October 5, 2015
Iron Toxicity Post #5: A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency

(Formerly #7)

Iron stains on live

To any and all still thinking that more iron is the best way to treat iron anemia, please read the following:

Lee, G.R., et al. (1968). “Iron metabolism in copper deficient swine.”


Please do not be alarmed or afraid of the 1968 publication.  It is a stellar article about iron metabolism and copper deficiency.

The stunner is found in the discussion: 

“A deficiency of Ceruloplasmin (Cp) is one of the earliest manifestations of Copper deficiency.” (Lahey, 1952)

And finally, please know that we would be the copper deficient swine in this study.

Hope this clarifies the critical, central role of copper and ceruloplasmin in the optimal metabolism of iron.

A votre sante!


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