Take Control of Your Health with Dr. Joseph Mercola | The Poorly Understood Role of Copper in Anemia – Discussion Between Morley Robbins & Dr. Mercola | September 11, 2022

Take Control of Your Health with Dr. Joseph Mercola | The Poorly Understood Role of Copper in Anemia – Discussion Between Morley Robbins & Dr. Mercola | September 11, 2022

The Poorly Understood Role of Copper in Anemia – Discussion Between Morley Robbins & Dr. Mercola 

Featured on: Take Control of Your Health with Dr. Joseph Mercola


Join Morley as he talks with alternative medicine proponent and osteopathic physician Dr Joseph Mercola about the poorly understood role of copper when it comes to anemia. Tune in as Morley and Dr Mercola discuss how a lack of copper in your diet leads to iron build-up in your liver, which changes its physiology and immuno-properties. They also explore how liver metabolism is highly dependent upon copper and retinol, and the fact that there is not a lot of awareness around this.

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Waist Away with Chantel Ray |  Why Do We Have A Lack of Copper In Our Diets, Chronic Fatigue & Copper Deficiency and more – with Morley Robbins! | September 10, 2022

Waist Away with Chantel Ray | Why Do We Have A Lack of Copper In Our Diets, Chronic Fatigue & Copper Deficiency and more – with Morley Robbins! | September 10, 2022

Episode 413: Why Do We Have A Lack of Copper In Our Diets, Chronic Fatigue & Copper Deficiency… and more!

Featured on: Waist away: The Intermittent fasting and weight loss podcast with chantel Ray


Morley speaks with Chantel about why we have a lack of copper in our diets. He also discusses chronic fatigue and copper deficiency, impacts of too much Vitamin D, dealing with low iron in your blood, and more!

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Wendy C. M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Lyme Disease

Wendy C. M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my Lyme Disease

This is the email I sent to both of my Doctors I am working with for my Lyme Disease. One since November 2021 and the other since April 2022. I think sharing the letter would be effective!

“Dear Doctor, I wanted to update you on where I am at with my health quest. This past July, I visited with a dear friend of mine who is all the things health, and she is studying to be a practitioner for Morley Robbins and the Root Cause Protocol. She was telling me about it and I was interested and started to investigate.
After research, lots of time listening and asking questions with my friend and, speaking with Morley himself, I decided to listen to my gut, my intuitive guide, abandon ship and give this the good ‘ole college try…well, better then that actually. So, after implementing the “Starts,” after completing the “Stops,” I took myself off of ALL MY MEDS except what you had prescribed. There was some back and forth in my mind about the idea that I would be causing myself a relapse, I would be taking steps backwards, I would be doing damage… lots of negative talk.
But then, some really cool things happened – I gained energy. I lost 12 pounds, I can walk/run 5 miles at a time and not need to crawl under a rock when I am done, I swim 3-4 miles a week, much quicker now. I am back to Hot Yoga I can do things without getting wiped out. I am getting stronger and will hit the gym with a strengthening plan soon. I exercise every day, no mood swings, no headaches, no nothing.
The ONLY and I mean the ONLY side effect I have been getting thus far is the sweating/hot waves that are just annoying in the day but bothersome at night. It is the opinion of Morley that as I dump more blood through donating (I have to just blood donation with a nurse – the Red Cross won’t take my donation due to my Lyme diagnosis), the less of these hot flashes I will have.
I would love to chat with you about it if you are interested but, I would like to hold off having any further appointments until I see how this shakes out. I know it will be amazing! It may be worth a look see for you as the wonderful work you are doing uses our cells as its platform. However, our cells ARE the problem for most of us and in a very unconventionally accepted way (although all of the research is there!”

How long have you been following the Protocol?
Almost 2 months.

What health issues/symptoms led you to the protocol?
Lyme Disease

What changes have you seen in your health from starting/following the protocol?
100% improvement and more to come!

What is the best result you are seeing in your health/life change from the protocol?
I can live again. 


Take the Upgrade | The relationship between Copper, Iron and Magnesium Part 2 | August 22, 2022

Take the Upgrade | The relationship between Copper, Iron and Magnesium Part 2 | August 22, 2022

Morley speaks Kari Coody of the Take the Upgrade podcast in the second of a two part interview which digs deep and encourages some re-learning about iron, and the relationship between copper, iron and magnesium.

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