Below are some commonly asked questions with regards to emotional stress and the RCP. Click on the link to read the section, or scroll through them all.

Stress and the RCP

We all have stress, and we all know that too much stress is bad – news flash, right? But when it comes to stress it is important to know that we face both external and internal stressors. 

External stressors include things like poor food, poor water, poor air quality, poor supplements, toxins in our environment, lack of exercise, substance abuse, etc. Internal stressors would include things like negative self-talk, feelings of being out of control, misperceptions, anger, unrealistic expectations of oneself, and fear. These are examples of emotional stress. All of this emotional stress will lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, and various ailments throughout the body. 

It is important to not downplay the stressors in your life. We want to identify our stressors, and then mitigate and/or release as many of them as possible, while not becoming overly fixated on them.

Old tapes and thought loops playing in your head can lock your body into a state of survival and rob you of key nutrients. More specifically, unchecked stress will deplete your body of important nutrients, such as B vitamins, magnesium, and eventually copper. B vitamins support a healthy mood and stress response in the body. Magnesium also supports a healthy mood and stress response, and is also crucial in the proper production of energy at the cellular level. Copper is also crucial for proper energy production, as well as being instrumental in the management of oxygen, iron, deactivating the oxidants that lead to oxidative stress, and much more. This is why the RCP places supreme focus on bioavailable copper.

The RCP aims to mitigate both external and internal stress as much as possible through the steps of the free RCP Handbook, found here. However, oftentimes when people come to the RCP they are very excited to get to work on the physical side of things and forget about the importance of also working on the internal. Everything in the body is connected! 


What is Emotional Stress?

What is important to understand is that we all experience and respond to stress differently. Certain forms of stress can register as massive stressors for some people, and for others the same stressor is no big deal. Exploring and reflecting on what really triggers you, what your fears are, what really stresses you out – and then getting to work on releasing all of this is paramount to your healing journey. 

When it comes to stress we have general day-to-day stress. On top of this, many of us have deeper emotional stress such as unresolved traumas and fears. Unresolved traumas and fears become rooted in our subconscious mind, which then contributes to our bodies becoming locked in the fight or flight response…and eventually the response of feeling frozen.  

Managing your day-to-day stress is of course important! This includes things like meditation, journaling, breathing exercises, as well as the RCP Starts of joyful movement and smart sun exposure. But when it comes to releasing the deep seated emotional stress – the traumas, the fears, the self-sabotaging behaviors, we recommend going deeper with specific emotional release modalities that help to reduce the “charge” that past events can still hold over us. These specific modalities can also help to “rewire” the subconscious mind. Options here include EFT, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing), Emotion Code, and Psych-K. 

Releasing emotional stress is an official RCP Start that can be found in Phase X. The importance of emotional release work is also frequently discussed in the RCP Webinars (free), Premium Community Q&A’s, and throughout the RCP Institute. Despite this encouragement however, releasing emotional stress is oftentimes a very overlooked step of the RCP, and health in general. 

Morley has worked with thousands of people, and he encourages everyone he works with to practice some form of emotional release work. Morley has stated that those who achieve real breakthrough recovery in their health are the ones who do engage in emotional release work. But despite this encouragement, Morley has also stated that unfortunately many do not engage in the emotional release work. 

We understand that for many it is more comfortable (or even fun) to look for and experiment with the next supplement or new diet as a way to hopefully improve our health. We also understand that going into our past and addressing trauma and fear can seem daunting. However, the beauty of modalities like EFT is that for many they are actually easier on the body and mind than traditional talk therapy. This is because unlike traditional talk therapy not a lot of time is spent discussing the stressor. Rather, the stressor is acknowledged, briefly discussed, and then the therapeutic steps of the modality ensue. That said, we do recommend that you begin to properly mineralize your body via Phase 1 of the Root Cause Protocol before starting any emotional release work. Many have found the adrenal cocktails to be especially supportive during this process. 

And now let’s discuss some emotional release modalities in more detail…


What is EFT and how does it work?

EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a favorite of many in the RCP community because it gives results and is easy to incorporate into your routine. EFT is also known by some as, “tapping”. It involves tapping on various acupressure points on the body while acknowledging current or past stressors, followed by positive affirmations that are appropriate to you and your situation. What’s really interesting is that there are over 300 peer-reviewed studies on the effectiveness of tapping. 

Some other positives to EFT include the fact that it’s easy and potentially free to start experimenting with. You can view free videos online that walk you through it. There is also a paid app called “The Tapping Solution”, which many have found to be a great tool. However, it is important to note that while free online videos and possibly the app are great introductions to EFT and can be helpful tools on their own, we recommend working with an EFT practitioner to really address and release deep seated fears and traumas. 

Morley has stated that “high IQ people are drawn to the RCP”. He has also stated that the character flaw of many highly intelligent people is that of being a control freak. Working with a practitioner means that they will be in control and guiding the session, which is important with emotional release work. 

Please checkout this link if you are interested in working with an EFT practitioner.

For more information on EFT please view this video


What is EMDR and how does it work?

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing. EMDR is said to be especially beneficial for those struggling with PTSD. During an EMDR session the therapist works to keep the patient as comfortable as possible, while working towards the goal of the patient. During the session the patient will talk about their past traumas while experiencing some form of bi-lateral stimulation, usually involving the eyes. Oftentimes this will include the patient watching something right in front of them, such as a series of lights, or simply the fingertips of the practitioner. The bi-lateral stimulation helps encourage the brain to properly process these past events and desensitize the patient, and retelling the story becomes easier and easier. 

The feelings around painful memories will often shift during an EMDR session. The way people view themselves around past traumas can be dramatically different, and the memories around traumatic events hold less power over the patient following EMDR. 

Please checkout this link if you are interested in working with an EMDR practitioner.

For more information on EMDR please view this video

Emotion Code

What is Emotion Code and how does it work?

Dr. Bradley Nelson is the creator and author of The Emotion Code. This modality is designed to identify and release trapped negative emotions that are contributing to anger, depression, anxiety, pain and other health ailments. An Emotion Code session can be conducted in person, or remotely. 

During an Emotion Code session trapped emotions are identified through a series of specific questions and kinesiology. This process brings trapped emotions into your consciousness where they can then be released. Many recommend beginning with 4 weekly, or bi-weekly sessions and then reassessing. Many report immediate improvements, while others report that the benefits take place over the following days or weeks after a session. This will depend on the individual.

It is possible to perform the Emotion Code modality on yourself, but for many, working with a skilled practitioner is likely to give the best results, especially if you are new to this modality. 

Please checkout this link if you are interested in working with an Emotion Code practitioner.

For more information on Emotion Code please view this video


What is Psych-K and how does it work? 

Psych-K, also known as Mind Key, is a modality that is used to release trauma, as well as negative perceptions about oneself. During a Psych-K session the entire brain (left and right hemispheres) is activated. In this state of what has been referred to as “the whole brain state”, patients are said to be able to quickly and effectively process stress and past trauma. Psych-K is also useful in helping to quickly facilitate new self-empowering and positive beliefs. 

To begin with, clients are encouraged to identify past traumas, as well as self sabotaging or limiting beliefs. The next step is for clients to communicate their priorities and any goals they would like to achieve in life, as well as positive affirmations that resonate with them, which will be used during the session.  

During the session muscle testing is performed to establish communication to the subconscious mind, and to determine the appropriate measures to be taken during the session.  

Please checkout this link if you are interested in working with a Psych-K practitioner. 

For more information on Psych-K please watch this video. 


Please know that you do not have to utilize all of the modalities listed above. Many find that they will resonate with one modality over another. Whichever modality you are currently drawn to, and whichever modality fits your current budget and schedule is likely the best one for you now. But this could change in the future. Please also feel free to explore other modalities, such as massage, reflexology, acupuncture, biomagnetism, and biofeedback. 

If you would like more information about the impact of stress on the body and how it relates to the RCP, please look at the recordings of our many free Webinars. Specifically the October 2023 and March 2022 Webinars, which go deep on the topic of stress. 

A great article to read is: How Chronic Fear Results In Hypoxia in Tissues and Cancer in Humans through Bohr Effect. This is an amazing article that talks about how fear creates hypoxia and cancer in humans, and will help you connect more dots on the importance of releasing emotional stress. 

The most important thing to remember is that you will never reclaim or reach your full health potential if you do not take steps to release emotional stress. 

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