December 8, 2015
Iron Toxicity Post #10: OK, know anybody who’s struggling with Arrhythmias?

(Formerly #12)

Know anybody who’s struggling with arrhythmias? 

I just happened upon this gem of an article: 

Kuryshev, Y.A., et al. (1999). “Decreased Sodium and Increased Transient Outward Potassium Currents in Iron-Loaded Cardiac Myocytes”

It turns out that excess iron is now recognized as the source of “arrhythmogenesis” (a way of saying it creates arrhythmia). The last line of this article: 

“The specific K+ (potassium) channel affected by iron may, therefore be a target for treatment of the arrhythmias caused by iron-overload cardiomyopathy.”

And there’s one other amazing factoid that says it all in this article: 

“Because the rat can excrete excess iron, cardiac iron deposition could not be produced in vivo in this species.”

What this means is that it is a recognized fact that rats have the natural ability to produce vitamin C (not ascorbic acid, mind you) and what surprised me was that rats have the natural ability to excrete iron!

There are two very important conclusions to be drawn:

  1. All cardiac studies based on rats are totally invalid, as the reduced iron status of these rodents puts a wrench in to thousands & thousands of studies.
  2. Take more wholefood vitamin C!  Now this is a stretch, but if a rat can use their natural ability to “excrete excess iron,” why can’t we? No, I can find no research to back that up, but given that I descend from a family that all kicked the bucket via their hearts that stopped working, I’m not going to hesitate to pursue this with a vengeance.

For those of you who are perplexed by arrhythmias, please read this article carefully and know that excess, unmanaged Iron is the bad guy, and wholefood vitamin C is the good guy.

A votre sante!


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