Student Testimonial | Christine Driscoll

Student Testimonial | Christine Driscoll

The RCP has shifted the way I work with clients. I have always believed the body can heal itself in the right environment, I just never knew what the right environment is. Now I know!

Christine Driscoll

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

Student Testimonial | Christine Driscoll

Student Testimonial | Angie Cook

“When I started the RCPC training, I was already a Holistic Nutritionist and a Wellness Coach. This training prepared me to work with my clients in a way that gave me more confidence and knowledge then any other training that I have completed.

Angie Cook

Want to learn more?

For info on the RCP Institute training, visit

To download your FREE copy of the RCP Handbook mentioned, visit:

The Energy Blueprint | Is Copper The Secret of Curing Your Fatigue? | October 15, 2022

The Energy Blueprint | Is Copper The Secret of Curing Your Fatigue? | October 15, 2022

Morley speaks with Ari Whitten about chronic fatigue (and most chronic disease) being caused predominantly by copper dysregulation. He explores this in depth in this podcast episode.

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Student Testimonial | Nicole Moneer

Student Testimonial | Nicole Moneer

For 20+ years Nicole Moneer suffered from asthma, allergies, reoccurring sinus infections, IBS, chronic fatigue, adrenal dysfunction, acne, severe PMS, pre-cancerous cells, and ruptured ovarian cysts to name a few.

In 2006 and on a plethora of medications, Nicole found natural healing through an integrative chiropractor and was able to reverse decades of chronic health problems, which inspired her to further her career in holistic nutrition and lifestyle coaching.

In 2017 she began the RCP and was able to significantly improve her energy, and now no longer suffers from any chronic conditions.

In 2020 she became a Root Cause Protocol Consultant and has integrated the protocol into her health practice to help many women around the world.

You can find Nicole at:

Student Testimonial | Annette Presley

Student Testimonial | Annette Presley

Annette Presley is a Dietician of 30 years, Functional Nutritionist and RCP Institute graduate. She took the training to better inform her existing health practice.

She has seen incredible results with her clients and has also been able to support her family and her own health using the RCP.

You can find Annette at: