Hen K. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Hashimoto’s symptoms

Hen K. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Hashimoto’s symptoms

Hello everyone 🙂

I’m so grateful to be a part of this group.

I follow the protocol and I’m very pleased. I have suffered from Hashimoto’s for many years, and with the help of Reut Shalev (amazing RCP consultant and emotional therapist) I got off my meds and I keep seeing more and more improvements with every step we take.

I went to a holistic dentist and she suggested that we replace all the fillings from the bad substances (mercury, etc.) to porcelain fillings.

She told me that treated teeth could not ever recover. She explained to me that the materials had already been absorbed in the teeth and that a non-virgin tooth could not be rescued.

Only virgin teeth will be able to recover.

I was very hopeful that we could remove all the fillings and let the existing holes close over time.

I’m following the recommended diet and the RCP protocol, and I’m hoping this can improve just like everything else.

I have a lot of passion and motivation to heal myself naturally. I have improved so much on this protocol and I thank Morley every day for his brilliant work, and Reut, My personal angel throughout this process for guiding me with so much love.

I have one root filling and three regular fillings.

I know Morley Robbins does not recommend replacing the fillings because it can put the body into chaos, but I feel strong and balanced enough.

I’d love to hear people’s experience with this. People who have managed to cure teeth that had been treated (non-virgin tooth).

I would love to some tips and advices.

Sorry about the English, it’s not my strong side.


Hen K. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Hashimoto’s symptoms

Alicia S. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Grandfather’s Dementia symptoms

I’m sharing my grandfather’s testimony here, which some of you have heard. Buckle up… it’s long. My grandfather is an intelligent 85-year old man who was an electrical engineer for over 30 years and could give a half-hour explanation for anything. He has always had a memory like a steel trap, and could tell you the time, day, and date for something that happened fifty years ago (no exaggeration!). In 2016, when he began forgetting basic words and mixing up on which days things happened, my family knew something out of the ordinary for him was happening. My grandfather was not particularly healthy, but this was new. For thirty years, he had suffered from glaucoma, had reduced sight in his left eye and virtually none in his right eye, and had had five failed surgeries to relieve pressure in his eyes. His ophthalmologist said he was not a candidate for any more surgeries because of the failed procedures and declared the eyes would only continue to fail until eventually he would have no sight. He had had successful cataract surgery many years before. He was also suffering from curvature of the spine (slouching), heartburn, venal insufficiency in his lower legs, brittle nails and thin skin, an episode of TIAs (trans-ischemic attacks, or mini-strokes), urinary incontinence, and occasional constipation. After appointments with a neurologist about his forgetfulness, he was diagnosed with beginning-stage dementia and prescribed Memantine for the dementia in November 2016. He moved into my parents’ house so they could take care of him. Over the next six months, he declined rapidly. He shuffled his feet, fell several times a day from falling asleep while standing… He suffered compression fractures to three vertebrae that were too severe to be repaired with surgery. He had extreme mood swings and stubbornness. He forgot words. He became confused by basic things like writing in a Day-Timer, which he had used to record every tiny detail of his life for over 20 years. In early 2017, my parents could no longer care for him full time and hired 24-hour in-home care. By April, that was not sufficient for his needs, and he chose to move to an assisted living facility. He fell the first week of May, and, due to what his surgeon termed “extreme osteoporosis,” completely fractured the ball joint of his right femur from rest of the bone. After a complete hip replacement surgery and residence in a rehabilitation facility for two weeks, he was ready to try something different. On May 29, he quit Memantine and his vitamins and began the Root Cause Protocol, with an aide three days a week to assist him. On June 5 – seven days later – his physical therapist commented that he was “doing much better, including thinking better.” His confusion was lessened, but he still had trouble following written instructions. The severe edema in his lower legs from his time in the rehabilitation facility began to lessen. After only two weeks on the protocol, his memory had improved to the point that he was doing more of the protocol by himself. Even on days without assistance — as evidenced by the charts we had made for him to log what he had taken. His heartburn — for which he took Tums six times a day — was gone. Each visit, his therapists commented on how he was improving and the swelling in his legs was going down. The charge nurse for the assisted living facility remarked to me how much more aware he was. The next few weeks, he had slow but steady progress with memory, comprehension, coordination, and keeping to a schedule. He finished tapering off the aspirin he was taking to prevent transient ischemic attacks (TIA’s) which happen when the blood flow to part of the brain is blocked or reduced, often by a blood clot. On July 12 – seven and a half weeks on the protocol – I was visiting with him and noticed that his right eye (which had virtually no sight) was open more and moving completely in sync with the left, something I had never seen before. After several hours of observing this, I mentioned that his right eye seemed to be working better. He stopped and stared intently at me for a minute – “I can see better out of that eye. The light I can see is brighter and the outlines of objects are clearer!” It’s now week 11 — just after his 86th birthday — and he has made astounding improvements: – The swelling in his legs and feet is almost completely gone and continues to improve. – His vocabulary, word choice, and inflection are now nearly identical to what I have known him to have my entire life. – He has increased his ability to follow written directions and successfully follows nearly every step of the protocol nearly every single day, even on days with interruptions to his routine, like appointments. – He no longer shuffles his feet when walking. – He has increased the amount of personal hygiene he is able to complete by himself, and now chooses and changes into an outfit each day, mostly without assistance. – He has once again begun using an electric razor to shave his own face, and no longer needs assistance. – He is off all prescription medications except Betaxolol, Azopt, and Latanoprost, which are all eye drops for his glaucoma, and Myrbetriq for urinary incontinence. – He has not suffered any further TIAs or constipation since beginning the protocol. – He has once again begun socializing, which is one of his very favorite things, and still is maintaining the protocol at the same time. 12 weeks ago, he couldn’t do the protocol at all without assistance. – He does still need a fair amount of assistance with preparation for the protocol and with other daily tasks, but the incredible progress we have seen in three months has given us hope that he will continue to improve to an even greater state of health. I am so elated and beyond grateful that my grandfather is coming back. My thanks to Morley Robbins — There are no words for how grateful I am. I hope this is a small repayment for the years you have spent. Your persistence and pursuit of the truth has wrought INCREDIBLE change in my grandfather’s life and the lives of myself and my other family members. It is a debt we will repay by spreading the word: THERE IS HOPE.
Angela H.S. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my hypothyroidism symptoms

