Barbara G.C.B. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my bleeding gums

Barbara G.C.B. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my bleeding gums

Hi all……Been on the Root Cause Protocol for about a year……I have to share this…My entire life I have had bleeding gums. As a dental hygienist and Holistic Registered Nurse, I have encroached on every modality(lol) to correct this condition! Guess what???? Its been over a month now, I have not had a trace of gingival(gums) bleeding!!! I am thrilled and I thank Morley and administrators for The Root Cause Protocol!!! XO
Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | September 10, 2018

Dr. Ben Edwards | You’re the Cure | September 10, 2018

Morley talks to Dr. Ben Edwards about the role that retinol plays in turning genes on and turning genes off. 

They also discuss how high fructose corn syrup and supplemental synthetic vitamin D interfere with this process.

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Monika T. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my overheating

Monika T. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my overheating

For 35 years, I was unable to go outside in the heat for more than a few minutes without becoming overheated. As a police officer in IL, I landed in the ambulance or hospital more than once because of overheating with my gear on. I implemented the Root Cause Protocol (the whole thing, not just magnesium) in January. I can now go outside on hikes for hours and, while I’m hot and sweaty, I’m no longer passing out. I live in AZ where the sun is much stronger (less humidity – YAY!) and I don’t need sunglasses anymore to drive where before I needed them as soon as I walked out the door. The RCP works, but it is intended to help your body heal itself so it must be done together (do start slowly though) and it will not happen overnight. Best of luck!
C.M.D | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve multiple symptoms and overall health

C.M.D | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve multiple symptoms and overall health

Back in about July 2017, I reached a milestone, I recovered from the flu naturally.
Since 1983 (yes 34 years) I had consistently NOT recovered from any cold, flu or virus, have gone downhill, have developed a secondary infection, and have taken pain relief and antibiotics without exception. Between 6 and 10 courses of antibiotics per year.

I had been slowly and steadily studying, following the Root Cause Protocol and the Magnesium Advocacy Group’s ideas and recommendations for about 10 months.

I had an HTMA and blood test, I had given blood, I had for ten months been supporting my body with the AC, magnesium, footbaths with magnesium, borax and bicarbonate, taken DE in short periods, taken taurine, liver (by way of pate and desiccated), taken Rosita’s cod liver oil, bee pollen, drank magnesium water, cooked with ghee and used olive oil, and eaten a lot of citruses (including a fair amount of lemon, mandarin, grapefruit
and other things like whole-food-C powders such as Acai and innate response and others).

I have used turmeric (see Doug English’s research and a recipe for Golden
Paste), added coconut water to diet, added potassium as Cream of Tartar, added potassium bicarbonate (tip – stir in water for a while to allow bubbles to dissipate, otherwise, you get pain from gas pressure), eaten bananas and learned about foods which increase potassium. I refused pharmaceutical products except for magnesium chelates – and of those, I have rejected most as many include added Vitamin D, added calcium, citrates or ascorbates.

I no longer take iron tablets or infusions or listen to my doctor’s suggestion that I am low in iron. That was difficult but, over time, accompanied by (privately organized) blood tests which indicate low ceruloplasmin levels, I felt more confident to say that instead of iron I’d prefer to eat liver. More than just liver is required to address what the doctor describes as iron deficiency, but for the sake of saying no to iron pills, I have insisted on liver ‘pills’ instead, in the doctor’s rooms.

In my opinion, the reason for my health problems was lack of bioavailable copper, iron burden and insufficient salts. Ceruloplasmin transports iron into the bloodstream. I didn’t have enough. When I worked to increase the production of ceruloplasmin with Cod Liver Oil, grass-fed organic beef liver and Whole food vitamin C (and omitting things which decrease copper – such as ascorbic acid), my set of symptoms began to dramatically change.

To start with the change was shaky. Now, in June 2018, I am confident,
relaxed, well, and have a clear mind, no health issues and no fatigue.
By October 2017 I had not visited my doctor in a long time. Here are my comments from that time: I have more tolerance towards myself and allow a little time and instinct instead of delegating my authority to my doctor. My children are simply not getting sick. I have not required assistance with my workload as a parent of three young children, house, cooking, grocery shopping, the economics of the family or their school and sports commitments, and I have more than doubled my own
career workload.

I feel I am expressing my own capacity to a high-performance level
and am proud and surprised by that. I drink salty water often and add extra Camu powder when I am unwell or tired. I take Innate Response C-400 twice per day. I have more than doubled my fluid intake. I no longer have any cravings for salts or chocolate, and I sit and rest more often, letting my body do its work. If I feel the pain I rub magnesium lotion at the site. I no longer suffer migraine, headache, dark urine, chronic fatigue, air hunger, infections, swollen ankles, sleep paralysis, feelings of anxiety, feelings of melancholy, repetitive obsessive or paranoid thoughts, apathy or lack of motivation. I am enjoying reading fiction occasionally (a marker of joy and satisfaction, no?!).

I now (October 2017) have enough energy and desire to exercise. (Previously, for more than two decades I would become sick culminating with an infection within two days of exercise, starting with a taste of blood in my throat). I now realize that was severe adrenal fatigue.

I no longer suffer hypoglycemia after eating. I no longer have blind spots and lightheadedness. My night waking has decreased and my sleep is restful. My menstrual loss is normal/light, lasting only about three days, manageable without discomfort or accidents, and not clot. Previously it was exceedingly heavy, disturbingly clotted, perhaps described better as a hemorrhage lasting a week, and I would not be comfortable going out without access to a bathroom.

