Sowing Prosperity with Logan Duvall | Ep. 102 Melanin: Beyond Skin Color | Health, Light & Dark Morley Robbins | June 7, 2024

Sowing Prosperity with Logan Duvall | Ep. 102 Melanin: Beyond Skin Color | Health, Light & Dark Morley Robbins | June 7, 2024

Morley speaks with Logan Duvall about the melanin and its profound impact on your health.

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Student Testimonial | Jodi Morningstar

Student Testimonial | Jodi Morningstar

The RCP program is staggering in its scope, progressive in its design, and vast in its experience. This program gently informs and opens the doors to unexpected paradigm shifts. It is not new information, it is a gathering of an immense amount of information that exposes the hidden gaps in the current conventional wisdom – what is now considered radical is actually well-established throughout science and history. I have zero regrets and only gratitude for the RCP program, Morley, and all of the tutors and professionals involved. Completing the practitioner program has added the missing piece that I was seeking for my practice, and I am forever grateful to have found this path and am privileged to be a part of it.

Jodi Morningstar




Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Jodi Morningstar

Student Testimonial | Tris Dimitropoulou

if you want to help your self and your loved ones with any health issues, if you are curious, if you ask questions about how things work and why their are going wrong, this is the course for you. After 15 years of searching in all cultures and medicines of the world, I may have found my port.

– Tris Dimitropoulou


Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Jodi Morningstar

Student Testimonial | Burt Jurgens

There is such a wealth of free information to get started with. I would recommend anyone interested to get their own copy of the RCP Handbook from the site and make sure it is something they are interested in. Secondly, I would strongly suggest they read Morley’s book which is very well-written and fascinating. Third, if they are still interested I would strongly encourage they consider the opportunity to directly learn from Morley, Kristan, et al via the RCPC training whether or not they are interested in becoming a practitioner anytime soon. The depth of learning will provide everything they need to know to apply the learnings to their own situation and support friends and loved ones and it is a unique opportunity to get a world-class education on a vital topic of which precious few people are even aware of its importance.

Burt Jurgens


Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit: