Hailey M.B.| The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Thyroid levels

Sharon L. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my vision
Can You see my HAPPY DANCE?
My vision started changing when I was about 42.. hmm.. so did my health.
I currently am using a 3.00 lens, anyways, I rolled over yesterday morning grabbed my phone and was reading, not perfect, but reading.
I get up this am.. everywhere I go I see words. I bet I have gained 60 to 75 % of my sight back.

Laura G. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Lung Disease symptoms
I was exposed to black mold for 3 years. I went from fully functioning to bedridden in a matter of months. My body crashed and burned. I was put in a coma. I had double pneumonia.
It has taken me years to recover from that coma. 10 + years to be exact. I have lung disease and am very reactive to any type of mold now.
I am currently on oxygen getting better every day thanks to the Root Cause Protocol.
A year ago I couldn’t leave the house without someone with me as basically a personal nurse.
It took me almost 8 months to see a noticeable difference in my body and my health.
I see people on here that are so sick like I once was, and they give up too quickly on the RCP, my heart crumbles for them because I know the road they are headed down and it is not PRETTY.

Becky G.| The Root Cause Protocol helped put my Hidradenitis Suppurativa into remission
I’ve had Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) for 26+ years and have reached remission by doing The Root Cause Protocol and AIP (elimination provocation protocol) to identify my personal trigger foods.
There’s a book written on HS called, “The Hidden Plague”, by Tara Chester. It’s chocked full of HS specific help, even wound care. I disagree with her recommendations for Zinc supplements, but we can discuss that at a later date.
The Root Cause Protocol will help you understand how important minerals are and how to balance them. As Morley says, we RUN on minerals! Excess unbound toxic iron causes oxidative stress and HS is definitely tied to oxidative stress!