Student Testimonial | Adriene Diane Ives

Student Testimonial | Joanna Allen

Honestly the thing I loved the most and am most grateful for throughout all of this training is the connections I have made with other students! That right there has made it all worth it and really makes me feel more confident going forward and like I have a community to fall back on for support as well. Overall this course has made me feel a lot more clear with helping and being able to explain things to health coaching clients! The RCP gives a roadmap as well as deeper understanding to “dis-ease”. My favorite thing is the RCP’s focus on how resilient the body is, and how to support that body so it can heal and detox itself, rather than attacking toxins and pathogens.

Joanna Allen



Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Adriene Diane Ives

Student Testimonial | Vanessa Lopez

I think in general, the info provided from RCP can be life-changing for those who’ve “tried everything” …and even if other things are implemented in one’s journey and do help, it is hard to argue that the RCP is not a foundational go-to for getting to the root when it comes to mineral health and cellular metabolism. I think stress is the root cause of all discord, and when we realize this undeniable truth, we can further understand how the RCP protocols and steps can only help the body overcome dis-EASE and restore balance.

Vanessa Lopez


Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit: