Student Testimonial | Chat Ketanont

Student Testimonial | Chat Ketanont

Yes, the RCP trining program is helping me to understand clearly and truly to find the cause of the issues rather than following the symptoms by the conventional medical system.

Chat Ketanont



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Student Testimonial | Chat Ketanont

Student Testimonial | Daphnée Savoie

Choosing to enroll at the RCP Institute was a straightforward decision because of what Morley’s protocol represents to me: a complete embrace of the paradigm shift from particle to quantum, an explanation of dis-ease so simple yet so thorough when it comes to scientific research, and crucial remarks from a history and sociology of science viewpoint, anchoring the protocol in an even richer perspective.

And I’m delighted at how much I learned during those 16-weeks. This training was both very dense and digestible thanks to the combination of various teachings formats and to the constant help from tutors, be it on the forum, during live classes, tutorials or by emails. Thanks to this course, I feel I now possess a solid understanding of the human’s metabolism accompanied with practical tools to use with myself, loved ones and future clients.

Daphnée Savoie


Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Chat Ketanont

Student Testimonial | Amanda Afdahl

The RCPC training is an in depth journey to understanding cellular energy and how significant proper mitochondrial function is to every bodily system. You will be surprised to learn how many aspects of our modern health care system; even naturopathic healthcare actually increase oxidative stress. The RCPC training is not another functional medicine program. It will flip your past training on its head.

Amanda Afdahl


Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit: