wellness Practitioner. I help women with digestion and hormone problems through aligning their gut and metabolic health and balancing their minerals. In my practice, I use functional tests like the GI-MAP, food sensitivity testing (MRT), hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), Blood Chemistry, Iodine, DUTCH, OAT, and Mycotoxin tests to find the real reason behind your symptoms and design a protocol that is completely personalized to my client’s individual nutritional needs.

Business Name:  Simple and Sweet Nutrition

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