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Sheila Gardiner


Knowing for a long time that health was not found in healthcare, a friend shared with me the book “Miracle of Magnesium” which led me to Morley Robbins and the RCP in 2016. By implementing the RCP I’ve been able to reverse my degenerating joint disease, get a handle on intense arthritis pain, diminish varicose veins, and eliminate heartburn. Just to name a few things that I’ve experienced so far. No matter your age or station in life, you too can regain your health. The power of the RCP is real and many have experienced its life changing power. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Robbins and feeling his intense passion for getting the word out so that others can be free from their suffering and pain. I too want to help others regain what has been lost by assisting them in their health journey.

Fifty percent of our healing includes the emotional. Because of this I have also been certified to do Integrative Processing Technique (IPT) This is an emotional release that has had profound results on many of my clients. This allows me to connect both the physical symptoms and the emotional. Let me know how I can support you in your journey.

I’m an RCPC who wants to empower you to get your life back!! Let’s quantify your health!

Company Name: Quantified Health

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