“I have been active in the “alternative health” and “functional” medicine/nutritional space for a long time, both as a former patient and as a nutritionist, activist, and practitioner, yet I had never encountered an educational program that encompassed the understanding of the mind-body-spirit connection that I sought to pursue at a deeper level. I intuitively knew that stress/trauma caused most disease, as I had witnessed it in myself and then time and time again with so many friends, family, and clients over the years. Once I stumbled onto some of Morley’s interviews last year, I instantly knew that I wanted to learn more from him and the rest of this great community. Morley, Kristan, and the rest of the RCP team connect the dots between stress, nutritional deficiencies, and mineral dysregulation BRILLIANTLY!
I was simultaneously completing a Masters of Science in Nutrition while I completed the RCP, and I can absolutely say that the education and information provided by the RCP is above and beyond anything that a university-trained nutritionist or medical professional is receiving in their studies. In fact, it was extremely eye-opening to come to the realization that many thousands upon thousands of health professionals (both in allopathic AND in the functional/naturopathic fields) are being misled and/or are lacking in their formal education.
If every nutritionist, dietitian, nurse, doctor, naturopath, chiropractor, or any other health care professional were to go through this RCP course, I imagine we would have a ENTIRELY different outcome in the overall health of humanity. “
–Randi Schramko