Shelby M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me find relief from Psoriatic Arthritis symptoms

Shelby M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me find relief from Psoriatic Arthritis symptoms

I was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis 10 years ago. I used to take Methotrexate, Celebrex, tried all the injections over the years and pain pills. I got so sick of all the drugs I quit them all and just rolled into a ball of pain, depression and chronic fatigue. I started taking golden paste and started on the Root Cause Protocol. I cannot begin to tell you the relief I have gotten. Better than any drug, injection or over the counter cream!! I have it in my hands the worst, lost my career because of stupid Psoriatic Arthritis and the pain. I used to wear braces, couldn’t pull up pants, hook my bra, grip anything it was beyond frustrating. Fast forward to today…I feel like I have a new chance at life. I am beyond grateful for discovering Turmeric and RCP. If I miss a few days of my routine I can feel the disease sneaking its way back in to terrorize my body and that motivates me to knuckle down again.
Shelby M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me find relief from Psoriatic Arthritis symptoms

Nancy P. | The Root Cause Protocol helped to lower my blood pressure

Well, I did it! I took my last 1/2 Blood Pressure pill on May 31, 2018, after 45 years and the doctor said I would be on fluid pills for the rest of my life and I haven’t had one of those in 20 years. Thanks to a good way of eating and replacing my minerals on this great protocol for over a year and I am free and feel so much better. I still have more healing to do, but I am on the right road. And did I mention that I did not lose weight to lower my Blood Pressure? I am still 40 lbs overweight and my A1C level is down to 5.8 too. I am drug-free! Not even an Aspirin!
Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | July 9, 2018

Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | July 9, 2018

Morley talks with Dr. Ben Edwards about vitamin A (retinol) deficiency and the consequences of that including autism, circadian rhythm dysfunction, and HPA axis (our stress response pathway) dysfunction.

They also discuss how taking vitamin D supplements diminishes vitamin A levels.

Other covered were:

  • what are normal blood levels of vitamin D
  • how do labs like Quest determine what “normal” is?
  • oxidized LDL is a better predictor of heart disease than Total Cholesterol and LDL
  • the need to eat real food with good fats like butter, eggs and animal fats

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Stuff Your Doctor Should Know | Return of the Magman (Episode 67) | July 7, 2018

Stuff Your Doctor Should Know | Return of the Magman (Episode 67) | July 7, 2018

Morley speaks with Kitty Martone about iron toxicity and mineral imbalances from food.

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SAMA | Discover the Root Cause of Autoimmune Diseases (Episode 58) | July 6, 2018

SAMA | Discover the Root Cause of Autoimmune Diseases (Episode 58) | July 6, 2018

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