Special Notes
- To order Blood Work and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) for an RCP Consult, we have compiled the following list of laboratories. If your region is not listed below, it is because we have not found a lab in your area. Please seek out a lab that can fulfill the test requirements above. (And when you find one, please contact Customer Service so that we can add that information to this list.)
- We understand that ordering these tests may at times be a little confusing and even a bit frustrating… Each lab in each region has different prices, different procedures, different rules, etc. But hang in there — these labs will be incredibly useful for you to understand your baseline, and to track improvement over time.
Worldwide – Bloods
Different labs in different regions of the world may have different names for any (or all) of these tests. Please work with the lab and/or your physician if you need to translate this into your local options.
*Please also know that each lab will have its own suggested guidelines for fasting prior to having blood labs drawn. Even though some providers state that one or more weeks of abstinence from mineral supplementation is required, this is not necessary for the Full Monty blood panel below. Fasting from food and supplements for 8-12 hours and abstinence from alcohol for 24 hours is sufficient, even if your provider instructs otherwise.
See Lab Tests General FAQ for more detail on ordering blood labs.
Ultimately we want to look at the following blood markers (aka the “Full Monty blood panel”):
- “Iron studies”, including:
- Serum Iron
- Total Iron-binding Capacity (TIBC) and/or Saturation
- Serum Transferrin
- Serum Ferritin
- Serum Copper
- Serum Ceruloplasmin (or Caeruloplasmin)
- Red Blood Cell (RBC) Magnesium
- Plasma Zinc
- Hemoglobin (or Haemaglobin)
- Vitamin A (Retinol)
- Vitamin D (storage form: 25-OH){some areas can’t get all, but we do recommend trying to get them!}
- Uric Acid
Some countries have ‘pay your own’ testing options available for bloods. You may be able to seek companies that do independent testing for verifying life insurance policies, for pre-employment checks or other non-medical system uses. They may not advertise the option, but if you contact them, they may be able to do the tests.
If you find a company who will do the tests, please share and we will update the information here!
Worldwide – HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis)
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is tool used to gain insight into the nutrient profile of your hair. Testing your hair will give your consultant ways to help you understand insight into your personal situation, how your body responds to stress and other aspects too. The preferred laboratory we suggest is Trace Elements Inc (TEI).
We have covered specific options that we are aware of for the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Singapore. Please scroll down for these details.
If you live in New York State, there are state regulations preventing HTMA tests being processed. Please talk to your RCP Consultant to discuss your situation.
Many other countries will be able to order HTMA’s via Even Better Now – TEI Profile 1.
Testing Resources By Country
Many people are able to work with their healthcare professional to order some (or all) of these tests, and have some (or all) of the costs covered by their health insurance. Some are not… Your mileage will vary based on what State you are in, your health insurance, and your healthcare practitioner.
- Blood
- Request A Test – This option is a bit more expensive that Ulta Labs, but it is available in a wider range of States, and also includes Vitamin A & D.
- Ulta Wellness – This option is less expensive than Request A Test, but it is not available in all states.
- Even Better Now – TEI Profile 1 Please note that we recommend obtaining only the Profile 1 hair kit. If you would like to work with a RCP Consultant, you can find our current RCP Consultants in the RCP Consultant Directory.
- Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services , so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering.
Unfortunately, many Canadians report challenges with requesting tests from their physicians. And depending on where you live, you are more restricted with what you can request yourself. Options to investigate via your health care provider (or possibly DIY) could include:
- Blood
- Your RCP Consultant will be able to assist you in working with your doctor to obtain the correct lab tests.
- Even Better Now – TEI Profile 1
- Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services , so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering.
- Blood
- i-Screen is now available for private blood tests. i-Screen offers two options:
- Root Cause Protocol 1 – this is the Full Monty blood panel – with the exception of Red Cell Magnesium, vitamin A and vitamin D
- Root Cause Protocol 2 – this is the Full Monty blood panel – with the exception of Red Cell Magnesium – including vitamin A and vitamin D
- Note: There are currently only one pathology – Douglas Hanly Moir (DHM), in Australia that supports Red Cell Magnesium testing in the measure we use but iScreen found it logistically challenging so it has been removed from their panels. You may be able to obtain it via GP etc. but you would need to contact DHM for specific instructions in order for the test to be performed correctly.
- iMedical
- Please be aware that iMedical does not check the Magnesium RBC, they only check serum magnesium
- Please also be aware that Vitamin A and Vitamin D are separate add-ons
- i-Screen is now available for private blood tests. i-Screen offers two options:
- Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services, so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering. If you plan to work with an Australian consultant, we do suggest ordering it with them if you can. They get the results directly from the lab and can quickly get them to you ready to consult together.
- Interclinical Laboratories – Use their “Contact Us” form and request “Profile 1 HTMA” test.
New Zealand
- Blood
- PathLab MAY be able to offer the ‘Full Monty’ tests via patient requested labs. Please contact them directly to discuss.
- It may be difficult to get serum ceruloplasmin and serum copper in some situations. It is worth asking your Doctor if they can do them, but being aware that they MAY not have used the measure/s before and may not know the right codes or that they can be ordered.
- Interclinical Laboratories – Use their “Contact Us” form and request “Profile 1 HTMA” test.
- Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services , so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering.
United Kingdom
- Blood
- TBA (Please get in touch with a RCP Consultant to gain assistance here – no direct options currently exist)
- Mineral State – the ‘Hair Test Basic’ is all you need.
- Mineral Check – the ‘Mineral Test (Graph Only)’ is all you need.
- Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services, so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering.
- Blood
- Innoquest MAY do blood tests without a Doctors referral.
They currently have seven branches around Singapore. All blood tests EXCEPT RBC Magnesium may be available. - Doctors may order the bloods through other laboratories too, but RBC Magnesium is unlikely to be an option.
- Innoquest MAY do blood tests without a Doctors referral.
- Spectrum Learning – if requested, you only need the basic profile/report option.
- Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services , so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering.
Other Countries
If your country is in the following list, a local company has an “exclusive distribution agreement” with TEI and you must order directly with that company or with a consultant who has registered with that company. Your RCP Consultant may provide or help you purchase your HTMA kit as part of their services , so we suggest asking them about this prior to ordering.
To find out details for the company in your country, please contact Trace Elements Inc (TEI) directly here.
- Countries with exclusive distribution agreements outside of Even Better Now:
- Argentina
- Australia (details listed elsewhere on this page)
- Brazil
- Chile
- China
- Croatia
- Denmark
- El Salvador
- Ecuador
- Finland
- Guatemala
- Hong Kong
- India
- Indonesia
- Jamaica
- Kuwait
- Malaysia
- Mexico
- Netherlands
- New Guinea
- New Zealand (details listed elsewhere on this page)
- Norway
- Poland
- Singapore (details listed elsewhere on this page)
- South Africa
- South Korea
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Taiwan
- Thailand
- United Arab Emirates.
Understanding What These Tests Mean…
Once you have ordered your lab work and received your test results, please read What Are The “Ideal” Lab Test Results?
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