How long have you been following the Protocol?A year and a half. What health issues/symptoms led you to the protocol?High blood pressure. What changes have you seen in your health from starting/following the protocol?Normal blood pressure after 4 months of the RCP....
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Dr Ben Edwards – You’re The Cure | Bioavailable Copper and Ceruloplasmin, Energy Creation and Energy Loss, Pathogens, Excess Iron, Labile Iron Pool, Vitamin D, Infertility | February 3, 2020
Dr Ben Edwards | You’re The Cure, February 3, 2020 – Dr. Ben & Morley discuss several topics inlcuding: Bioavailable copper and ceruloplasmin, energy creation and energy loss, pathogens, excess iron, labile iron pool, Vitamin D, Infertility…
Stephanie J. | Thanks to the RCP I am no longer at risk of sudden death and have some quality of life back
Stephanie describes her experience with the Root Cause Protocol and how applying the protocol has helped her fight severe hypercalcemia.
Tami T.S. | The Root Cause Protocol helped me with my irregular and heavy periods
December 7, 2017 I had terrible heavy and irregular periods my entire life. At 52, I am still having periods and since starting The Rood Cause Protocol four months ago, I now have regular, normal periods with only one slightly cranky day. It is quite a miracle and I...
Jolene M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped increase my energy levels
I have lost weight, feel more energy now than in my younger days, and was able to get off blood pressure meds. My son has implemented the protocol as well and was able to come off benzodiazepines. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and being a blessing to my family!