I still suffer occasionally with mild restless legs and sensory aura, but from a chronic permanent condition to a less than once per 6 weeks slight occurrence – and with full confidence about how to treat when it occurs.
The ‘official’ western medicine diagnoses which I have recovered from are Atypical Migraine; Insomnia with non-specific mood disorder; Reactive Hypoglycemia; Histamine Intolerance; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Anxiety Disorder, Restless Leg Syndrome, recurring Glandular Fever, Ross River Virus, and Shingles.

The unofficial (natural medicine/alternative medicine) conditions I have recovered from our Adrenal Fatigue, Panic Disorder, Suspected (not diagnosed) Lyme, The symptoms I no longer suffer are a long list. I had what you would describe as fibromyalgia but not as a stand-alone diagnosis, rather a set of symptoms – and in my case attributed by the doctor to the viral/infections diagnoses. I was intolerant to wheat
and dairy, caffeine, chocolate and wine. I can tolerate all these now. But there was a time at the height of my health crisis when I could not move my leg or hand on one side. I was being brain scanned and in the hospital to explore whether there was demyelination which would indicate MS.

I could not sleep for longer than about three hours, I had sleep paralysis, I was hallucinating, I was manic and energized at night with eyes popping out of my head. I suffered badly. I was in despair due to so many symptoms and the chronic lack of sleep. Within the Australian health system I
was managed and medicated with prescribed pharmaceuticals (for anxiety and migraine), paying two general practitioners (western medicine doctors), two neurologists – one private practice, one public health system hospital emergency care and outpatient follow-ups, a professor of neurology and stroke, and an endocrinologist.
I was also being treated by multiple supportive and alternative therapies including two naturopaths, a nutritionist, acupuncturist, kinesiologist and osteopath.

Now, in June 2018, I wanted to return to update my testimony. I was recalled to see the doctor for an unrelated standard check-up for women’s health, and she asked to review my blood due to my chronic history of fatigue and iron deficiency. I said I didn’t want to take iron tablets when she called back to say the blood showed ‘low iron’. We discussed the liver. I felt exasperated with her lack of recognition that I have no fatigue or other symptoms anymore. I left on the agreement that she could send a
blood request to me every three months to track my iron without supplementing, and continuing with the liver.

Recently I wrote a letter explaining and requesting that if I
where to get the iron studies done, then would she please add ceruloplasmin to the pathology request? It is good to feel confident enough to speak like this to a doctor, however, it has been two years and nine months now and there is no need for me to feel I cannot speak my mind. I look forward to a review of my ceruloplasmin and hope it has increased, to quantify the felt sense of full recovery. I attribute my history of ill health to both severe lack of bioavailable copper, and magnesium and potassium deficiencies, coupled with an iron burden. My tip is to pursue health and trust the body can recover over time.

Bernadette K. | The Root Cause Protocol improved my energy levels and anxiety symptoms

Bernadette K. | The Root Cause Protocol improved my energy levels and anxiety symptoms

Okay, so my 11-year-old son was diagnosed at 8 with a brain tumour. He had hydrocephalus which led to vision problems which led to a diagnosis. We were shocked. I had fed him a Weston Price/ancestral diet his whole life. I thought we were covered. But the food is not enough. Because of my own imbalances (diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and EBV in high school), my poor boy came into the world already imbalanced. He always had white spots on his nails, no matter how much zinc or red meat we gave him. He got sick more than his younger brothers, and the sickness was always drawn out. He had compromised adrenals. He lacked energy. After his diagnosis (non-cancerous tumour, by the way) we saw an ND. Unfortunately, he is very misinformed. He gave us more zinc. He put my son on D3. He cost a lot to see and the endless supplements were breaking us. The Root Cause Protocol is SO affordable compared to what we were paying. But when you are faced with a brain tumour, and you don’t know what to do about it, what else is there to do? We saw some improvements overall, but I wasn’t satisfied. In the meantime, the stress and my own health problems were tanking me. I could only barely push myself to take care of my family. Our whole family was a mess. I was desperate. I prayed that God would help me find a solution. I had no idea what to do and I begged for help. A friend belongs to this [Magnesium Advocacy Group] on Facebook and one day I saw the group recommended. I joined, I devoured the information. The protocol really resonated with me and I jumped in. That was nine months ago. I can’t tell you how much better I am doing, first of all. My constant anxiety is gone. I feel so much better mentally, just positive and content. My fatigue is gently and slowly lifting. I am seeing so many positive small improvements in my own health! I have a long way to go, but I’m moving in the right direction. My son had incredibly high iron on his blood test and Morley and I both agreed that he is really dumping his toxic iron load. His body is balancing! He is gradually gaining stamina and focus. He is sleeping really well, eating really well and doing a great job keeping up with his younger brothers. His own anxiety is a thing of the past. The whole family is experiencing a shift toward balance. I am amazed that what seems to be such a simple protocol is this powerful! It is masterfully put together! Stay the course everyone, we can get better! My son’s tumour is deep in his brain and we are just watching it at this point with yearly MRI’s. Morley said that our goals for my son are that he will never need brain surgery and that the tumour will shrink. I know that this will be the case, and when that happens I will let you all know!