Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss Podcast | Why you are so tired | May 3, 2022

Waist Away: The Intermittent Fasting & Weight Loss Podcast | Why you are so tired | May 3, 2022

Morley speaks with Chantel about many different topics throughout this episode, including: fatigue, low iron/anemia, parasites, pathogens, vitamins and much more.

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Revolutionary Health with Stephanie Center | A Better Alternative to Prenatal Vitamins (Episode 53) | May 3, 2022

Revolutionary Health with Stephanie Center | A Better Alternative to Prenatal Vitamins (Episode 53) | May 3, 2022

Morley & Dr. Liz talk with Steph about many different pregnany related topics.

What do women do when they find out they are expecting? They google! Is our mainstream health advice beneficial for moms-to-be? Are there better alternatives out there?

This episode covers:
1. Common questions a newly pregnant woman would ask to see what mainstream advice is given to moms-to-be.
2. The advice given in terms of vitamins to take and prenatal care and talk about why they are actually contraindicated for healthy moms and babies.
3. Hospital births and home births and talk about differences in standards of care.
4. Tangible advice you can use to support yourself and a growing child.

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Awakening Consciousness with Asher and Jesse | Curing Persistent Fatigue with Morley Robbins| April 30, 2022

Awakening Consciousness with Asher and Jesse | Curing Persistent Fatigue with Morley Robbins| April 30, 2022

Morley speaks with Asher about the Root Cause Protocol and the Magnesium Advocacy Group, as well as his most recent book, “Cu-Re Your Fatigue: The Root Cause and How to Fix it On Your Own”, and so much more.

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Mark | The Root Cause Protocol helped with Anxiety, depression, fatigue among other issues

Mark | The Root Cause Protocol helped with Anxiety, depression, fatigue among other issues

I help a friend suffering with decades of chronic inflammation, fibromyalgia and depression release a majority of his issues in about 1 months time. Now he can walk and in less pain. With just simple essential vitamin and minerals from RCP. Thank you for everything you do.

How long have you been following the Protocol?
6 months

What health issues/symptoms led you to the protocol?
Anxiety, depression, fatigue among other issues

What changes have you seen in your health from starting/following the protocol?
Increase energy, calmer more rational thought

What is the best result you are seeing in your health/life change from the protocol?
Increased energy




The Keto Kamp Podcast With Ben Azadi | The Root Cause and How to Fix It on Your Own (Episode #405) | April 25, 2022

The Keto Kamp Podcast With Ben Azadi | The Root Cause and How to Fix It on Your Own (Episode #405) | April 25, 2022

Morley talks with Ben Azadi about becoming obsessed with copper in the mitochondria. He dives into what you need to know about the mitochondria and how to ensure you’re getting excellent mitochondria function. Then, Morley digs deep into copper; he explains precisely why you need more copper in your diet, and the reason copper is critical for anyone following a ketogenic lifestyle. Tune in as we chat about the problem with ascorbic acid and which three things will improve your copper levels.


Welcome to the Keto Kamp Podcast Episode 00 with Morley Robbins

Today, I am blessed to have here with me Morley Robbins. He is the creator and founder of The Root Cause Protocol and the Magnesium Advocacy Group. Morley received his BA in Biology from Denison University in Ohio and holds an MBA from George Washington University in healthcare administration. Morley has trained in wellness coaching, nutritional counseling, and functional diagnostic nutrition.

He is also known as the Magnesium Man due to his extensive research into and understanding of magnesium’s role in the body. Morley’s research saw him deciphering the intricate relationship between magnesium, iron, copper, and calcium as a way to free ourselves from illness and dis-ease. As a certified health coach with expertise in Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), Morley has performed thousands of RCP one-on-one consultations, helping people feel better by getting to the root cause of their symptoms.

