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Mary Ellen Murphy


Ancient Lakes US Distributor

As a wellness coach, I am taking the disciplines that I have learned to help individuals overcome obstacles and gain health and wellness in their lives. Illness starts from deficiencies, and when we give the body what it needs, our health changes dramatically. I am certified in Mineral Balancing as an RCP Consultant. I am able to take the most sensitive of people and help them implement the protocol. I see dramatic changes in my client’s health. I am certified not only in mineral balancing but also in genetic testing, and I specialize in thyroid, adrenal, and gut health. I will be able to assist you with the Full Monty blood work and any other blood work needed at discounted pricing. I own Australian Pure Magnesium, the Ancient Lakes US Distributor. Australian Pure Magnesium serves the US and Canada with all Ancient Lakes Products which are vetted and approved for the RCP Protocol. These products are pure, clean, food-grade supplements without fillers. “Gene mutations are simply transcription errors that have turned on due to mineral deficiencies! Minerals make enzymes, and genes are turned on and off by enzymes or lack of enzymes… Therefore, mineral deficiencies activate gene expression.”

Services: Initial (if needed) and follow-up consultations are $115, HTMA test is $375, includes testing kit, interpretation plus consult. Genetic Testing $559, includes testing kit, interpretation plus consultation.

Company Name:  Australian Pure Magnesium/Moving into Wellness

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