May 25, 2024
Student Testimonial | Rachel Schulte

“This training will satisfy those who are looking for a simplified understanding of what’s at the root cause of their symptoms and are tired of navigating endless confusion for how to restore their health. While the research and materials that explain and support the depth of this approach is not simplistic in the fullest sense, it can still be boiled down to concepts everyone can understand. Your body needs energy to execute its functions. Restore the minerals missing from this process and lower the toxic iron that’s overwhelming its capabilities. Do this and everything starts to work better. You create a healing environment where the structure and function of the body’s cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems are restored. The Institute will provide the intellectual satisfaction you’re looking for in order to understand how and why increasing energy metabolism is key when it comes to resolving any health concern. Join the RCP Institute to discover what’s at the root of symptoms.”
– Rachel Schulte

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

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