In this episode, Morley talks about becoming obsessed with copper in the mitochondria. He dives into what you need to know about the mitochondria and how to ensure you’re getting excellent mitochondria function. Then, Morley digs deep into copper; he explains precisely why you need more copper in your diet, and the reason copper is critical for anyone following a ketogenic lifestyle. Tune in as we chat about the problem with ascorbic acid and which three things will improve your copper levels.

[01:00] How Morley Became Obsessed with Copper in the Mitochondria

  • Morley was born into a very sickly family with many illnesses.
  • After doing medical research, Morley found that in the world of science, they separated copper from iron metabolism.
  • In traditional Chinese medicine, copper is the general, and iron is the foot soldier.
  • When the general is not around, foot soldiers go crazy. This is exactly what happens inside our bodies.

[06:10] What You Need To Know About Mitochondria In The Human Body

  • We’ve been trained to think of the mitochondria as an energy furnace.
  • People think that the mitochondria just put out energy.
  • There are 40 quadrillion mitochondria in our body.
  • The average cell has about 500 mitochondria.
  • The average liver cell has 2,000, kidney cells have 4,000, heart cells have 10,000, and a mature egg in a woman’s body has 600,000 mitochondria.
  • The cells that are primarily relied upon for survival have the most mitochondria.
  • Morley likes to say, “ignore the enemies; ignite the energy.”
  • Morley has learned that if you don’t have copper in your diet and don’t have retinol to make copper bioavailable, you’re not getting excellent mitochondria function.
  • If mitochondria cannot produce energy, they cannot recycle iron.

[21:30] Ferritin In The Body and The Reason You Need Copper To Stay Healthy

  • There are four different forms of ferritin in the body.
  • There are two principal flavors: heavy chain and light chain.
  • Whenever you see the phrase heavy chain, it means copper is involved.
  • The light chain is expressed most extensively in the liver.
  • The heavy chain is expressed chiefly in the heart.
  • There is also serum ferritin. Many people believe that ferritin in the blood accurately reflects what’s happening inside cells. However, when you get serum ferritin high, you toxify the liver.
  • When you suppress copper in an animal’s diet, iron will rip up in the liver.

[32:20] We Need To Make 2.5 Million Red Blood Cells Every Single Second

  • 70% of the iron in the body is in hemoglobin.
  • There’s a recycling system for iron called the reticular endothelial system.
  • Every second of every day, we need to make 2.5 million red blood cells.
  • In 24 hours, we make 2 trillion red blood cells.
  • It only takes 24 milligrams of iron to support that level of production.

[39:50] The Reason You Need More Cooper on A Ketogenic Diet

  • if you ferment sugar without oxygen, you get two units of energy. If you oxidize the sugar, you’re going to get around 34. If you oxidize fat, you’ll get 140 units of energy.
  • 90% of the energy comes out of the mitochondria.
  • It does not take a lot of copper to run our body; copper creates energy.
  • If you’re going to have a keto diet, you better have a healthy supply of copper.
  • The metabolism of fats is copper-dependent.
  • You cannot digest copper in your diet if you don’t have fat in your diet.

[48:10] Ascorbic Acid Is Destroying The Bioavailability of Copper

  • Ascorbic acid is not the whole food vitamin C complex.
  • Ascorbic acid is a prooxidant, whereas vitamin C molecule complex is an antioxidant.
  • Ascorbic acid blocks the absorption of copper.
  • You need to know that ascorbic acid, vitamin D, and zinc destroy the bioavailability of copper.
  • When you destroy the bioavailability of copper, iron rises in the tissue.

[57:40] How You Can Get More Copper Into Your Body Through Diet

  • We need to lower the iron footprint in our bodies and increase the copper footprint.
  • You need a mineral base in your water and in your foods.
  • Also, eat more real food that is organically grown.
  • Plus, more fat will be essential.
  • Get more cooper from bee pollen, real vitamin C, and grass-fed beef liver.
  • There is much more beta carotene in the grass than in oranges and carrots.
  • Also, to deal with stress, you need to have more magnesium in your diet.


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