Student Testimonial | Lindsay Bright

Student Testimonial | Lindsay Bright

I came to the RCP feeling broken, frustrated, and like I had exhausted all avenues for healing. But when I talked to this amazing, knowledgeable health food store checkout woman, who I learned was an RCP alumni (Morgan Mark), I knew instantly that this program was going to be my ticket to feeling better. Within days of talking with her, I signed up for the RCP newsletter and received an email that it was the last day to enroll in group 18. With barely any hesitation, I decided to enroll. It was like divine timing had taken over and guided me here. Having completed the training, I can honestly say that it was the best investment I have ever made, and the main issues I had at the beginning of the program have essentially completely resolved, and I’m not even the full way through all of the phases! If you’re on the fence about it, I highly suggest going for it. You and your well-being is worth every penny and more.  

Lindsay Bright






Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Lindsay Bright

Student Testimonial | Marlena Grovenstein

Trust in the process, the team has done an amazing job at formatting the program and supporting students. I was overwhelmed a bit in the beginning, but made it through with so much gratitude for the experience and confidence in my power to help others.

Marlena Grovenstein







Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Tiffany Maxey

Student Testimonial | Tiffany Maxey

I loved being with like minded people most of all. And I loved the confidence the training gave me. It made me feel more in control of my health and my families health and that’s a huge blessing in this toxic world. An added bonus is I can help others and make money doing what I love.

– Tiffany Maxey




Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Elizabeth Baker

Student Testimonial | Elizabeth Baker

I entered into the RCP training with little knowledge of the protocol. The name itself attracted me-root cause. I have been on a personal and professional mission to help my patients identify the root cause of their symptoms. When I heard Morley speak about the vibrational and energetic qualities of minerals I became very curious. The structure of the course is very organized. The teachers and tutors hold incredible respect for the students and nuture their progress which is more than I can say when I completed my medical training as a nurse practitioner.

Elizabeth Baker




Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Lindsay Bright

Student Testimonial | Claire Sendall

The depth of knowledge, and understanding gained from the research uncovered will no doubt challenge anyone who has been looking for answers to health & wellbeing. BUT it all makes total sense in a world where we live with the best medical advances but with more sick people than ever before – if that makes you think & question – then this is THE course to quench your thirst for truth.

Claire Sendall







Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit: