Extreme Health Radio | Morley Robbins – Does Iron Deficiency Anemia Really Exist? (Episode 678) | November 20, 2020

Dr Ben Edwards – You’re The Cure | Masks, Covid-19, Energy Levels, Mineral Balance & the Brain | May 4, 2020
In this episode, Dr. Ben begins the show by sharing some statistical facts and studies related to Covid-19 and the action of wearing masks. Morley shares how our immune system depends upon energy, which depends upon mineral balance. He goes in-depth into energy disorders and the brain. During the second half of the show, Dr. Ben and Morley discuss nurturing the host as opposed to the germ, which is what most of America is focusing on right now. They talk about copper and how to keep it activated within the body. Overall, they encourage listeners to focus on bolstering their terrain than being fearful of the germ.
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Extreme Health Radio | Morley Robbins – Does Iron Deficiency Anemia Really Exist? (Episode 678) | November 20, 2020
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