May 27, 2024
Student Testimonial | Natalie Viglione

I adored the RCP Institute training! No matter what kind of healing-related work you do or would like to do, I really do believe this is a must-have to add into your mission to help this world heal more and more. While I see through a lens of primordial ways to heal and working with energy (metaphysically and emotionally, as well as through herbs, homeopathy, etc.), getting deep into the reasons WHY iron builds up, WHY we must have key minerals, etc. has totally empowered me to help my clients far more!

And, of course, helping further to heal myself, my family, and furbabies. I feel this is so empowering to see the technical reasons why we are depleted, why this world is depleted, and how it wasn’t a mistake that it got this way. So, getting deep into these root issues and seeing it all from this lens, I know this is how we can empower the healing from the INSIDE OUT. And, while the training doesn’t talk about pets or primordial healing practices specifically, it adds to all of these things immensely. Coming out of this, I see clearly as to why pets and humans are leaving this world too early, and how we can empower health and vitality even more (with scientific proof to back it all up). It’s chock full of amazing insights, thank you!“
Natalie Viglione

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