Student Testimonial |  Janine Fogarty

Student Testimonial | Janine Fogarty

The RCP institute training is priceless. The platform for the teaching the material is outstanding and the support of the RCP teachers and staff is phenomenal. I highly recommend this program and I plan on attending the RCP institute again in the future.

– Janine Fogarty













Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial |  Janine Fogarty

Student Testimonial | Sherrie Thomas

I loved every minute of it. I really appreciate the science side and all of the references to the studies. Morley is a gifted teacher! I also greatly appreciate that it is basically low pressure. which allows me to relax and concentrate on the learning.

Sherrie Thomas






Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial |  Lisa Archer

Student Testimonial | Lisa Archer

Being a part of the RCP training has been life changing. I feel as if I have opened a time capsule on my entire life’s health issues. Learning the biochemistry behind what makes the Iron Recycling System work, the amazing wonder that is Ceruloplasmin, and all the disrupts bioavailable copper is VITAL. I have found the answers to all the questions I’ve been asking for the past 14 years! Morley is a God-send!

– Lisa Archer











Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial |  Janine Fogarty

Student Testimonial | Cathy Whitener

“… I am thanking all of you for being understanding with me and all my tardiness getting things in. I knew it would be a challenge but just wanted to go for it anyways. I did a cross country move by myself and broke my right hand and arm all while trying to do this program. What a summer! Talk about stress. Thank goodness I am certified in Emotion code and Energy medicine. I have worked with a health coach using these and more emotional release programs for 10 years. Now that I am adding in the whole RCP (I am a misfed and mislead hemochromotosis patient) I feel I can really heal.

Cathy Whitener









Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Paul Saladino MD Podcast | The unique benefits of magnesium with Morley Robbins | October 31, 2023

Paul Saladino MD Podcast | The unique benefits of magnesium with Morley Robbins | October 31, 2023

This week, Morley talks to Paul Saladino MD, with a deep dive into Magnesium, Copper and Iron and how deficiencies of these minerals may be linked to chronic disease.

00:00:00 Podcast begins
00:02:45 Magnesium & stress
00:17:00 The effects of copper deficiency
00:34:15 Where to get your copper & how to test for it
00:51:35 How to test for & regulate Magnesium
01:00:45 The iron & copper relationship
01:11:25 Anemia, iron deficiency & retinol
01:19:35 Recap of supplementation requirements

*Produced by Mountain Valley Media

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