Another day, another chance to clear the air about what REALLY causes so-called “heart disease…”
Today’s assault on our sanity comes from a group of researchers from France writing about the impact that “Stress!” AND the perception of “Stress!” has on our chance of a heart attack. OMg!
Published in the online edition of European Heart Journal, it was summarized today (6/28/13) on Newsmax with the following title:
Stress Doubles Heart Attack Risk: Study
(Please take a moment to read this overview…)
Here are five recommendations noted from the study for how to address this elusive and mysterious health crisis that appears to be taking place between your heart and now your mind:
“1. Take several slow deep breaths periodically throughout the day. Deep breathing can shift the body out of the fight-or-flight response.
2. Exercise regularly. Cardiovascular exercise teaches the body how to handle the physiological effects of stress. It also helps reduce anxiety and depression.
3. Eat as healthfully as possible. Chronic or acute stress may trigger the desire to dive into high-calorie comfort foods. However, after an initial flash of relief, you will tend to feel lethargic, fatigued and possibly worse than you did before.
4. Identify stressful triggers, and create a plan to help you cope.
5. Instead of stressing about your health, be proactive and find ways to improve it. If you have high blood pressure, learn how to lower the sodium in your diet. Start walking a few days a week to strengthen your heart and help manage weight.”
Did you notice anything missing?… Hint: it’s the metabolic mineral that runs our body, and our hearts…
This research team elected to treat this crisis as a “mental/emotional” phenomenon. I can just hear these authors now: “Why if the public found out that it’s a biologic issue — born of a simple mineral deficiency — due to a failing processed food system and toxic Rx meds, well, there’s no telling what they would do…”
It’s utterly amazing…