September M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my overall health

September M. | The Root Cause Protocol helped with my overall health

For every newbie reading, researching and reaching out. For everyone in the beginning stages of this process lifestyle. Today is the very first day in SIX years. I have felt that my body was not working against me. Six years of iron infusions, blood transfusions and b-12 injections and today…I felt whole. Like my body was functioning “altogether,” and it wasn’t an effort to feel good. Five weeks of the Root Cause Protocol and all the Starts and Stops. I could feel the detox and have had some awful days, but today… I am counting as my first WHOLE day. Hang in there. Research. Read and read more. Asking questions is wonderful. But, following Root Cause Protocol and implementing slowly and steadily is the KEY. Add in HOPE. I did it, and I want you to know it wasn’t by accident. I know I have a long ways to go. But one good and a strong day after six years is a blessing beyond compare!
Silvia D. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Ferritin and electrolyte levels

Silvia D. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my Ferritin and electrolyte levels

Anemia? Of course not!

I’m so glad I found this group and didn’t take the synthetic iron pills! As Morley Robbins says, trust Mother Nature!

Your body will fix itself if you give a little help!

Thanks to Morley Robbins and Root Cause Protocol, in LESS than ONE month of The RCP my Ferritin went from 7.3 (10-291) to 12; my circulating iron from 43 (50-170) to 79, and my platelets from 125 (150-400) to 151! And all my electrolytes are balanced!

Eat right, do the RCP and let your body do the rest!

I can’t thank you enough Dr Morley Robbins for your work, and this amazing group.

Jane N. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my overall health

Jane N. | The Root Cause Protocol helped improve my overall health

I went to the doctor today and couldn’t contain my excitement. I’ve had x-rays, ultrasounds and enough blood tests to fill an entire person trying to get to the bottom of what the hell is wrong with me. But after discovering The Root Cause Protocol, I’ve been focusing on getting my magnesium intake up and purging unbound iron. The swelling in my feet is gone, my leg & calf cramps are gone, my restless leg syndrome is gone, my insomnia and heart palpitations are gone. My anxiety is practically gone, I have so much more energy. I feel 10 years younger. I’m not waking up fatigued. I feel incredible, I’m riding my horse again and I’m going to work happy!!