Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutrient deficiency worldwide affecting more than one billion people resulting in symptoms like: weakness, impaired cognitive function, decreased immune function, and developmental issues.
While many of us turn to iron supplements to raise iron levels – Morley Robbins talks about how there is much more to the story. He talks about how iron deficiency anemia is a copper, rather than iron, issue.
Tune in to this week’s podcast for a fascinating exploration of iron-related issues, the best foods and supplements for improving iron status, and these fun facts…
- The valuable roles of copper for health Symptoms of copper-deficiency.
- Why copper is misunderstood.
- The true causes of anemia.
- The food that cures anemia.
- How to improve copper status.
- Why ferritin is a poor marker for iron status in pregnancy.
- Why too much iron is harmful.
- The 3 best sources of whole-food copper.
- How to properly test copper and iron status.
- Common lifestyle factors that harm copper.
- When vitamin A toxicity may not be a concern.
- How to talk to your doctor about your copper/iron status.
Morley has a grasp on the literature and practical implications of this topic, like no one else!