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Student Testimonial | Amelia Ruifrok

Meet Amelia Ruifrok- a certified Root Cause Protocol Consultant and certified PSYCH-K® Facilitator. Amelia suffered many health issues from childhood onwards, including chronic fatigue, a painful menstrual cycle, recurrent urinary tract infections, endometriosis,...

Student Testimonial | Nicole Moneer

For 20+ years Nicole Moneer suffered from asthma, allergies, reoccurring sinus infections, IBS, chronic fatigue, adrenal dysfunction, acne, severe PMS, pre-cancerous cells, and ruptured ovarian cysts to name a few. In 2006 and on a plethora of medications, Nicole...

Student Testimonial | Julia Boser

Julia Boser spent years suffering from many symptoms including chronic fatigue, brain fog, and hormonal issues, before she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism at 42 years of age, followed by a melanoma diagnosis at 45. It was at this time that she got serious about her...