Meet the Consultant

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Lisa Archer, BC-Homeopath, Herbalist, FMCHC, RCP-C

Austin, TX

The body was designed and created to heal itself if given the right environment. This is a fact that I’ve found to be true over and over again in my own personal health journey over the last almost 15 years, and now with my clients. My personal intense health battles following a severe adverse reaction to an antibiotic that resulted in doctors wanting to declare me as permanently disabled (hint: permanent is not in my vocabulary!), dealing with mold illness, overcoming breast cancer holistically, and thriving through Lyme disease led me on a journey of love for exploring how the body works and leading others into their own stories of triumph. I am passionate about the RCP because it’s the foundation for the 9000 (+/-) enzymatic functions that run the body. Minerals are the keys to making those functions run optimally, with the copper<>iron dynamic being a vital portion. As Morley says, “You aren’t broken. You’re just out of balance.” I use the RCP as the foundation of support with every client and layer in targeted herbs and homeopathic remedies where needed. I also seek to educate as I go so that you truly understand why you are doing what you are doing in the process. It would be my honor to walk alongside you into optimal health!

Company Name: Steward Your Temple Wellness

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