Stephanie J. | Thanks to the RCP I am no longer at risk of sudden death and have some quality of life back

Stephanie J. | Thanks to the RCP I am no longer at risk of sudden death and have some quality of life back

“… thanks to the RCP… I am no longer at risk of sudden death and I have some quality of life back. Today, I’m on ZERO medications, I sleep 6-7 hours/night, my heart has normal rhythm, I haven’t had a seizure in over a year, my blood pressure is normal…”

Two years ago today, I was at Cleveland Clinic with stroke-level blood pressure, severe heart arrhythmia/palpitations, seizures, a sudden-onset ulcer, intractable insomnia (hadn’t slept more than 2 hours PER WEEK for nearly a year). Over that year, I had been put on 3 different blood pressure medications, anti-anxiety medications, high- dose prescription antacids, and various sleep medications – none of which helped. After an entire two days of testing, the doctors at Cleveland Clinic told me they had no idea what was wrong with me and they sent me home saying they couldn’t help me other than to say to keep taking all the medication I was already prescribed. I was in such bad shape I could not leave the house and could barely function at all. I would have another entire year of suffering, not knowing what was wrong with me, being in and out of various hospitals, and seeing a myriad of doctors and specialists before finding out what was really wrong.

Thanks to the Magnesium Advocacy Group and all the bloodwork done by the Center For Holistic Medicine, I discovered I had severe hypercalcemia caused by vitamin D3 supplementation (10,000 IU/day) prescribed by my former doctor. I know I still have 2 more years to go before all the D3 is out of my body, but thanks to the RCP, which I started in April 2018, I am no longer at risk of sudden death and I have some quality of life back. Today, I’m on ZERO medications, I sleep 6-7 hours/night, my heart has normal rhythm, I haven’t had a seizure in over a year, my blood pressure is normal and – did I mention – I no longer take any medications.

For what it’s worth, most likely I would have had severe arterial calcium build-up if not for the fact that I have been on a low carb, high fat (LCHF) way of eating for more than 7 years. It quite literally saved my life or I wouldn’t have been able to survive nearly 3 years of hypercalcemia without developing wide-spread arteriosclerosis. I’m also a testimony to healthy fats and cholesterol being protective to the body.

Now I just have to continue working with my RCPC, Patrick Boyle, who is amazing, and hopefully, my thyroid function will return. The D3 overdose destroyed much of my retinol, which is required for the conversion of T4 to T3. My T3 is extremely low and it resulted in a lot of weight gain over the past 6 months despite continuing with a very low carb WOE. So, I’m hoping to be less fat in the near future.

Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | July 1, 2019

Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | July 1, 2019

On today’s show, Morley joins Dr Ben Edwards to discuss a range of issues, including:

copper ‘toxicity’ from an IUD

whole food vitamin C and retinol

ceruloplamin’s effect on ‘disease’

enzymes and their work in the body

low zinc (stress, magnesium being replaced with zinc, and copper)

getting zinc in diet (oysters)

vitamin D supplementation,

putting trust and hope in the ‘white coat’

being an active participant in your health

iron interacting with adrenaline to create psychosis

AND more!

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Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | June 10, 2019

Dr. Ben Edwards; You’re the Cure | June 10, 2019



On today’s show, Morley is interviewed by Dr. Ben. They discuss many of the new things Morley has been learning and researching, including:

  • The liver is the main storage area for vitamin A and copper, and how this relates to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Iron disruption is a big part of this. We are bombarded with iron in today’s world. Our bodies are great at recycling iron. Once we eat it, it almost never leaves. A lot of people’s diet is fortified with iron. Couple this with the recycling that our bodies do, and we become overrun with iron.
  • The macrophage is the key to this recycling, and copper helps with regulating (chaperoning) the iron.
  • What serum iron and serum ferritin levels are and what a high or low level means.
  • How inflammation causes ceruloplasmin to lose its copper. When you lose the copper, iron is able to overrun the body. This extra iron mixes with oxygen in the body and causes oxidation (rust).
  • Age-related microdegeneration and its relation to iron and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
  • 10 minutes of good sunshine is long enough to make plenty of vitamin D for your body.

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4Health by Anna Sparre | Copper and Iron Minerals (Episode 220b) | May 19, 2019

4Health by Anna Sparre | Copper and Iron Minerals (Episode 220b) | May 19, 2019

Morley has appeared as a guest of Anna Sparre’s 4Health podcast, based in Sweden across a series of podcasts.

Morley discussed with Anna how copper, iron and the very important ceruloplasmin relate to our health.

Have you been fooled to believe that copper is the bad guy that needs to be held back by zinc? Or that iron is a mineral you are deficient of?

They discussed how this couldn’t be further from the truth, based on the published research Morley reads and shares.

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4Health by Anna Sparre | Vitamin D. Minerals (Episode 219b) | May  5, 2019

4Health by Anna Sparre | Vitamin D. Minerals (Episode 219b) | May 5, 2019

Morley has appeared as a guest of Anna Sparre’s 4Health podcast, based in Sweden across a series of podcasts.

In the second of four podcasts, Morley and Anna discuss vitamin D supplementation, blood levels of vitamin D and what they say about inflammation; vitamin D in relation to other vitamins and minerals and much more.

The video clip they are referring to regarding the relationship between the active and inactive forms of vitamin D in relation to inflammation has been published in one of Anna’s earlier blog posts here (5 minutes into the clip).

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