We all know the importance of sleep, but how much do we need and what can we do to improve the quality of our sleep?

  In this free webinar, we’ll explore the connection between sleep and histamines, and what we can do to support our livers. Our adrenals recover during sleep, so we’ll spend some time discussing the RCP perspective on the impacts of lifestyle, technology and downtime on our sleep. If you find yourself waking up at 3am, we’ll shed some light on why that might be and what you can do about it. We’ll briefly touch on sleep apnea and the role copper plays in keeping the airway open, as well as the connection between nose breathing and nitric oxide. Ultimately, our bodies need downtime to recover, but if we don’t prioritise sleep our mineral balance is impacted.

If this interests you, or even if you’ve started the RCP but you’d like a refresher, please signup for the webinar replay below.

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