Angela H.S. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my hypothyroidism symptoms

I wanted to say thank you to this group for changing my life. I have had so many health issues most of my life and most recently added hypothyroidism to the list. After 3 babies within 5 years I was exhausted and could barely function. Once I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism and severely low vitamin D levels all my doctor offered was Synthroid. I read up on Synthroid as I do any medication I’m offered anymore I was desperate to find the cause of my issues and not just treat symptoms (that may or may not help anyway). Someone on a group I’m in on Facebook suggested this group and I have learned so much within the past two weeks it’s unreal. I have not yet done all of the protocol but have started with what I can which is the magnesium, cod liver oil, vitamin C, AC shots, Epsom salt foot soak and baths, and vitamin b-6. I’m definitely planning on getting what I need to do the rest of the protocol including changing the diet of my family because I think they are all magnesium deficient. My daughter who has eczema has seen a huge improvement just from doing Epsom salt baths and taking the supplements listed above. I just have to say that my energy levels are so much better. I don’t feel like I’m barely living anymore. I’m able to fall asleep at night and stay asleep for the most part. I’m no longer constipated. I’m also not depressed. I was on my feet all day yesterday working and even though I came home sore I did an Epsom salt foot bath and felt relief immediately. When I woke up this morning all the pain is gone from my long work day yesterday. I have never in my life experienced this drastic of a change. I am a 36 year old mother of four children and I work several jobs and my quality of life has been steadily declining the past few years and I am amazed at how far I’ve come just in a couple of weeks. I look forward to continuing the protocol and all the amazing benefits I’m going to get in my life and in the lives of my family. Again thank you for all the information. It is invaluable to me.
Kitty M. (aka. “The Healthy Gut Girl”) | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Anemia and menstrual issues

Kitty M. (aka. “The Healthy Gut Girl”) | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Anemia and menstrual issues

My name is Kitty Martone, I am the “Healthy Gut Girl” and I have been in
nutritional practice for over 10 years.

I host a podcast called “Stuff Your Doctor Should Know” and I am a social media influencer.

I suffered my whole life from various imbalances and disorders, some serious some just annoying. When I learned about gut health and began to tackle my challenges from that perspective, many things I suffered from were remedied — EXCEPT for the imbalances that seemed to be the most worrying — chronic anemia, debilitating menstrual cycles, as well as infertility, ongoing polyp and fibroid surgeries.

My anemia was so bad throughout my life that fainting, dizziness and bleeding for months on end was a common thing. My hemoglobin would never go above 10 and that was when I was at my healthiest! As a health educator and practitioner, it was ironic that the one thing that was killing me, I couldn’t seem to touch, and trust me, I tried EVERYTHING.

Through my Estrogen Dominance Support Group that I run on Facebook, I heard about The Magnesium Advocacy Group and the amazing Morley Robbins. I finally had him on my podcast, and though I was skeptical, I had tried everything for my remaining issues and I had nothing to lose.

His “counter-cultural” information about “Iron toxicity” also resonated with me, because I was advised by EVERY doctor I’d ever worked with to take iron pills — and they never worked.

Ironically, in my new friendship with Morley I had the absolute worst bought with my ‘anemia’ that I had ever experienced. I fell very ill and ended up in the emergency room with a blood transfusion. I felt better, but within a couple of months my hemoglobin was quickly dropping once again, and my cycles were returning to their usual horrible state.

This was it, time to give the Root Cause Protocol (RCP) promoted on Morley’s MAG FB Group a good try.

One year later, and with diligence to that RCP Protocol and my own gut health regimen, my hemoglobin is now at a 13.0! (Up from a previous low of 7.3!) Now with all my knowledge and efforts coupled with the Root Cause Protocol. Not only has my health reached amazing, unimaginable levels, but I am able to share this knowledge with my audience and everyone that I reach

Thank You Morley!