Student Testimonial | Joel Radley

Student Testimonial | Joel Radley

As a functional nutritionist working with clients to revive their slumbered energy, be it thyroid, adrenal, chronic fatigue , hormonal imbalance, gut dysbiosis or general work life balance & emotional issues; the RCP has helped tie together various concepts that truly explain the sheer state of low energy, we as a generation are facing. It has brought to light various others concepts that were unbeknownst to me, that I have adopted and are becoming invaluable in my clinic. What a pleasure connecting with like minding individuals throughout the duration and sharing clinical insights together. I would recommend this course to other practitioners. Thank you Morley, Kristan & my tutor Laura.

Joel Radley

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Dina Harper

Student Testimonial | Dina Harper

If you want to be healthier, help your family and friends live a healthier lifestyle and even improve or lessen the effects of any disease then the RCP is a must!

Dina Harper

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Dina Harper

Student Testimonial | Carissa Boles

This course is LIFE changing. It breathes LIFE into your soul. The eye opening truth it provides makes the 16 weeks so exciting and refreshing. The fee is so cheap for what you receive and all the material you have access to. I am taking it again!

Carissa Boles

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Dina Harper

Student Testimonial | Melinda Genesy

This course was life changing for me. It helped me to understand how important mineral balance is for our well-being. How we can connect stress with symptoms. It is very empowering to be able to take the steering wheel of my health.

Melinda Genesy

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Dina Harper

Student Testimonial | Kayley Thomas

The RCP Institute training gave me the confidence to sit down with someone and problem solve together. My favorite resources are the library of recorded consults and the team of experienced tutors who share their knowledge and insight with students. I was not very familiar with the RCP going into the training and I came out of it with a strong understanding of the principles and experience with implementing the protocol (and seeing the benefits).

Kayley Thomas

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit: