Student Testimonial | Julia Boser

Student Testimonial | Julia Boser

Julia Boser spent years suffering from many symptoms including chronic fatigue, brain fog, and hormonal issues, before she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 42 years of age, followed by a melanoma diagnosis at 45. It was at this time that she got serious about her healing.

She came across the Magnesium Advocacy Group on Facebook and embarked on The Root Cause Protocol. Julia noticed that her energy and brain function improved, her body pain and other symptoms went away, and eventually she was able to cease her hormone treatments and thyroid medication.

She went back to study to become a Root Cause Protocol Consultant and now uses the RCP to help her clients heal. She is now also working on making RCP blood tests more easily available in Canada! 

You can find Julia at:

Student Testimonial | Sheila Gardiner

Student Testimonial | Sheila Gardiner

Tune into this interview with Sheila Gardiner, one of our RCP Institute graduates and tutors. Sheila shares how she found the RCP helpful with her arthritis, varicose veins, and to improve her overall health.

Sheila shares her love of being part of the RCP community and how, despite not having any background in health or science, she was able to go on to become an RCPC and a tutor in the RCP Institute, as well as helping others as a consultant.

You can find Sheila at:

Student Testimonial | Daniel Abou-zeid

Student Testimonial | Daniel Abou-zeid

Daniel Abou-zeid suffered with debilitating muscle pain for a long time. When the doctor mentioned a possible diagnosis of Lupus or another autoimmune disease, he felt compelled to search for ways to heal.

He found the Root Cause Protocol and once he started, soon began to experience periods without any pain. He continues to improve his health and now has the energy to participate in life fully.

Daniel was keen to learn more about the protocol, so he embarked on the Root Cause Protocol training and now helps other to use the protocol to improve their health.


You can find Daniel at:

Get Fit with Jodelle | Fatigue, Magnesium, Copper & Vitamin D! | July 22 2022

Get Fit with Jodelle | Fatigue, Magnesium, Copper & Vitamin D! | July 22 2022

Morley speaks Jodelle about fixing fatigue, magnesium, copper and vitamin D. This will be one of those podcasts you will want to listen to again and again, and refer back to – so grab a notepad and get ready to learn.

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Sheila K. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with Autoimmune disease (iritis, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis) hypoglycemia and blood sugar stability issues, fatigue, metabolism issues.

Sheila K. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with Autoimmune disease (iritis, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis) hypoglycemia and blood sugar stability issues, fatigue, metabolism issues.

Thank you Morley Robbins for bringing this protocol to us. This is the only protocol where the mechanism actually makes sense and works the way it’s described. As an engineer, the mechanism of how something works needs to make sense. This does and it works in the real world!

How long have you been following the Protocol?
3 months

What health issues/symptoms led you to the protocol?
Autoimmune disease (iritis, thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, endometriosis) hypoglycemia and blood sugar stability issues, fatigue, metabolism issues.

I tend to hold weight, sex hormone binding globulin too high so all the secondary hormones are tied up.

What changes have you seen in your health from starting/following the protocol?
The autoimmune disease (iritis, rheumatoid) was healed in 2 weeks. I had it 30 years. The hypoglycemia also healed in 2 weeks. The thyroiditis is going a bit more slowly. At 3 months I’ve lowered t3 and t4 by half so it’s on its way.

Fatigue is much less and weight just dropped off. I was already eating very healthy – organic low carb, no processed foods, intermittent fasting, no sugar and now I have no cravings.

What is the best result you are seeing in your health/life change from the protocol?
My immune system is working much better with less support from medicinal mushrooms along with the blood sugar stability. Now I can eat fruit which is fantastic.